Page 3524 of 3679 Results 35231 - 35240 of 36790
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Dohi T., Iijima K., Machida M., Suno H., Ohmura Y., Fujiwara K., Kimura S. & Kanno F. (2022): Accumulation mechanisms of radiocaesium within lichen thallus tissues determined by means of in situ microscale localisation observation - PLoS ONE, 17(7): e0271035 [21 p.]

Many lichens are well known to accumulate radiocaesium and, thus acting as biomonitors of contamination levels. However, the actual localisation and chemical forms of radiocaesium in contaminated lichens have not yet been elucidated because, despite their high radioactivity, these forms are present in trace amounts as chemical entities. Here, we use autoradiography and demonstrate for the first time in situ microscale localisation of radiocaesium within thallus tissues to investigate the radiocaesium … URL EndNote Read more... 

Øvstedal D.O. (2022): The genera Aspicilia and Oxneriaria (Megasporaceae) in Antarctica - Australasian Lichenology, 90: 53-56

Three species are reported from Antarctica: A. gremmenii Øvstedal sp. nov., A. narssaquensis (Lynge) Thomson, which is new to the Southern Hemisphere, and Oxneriaria virginea (Hue) S.Y.Kondr. & L.Lökös, which is already known from the region. EndNote Read more... 

Elix J.A. (2022): Four new species of buellioid lichens (Caliciaceae, Ascomycota) from Australia - Australasian Lichenology, 90: 3-9

Amandinea meridionalis Elix from the Flinders Ranges in South Australia, A. wagoorooensis Elix from Carnarvon National Park in central Queensland, Buellia gaahnabulensis Elix from Mt Canobolas in central New South Wales, and B. purdieae Elix from southern Northern Territory and northern South Australia, are described as new to science. EndNote Read more... 

Elix J.A. & McCarthy P.M. (2022): Additional lichen records from Australia 88 - Australasian Lichenology, 90: 57-69

Lepra variolina (Nyl.) Q.Ren and Pseudopyrenula papuana Aptroot are reported for the first time from Australia. New State, Territory and oceanic island records are provided for 60 other species. EndNote Read more... 

Elix J.A. & van den Boom P.P.G. (2022): Three new species of buellioid lichens (Caliciaceae, Ascomycota) from Cape Verde - Australasian Lichenology, 90: 18-23

Amandinea santantaoensis Elix & van den Boom, Buellia rugulata Elix & van den Boom and Cratiria capeverdensis Elix & van den Boom, from Cape Verde, are described as new to science. EndNote Read more... 

Elvebakk A. (2022): Pannaria crispella comb. nov. and P. campbelliana Hue, two overlooked lichens from New Zealand - Australasian Lichenology, 90: 28-37

Psoroma sphinctrinum var. crispellum has been considered a synonym of Pannaria implexa, but it is a distinct species, recombined here as P. crispella. It forms a thin, filmy thallus on tree trunks, and consists of rounded, confluent squamules surrounded by a distinct black prothallus. The apothecia are initially simple with a well-defined central thalline plug. However, the plug soon expands into a labyrinth-like structure with undulate margins, unlike those of any other Pannariaceae. The ascospores … EndNote Read more... 

McCarthy P.M. (2022): A new saxicolous species of Enterographa (lichenized Ascomycota, Roccellaceae) from Lord Howe Island, Australia - Australasian Lichenology, 90: 24-27

Enterographa reticulata sp. nov. (Roccellaceae) is described from basalt in Lord Howe Island (New South Wales). In addition, E. ophiolithica Kantvilas, recently described from Tasmania, is reported for the first time from the south coast of New South Wales. EndNote Read more... 

McCarthy P.M. (2022): A new species of Leiorreuma Eschw. (lichenized Ascomycota, Graphidaceae) from Christmas Island, Indian Ocean - Australasian Lichenology, 90: 14-17

Leiorreuma norsticticum sp. nov. (Graphidaceae) is described from the bark of a rainforest tree in Christmas Island, an Australian territory in the north-eastern Indian Ocean. The pale olive-green thallus contains norstictic acid, and the simple, adnate to subsessile lirellae have a strikingly pruinose disc and a thin thalline margin. The proper excipulum is brown-black and thickest at the ascomatal base, and the heavily granule-inspersed hymenium contains simple paraphyses, 8-spored asci and brownish, … EndNote Read more... 

McCarthy P.M. & Elix J.A. (2022): New species of Megalaria (lichenized Ascomycota, Ramalinaceae) from Queensland, Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island, Australia - Australasian Lichenology, 90: 38-52

Four species of Megalaria Hafellner are described as new from tropical and subtropical Australia: M. australiensis from eastern Queensland and Lord Howe Island (corticolous and containing atranorin; excipulum bilayered, internally pale with variously orientated hyphae; epihymenium N+ maroon or blood-red; hymenium 70–100 μm thick; ascospores 12–23 × 4–7.5 μm); M. crystallifera from Lord Howe Island (corticolous and containing atranorin; excipulum internally pale, with tightly packed, radiating … EndNote Read more... 

McCarthy P.M. & Kantvilas G. (2022): A new species of Dictyomeridium (lichenized Ascomycota, Trypetheliaceae) from Tasmania - Australasian Lichenology, 90: 10-13

Dictyomeridium tasmanicum sp. nov. (Trypetheliaceae) is described from the bark of coastal Allocasuarina verticillata in south-eastern Tasmania. The new lichen has a thin, UV–, epiphloeodal thallus, small but prominent, pleurothelioid ascomata with eccentric to lateral ostioles, and bisporous asci containing comparatively large, muriform-euseptate ascospores EndNote Read more... 

Page 3524 of 3679 Results 35231 - 35240 of 36790