Page 10 of 3729 Results 91 - 100 of 37282
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Цуриков А.Г. [Tsurykau A.G.] (2021): Эпифитные лишайники Беларуси. II. Облигатные и факультативные эпифиты [Corticolous lichens of Belarus. II. Obligate and facultative epiphytes], Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия Биология. Экология [The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Biology], 35: 51–60

[in Russian with English abstract :] The lichen biota of Belarus lists 406 corticolous species. Of these, 213 (35.7%) species are obligate epiphytes. Crustose lichens make up the majority of obligate epiphytes (157 species, or 73.7%). Apparently, this can indicate the decisive role of the morphology and chemistry of the substrate for the closely contacted lichen thallus. Facultative epiphytes are represented by 193 species, which are quite widely represented by foliose and fruticose life forms … URL EN Read more... 

Цуриков А.Г. & Цурикова Н.В. [Tsurykau A.G. & Tsurikova N.V.] (2020): Эпифитные лишайники Беларуси. I. Особенности распределения по древесным породам [Corticolous lichens of Belarus. I. Distribution peculiarities by tree species], Вестник Оренбургского государственного педагогического университета : электронный научный журнал [Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal], 2(34): 59–71

[in Russian with English summary: ] Based on the data accumulated over the nearly 240-year history of lichenological studies in Belarus (1781— 2017), the results of comparing the species composition of epiphytic lichens are presented. In Belarus, two thirds of lichen species (406, or 68,0%) grow on the bark of 49 species of trees and shrubs. The main types of phorophytes are pedunculate oak, aspen, Scots pine, alder, birch and spruce. A positive correlation between the total number of epiphytic … URL EN Read more... 

Фролов И.В. [Frolov I.V.] (2007): Эпифитные лишайники Башкирского государственного заповедника [Epiphytic lichens of the Bashkirsky state nature reserve], Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 41: 272–280

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Домбровская А.В. [Dombrovskaja A.V.] (1970): Эпифитные лишайник рода Bryopogon Link в Мурманской области. Lichenes epiphytici generis Bryopogon Link in regione Murmanica, Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 7: 282-289

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Исмаилов А.Б. [Ismailov A.B.] (2023): Эпифитная лихенобиота бука (Fagus orientalis) Предгорного Дагестана [Epiphytic lichens on Fagus orientalis in foothill Dagestan], Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 57(2): L15–L27

[in Russian with English abstract: ] An annotatted list including 116 species of lichenized, lichenicolous and non-lichenized fungi growing on beech in foothill Dagestan is given. Among them 66 species are firstly reported for studied forests of which 31 species have not been previously known from beech in Dagestan. Species Biatora pallens, Bryobilimbia hypnorum, Lithothelium hyalosporum, Myelochroa aurulenta, Scutula circumspecta, Verrucaria breussii and genera Bryobilimbia, Lithothelium, Myelochroa … EN Read more... 

Сонина А.В. [Sonina A.V.] (2021): Эпилитный лишайниковый покров в оценке качества прибрежно-водной среды в условиях Карелии [Epilithic lichen cover in assessing the quality of the coastal water environment in Karelia], Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии [Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia], 20(1): 409–413

[in Russian with English abstract: ] The paper summarizes the data obtained by analyzing the reaction of the coastal epilithic lichen cover tothe chemical parameters of water in reservoirs of different types and uses. The study was carried out on the shores of freshwater bodies (Lake Onega, Lake Ladoga, Lososinka, Suna rivers) with different anthropogenic pressures in the Republicof Karelia. At each place of study, the lichen cover was described at the survey sites (frame 10 x 20 cm) along the … URL EN Read more... 

Андреев М.П. [Andreev M.P.] (1984): Эпилитные лишайники скальных массивов на границе Ленинградской области и Карелии. LICHENES EPIILITHICI RUPESTRIUM AD LIMITEM REGIONIS LENINGRADENSIS ЕТ KARELIAE, Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 21: 141-142

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Андреев М.П. [Andreev M.P.] (1984): Эпилитные лишайники острова Ионы (Охотское море). LICHENES EPILITHICIINSULAE IONAE (MARE OCHOTENSE), Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 21: 143

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Андреев М.П. & Веденеев А.М. [Andreev M.P. & Vedeneev M.P.] (2002): Эпилитные лишайники Волгоградской области (юго-восток Европейской части России). LICHENES EPILITHICI REGIONIS VOLGOGRADENSIS (ROSSIA ЕURОPАЕА AUSTRALI-ОRIЕNTАLIS) INVENTI, Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 35[2001]: 112-120

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Фролов И.В. [Frolov I.V.] (2008): Эпилитные лишайники Башкирского государственного природного заповедника [Epilithic lichens of Bashkirsky Nature Reserve], Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 42: 219–224

The saxicolous lichens of Bashkirsky Nature Reserve (Russia) are listed. The Reserve is located in the mountain forest zone of the South Urals between 53°30’ and 53°15’ N. The list comprises 100 species and 3 subspecies. Data on substrate preferences, occurrence and distribution within landscapes of the Reserve are given. Keywords: lichens, epilithic, list of species, Bashkirsky Nature Reserve. EN Read more... 

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