Page 3529 of 3772 Results 35281 - 35290 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Dorn R.I. (2021): Assessing biological soil crusts as agents of Ca–Mg silicate dissolution and CO2 sequestration, Physical Geography, 42(6): 529–541

Biological soil crusts (BSCs) monitored over a 25-year period enhance the dissolution of the Ca-silicate plagioclase and the Mgsilicate olivine at Sonoran Desert and Colorado Plateau, USA, study sites. This first measured biological enhancement of weathering (BEW) for plagioclase is a mean of 2.3±0.4 and 3.0±0.4 for the Organic Pipe, Arizona and Moab, Utah study sites; and it is 4.9±0.8 and 3.9±0.3 for olivine at these respective sites. These BEWs are low compared to other biological agents … URL EN Read more... 

Emsen B., Sadi G., Bostanci A. & Aslan A. (2021): In vitro evaluation of cytotoxic, oxidative, genotoxic, and apoptotic activities of physodic acid from Pseudevernia furfuracea in HepG2 and THLE2 cells, Plant Biosystems, 155(6): 1111–1120

In the present study, cytotoxic (apoptotic and necrotic), antioxidant, prooxidant, genotoxic, and apoptosis- related genes expression modulatory effects of physodic acid (PA) isolated from Pseudevernia furfuracea on cancerous (HepG2) and healthy (THLE2) human liver cells were evaluated. Cytotoxic effects PA obtained from P. furfuracea on HepG2 and THLE2 cells were tested via MTT and LDH analyses. In order to determine genotoxic effect of PA, 8-OH-dG levels in the cells were measured. In addition, apoptotic … URL EN Read more... 

Din A., Niazi A., Khalid A. & Habib K. (2022): Sarcogyne balochistanensis sp. nov. (Acarosporales, Acarosporaceae) from Pakistan, Biology Bulletin, 49(SUPPL 3): S60-S65

In the present study, Sarcogynebalochistanensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The taxon is characterized by pale-white farinose thallus, polysporine type apothecia with quite taller hymenium, light brown sub-hymenium, large-wider asci and comparatively elongate and wider ascospores, these characters distinguish it from other species of the genus with a carbonized epihymenium. The ITS and LSU based phylogenetic analyses also support the identity of this species as new to science. A complete … URL EN Read more... 

Studzińska-Sroka E., Majchrzak-Celińska A., Bańdurska M., Rosiak N., Szwajgier D., Baranowska-Wójcik E., Szymański M., Gruszka W. & Cielecka-Piontek J. (2022): Is caperatic acid the only compound responsible for activity of lichen Platismatia glauca within the nervous system?, Antioxidants, 11(10): 2069 [30 p.]

Lichens are a source of various biologically active compounds. However, the knowledge about them is still scarce, and their use in medicine is limited. This study aimed to investigate the therapeutic potential of the lichen Platismatia glauca and its major metabolite caperatic acid in regard to their potential application in the treatment of central nervous system diseases, especially neurodegenerative diseases and brain tumours, such as glioblastoma. First, we performed the phytochemical analysis … URL EN Read more... 

Ellis C.J., Steadman C.E., Vieno M., Chatterjee S., Jones M.R., Negi S., Pandey B.P., Rai H., Tshering D., Weerakoonm G., Wolseley P., Reay D., Sharma S. & Sutton M. (2022): Estimating nitrogen risk to Himalayan forests using thresholds for lichen bioindicators, Biological Conservation, 265: 109401 [9 p.]

Himalayan forests are biodiverse and support the cultural and economic livelihoods of their human communities. They are bounded to the south by the Indo-Gangetic Plain, which has among the highest concentrations of atmospheric ammonia globally. This source of excess nitrogen pushes northwards into the Himalaya, generating concern that Himalayan forests will be impacted. To estimate the extent to which atmospheric nitrogen is impacting Himalayan forests we focussed on lichen epiphytes, which are … URL EN Read more... 

Tullus T., Lutter R., Randlane T., Saag A., Tullus A., Oja E., Degtjarenko P., Pärtel M. & Tullus H. (2022): The effect of stand age on biodiversity in a 130-year chronosequence of Populus tremula stands, Forest Ecology and Management, 504: 119833 [10 p.]

The effect of stand age on biodiversity in the stands of Populus tremula, a keystone tree species in boreal forests, has been insufficiently studied, although this knowledge is crucial for maintaining biodiversity in managed forests. We studied the assemblages of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens from a chronosequence of aspen stands (n = 20) with an age from 8 to 131 years, aiming to identify the main patterns in species richness and composition. Altogether, 72 vascular plant species … URL EN Read more... 

Felton A., Felton A.M., Wam H.K., Witzell J., Wallgren M., Löf M., Sonesson J., Lindbladh M., Björkman C., Blennow K., Cleary M., Jonsell M., Klapwijk M.J., Niklasson M., Petersson L., Rönnberg J., Sang Å.O., Wrethling F. & Hedwall P.-O. (2022): Forest biodiversity and ecosystem services from spruce-birch mixtures: The potential importance of tree spatial arrangement , Environmental Challenges, 6: 100407 [11 p.]

There is increasing empirical support for the biodiversity and ecosystem service (ES) benefits of mixed-species production forests. However, few studies control for the spatial arrangement of the trees within mixtures to determine the influence that clustering the tree species (patch scale mixtures), versus evenly dispersing them (intimate scale mixtures), may have for biodiversity and ES outcomes. To highlight the potential implications of altering tree spatial arrangement in mixtures, and the need … URL EN Read more... 

Jeong G.-S., Lee E.-Y., Kang M.-G., Nam S.-J., Park D. & Kim H. (2022): (S)-5-methylmellein isolated from an endogenous lichen fungus Rosellinia corticium as a potent inhibitor of human monoamine oxidase A, Processes, 10: 166 [13 p.]

In this study, the inhibitory activities against human monoamine oxidases (hMAOs) were evaluated using a library of 195 endogenous lichen fungi from Ukraine. Among them, the extract ELF68 of the endogenous fungus Rosellinia corticium from the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf. exhibited the strongest inhibitory activity against hMAO-A. Using the activity-guided method, (S)-5-methylmellein (5MM) was isolated from the extract and had an IC50 value of 5.31 µM for hMAO-A with a lower potency … URL EN Read more... 

An D.-F., Yang S.-J., Jiang L.-Q., Wang X.-Y., Huang X.-Y., Lang L., Chen X.-M, Fan M.-Q., Li G.-D., Jiang M.-G., Wang L.-S., Jiang C.-L. & Jiang Y. (2022): Nakamurella leprariae sp. nov., isolated from a lichen sample, Archives of Microbiology, 204: 19 [7 p.]

A novel actinobacterium, YIM 132084T, was isolated from Lepraria sp. lichen collected from Yunnan province, south-west PR China and identified by a polyphasic taxonomic approach. The strain was Gram-stain-positive, aerobic, catalase-positive, oxidase-negative, non-motile and coccus-shaped. Colonies were round, convex, smooth and light orange yellow in color. It grew at 10–40 °C (optimum 28 °C), at pH 6.0–11.0 (optimum pH 7.0) and in the presence of 0–4% NaCl (optimum 0%). Strain YIM … URL EN Read more... 

Presta A., Pellegrino F.A. & Martellos S. (2022): Learning-based automatic classification of lichens from images, Biosystems Engineering, 213: 119–132

Biomonitoring plays a crucial role in the assessment of air quality, as it allows to estimate the presence of pollutants, by measuring deviations from normality of the components of an ecosystem. Lichens are among the organisms most commonly used as bioindicators. The present study deals with the classification of lichen taxa from images, by means of a machine learning process based on patch classification. A given image is divided in non-overlapping patches, and each of them undergoes feature … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3529 of 3772 Results 35281 - 35290 of 37716