Page 10 of 3644 Results 91 - 100 of 36438
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Андреев М.П. & Веденеев А.М. [Andreev M.P. & Vedeneev M.P.] (2002): Эпилитные лишайники Волгоградской области (юго-восток Европейской части России). LICHENES EPILITHICI REGIONIS VOLGOGRADENSIS (ROSSIA ЕURОPАЕА AUSTRALI-ОRIЕNTАLIS) INVENTI - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 35[2001]: 112-120

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Фролов И.В. [Frolov I.V.] (2008): Эпилитные лишайники Башкирского государственного природного заповедника [Epilithic lichens of Bashkirsky Nature Reserve] - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 42: 219–224

The saxicolous lichens of Bashkirsky Nature Reserve (Russia) are listed. The Reserve is located in the mountain forest zone of the South Urals between 53°30’ and 53°15’ N. The list comprises 100 species and 3 subspecies. Data on substrate preferences, occurrence and distribution within landscapes of the Reserve are given. Keywords: lichens, epilithic, list of species, Bashkirsky Nature Reserve. EndNote Read more... 

Истомина Н.Б. [Istomina N.B.] (1989): Эпиксильные лишайники разновозрастных вырубок Калининской области. Lichenes epixyli locorum excisorum aetate diversorum regionis Kalinin - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 26: 116-118

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Громакова А.Б. & Гамуля Ю.Г. [Gromakova A.B. & Gamulya Yu.G.] (2015): Эксикаты Г.В.Кёрбера «Lichenes Selecti Germanici» в гербарии Харьковского национального университета имени В.Н.Каразина (CWU) [Ecsiccatae “Lichenes Selecti Germanici” of G.W.Körber in the Herbarium of V.N.Karazin Kharkіv National University (CWU)] - Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В.Н.Каразіна. Серія: біологія [Journal of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: biology], 25: 43–52

[In Russian with Ukrainian and English abstract:] The information on ecsiccatae collection «Lichenes Selecti Germanici» of G.W.Körber that is stored in the Herbarium of V.N.Karazin Kharkіv National University (CWU) is presented in the article. The collection has been catalogued and the list of ecsiccatae has been compiled, which includes 101 samples. 10 of these samples belong to types material. The lectotype of Coniangium krempelhuberi (Körb.) A. Massal. has been selected and isotypes have … EndNote Read more... 

Сонина А.В., Мелентьев М.В. & Антонова А.Н. [Sonina A.V., Melentjev M.V. & Antonova A.N.] (2010): Экотопическое распределение видов лишайников на прибрежных скалах Кандалакшского залива Белого моря [Habitat distribution of lichen species on coastal rocks of the gulf of Kandalaksha, White sea] - Труды Карельского научного центра РАН, Сер. Биогеография, Петрозаводск [Transactions of the Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, ser. Biogeography, Petrozavodsk], 10: 78-85

Habitat distribution analysis of coastal lichens of the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea has been conducted. Lichens cover of rock monoliths and boulders has studied. Ten types of ecotops has identified between the water’s edge of the sea and soil-vegetable complex within the four zones. At the water’s edge (first zone) and near the soil-vegetable complex (fourth zone) environments on rock monoliths and boulders ere more homogeneous and only 1–2 types of ecotops were distinguished. A limited … EndNote Read more... 

Слонов Л.Х., Слонов Т.Л. & Ханов З.М. [Slonov L.Kh., Slonov T.L. & Khanov Z.M.] (2009): Эколого-физиологические особенности лишайников горной системы Центральной части Северного Кавказа - Нальчик: Эльбрус, 160 p

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Синичкин Е.А. & Димитриев А.В. [Sinichkin E.A. & Dimitriev A.V.] (2019): Эколого-субстратная характеристика лихенофлоры государственного природного заказника «Заволжский» (Чувашская Республика) [Ecological and substrate characteristics of lichenoflora of the State Nature Reserve «Zavolzhsky» (Chuvash Republic)] - Самарский научный вестник [Samara Scientific Bulletin], 8(4): 82–89

[in Russian with English abstract: ] The paper provides an ecological and substrate analysis of lichens of the State Nature Reserve «Zavolzhsky» (Chuvash Republic). In the specified reserve 134 species of lichens were found. The ecological and substrate analysis showed that lichens were found on 20 substrates: on the bark of Populus tremula, Tilia cordata, Quercus robur, Acer platanoides, Betula pubescens, Padus avium, Sorbus aucuparia, Frangula alnus, Salix cinerea, S. pentandra, Alnus glutinosa, … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Скирин Ф.В. & Скирина И.Ф. [Skirin F.V. & Skirina I.F.] (2012): Эколого-субстратная приуроченность эпифитных лишайников пихтово-еловых и кедрово-широколиственных лесов Южного Сихотэ-Алиня [The ecological-substrate distribution of epiphytic lichens in fir-spruce and pine-broadleaved forests of South Sikhote-Alin] - Turczaninowia, 15(1): 70-79

The ecological-substrate distribution of epiphytic lichens in fir-spruce and pine-broadleaved forests of South Sikhote-Alin was considered. The key part of basic forest forming trees in maintenance of epiphytic lichens diversity was revealed. The analysis of similarity of epiphytic lichens species structure on 52 phorophytes was carried out. The influence of different factors on the ecological-substrate distribution of lichens was considered. Key words: lichenflora, lichens, epiphytes, forofphytes, … EndNote Read more... 

Голубков В.В. (Golubkov V.V.) (2008): Эколого-географические особенности лишайников Hypotrachina revoluta (Flk.) Hale и Punctelia subrudecta Krog и их индикаторная роль на территории Беларуси - in : Виноградова К.Л. (eд) (2008): Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы ботаники в начале XXI века. Материалы всероссийской конференции (Петрозаводск, 181-183

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Будаева С.Э. [Budaeva S.E.] (2009): Экологические особенности распространения редких видов лишайников в лесных ценозах государственного природного биосферного заповедника "баргузинский" [ECOLOGICAL FEATURES OF RARE LICHEN SPECIES SPREADING IN WOOD CENOSACH OF NATURAL BIOSPHERIC STATE RESERVE «BARGUZINSKY»] - Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии: Сборник научных статей по материалам VIII Mеждународной научно-практической конференции (2009 г., Барнаул) / Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia: Proceedings of the 8th Internationation Scientif, p. 381-383, Барнаул: АRТИКА [Barnaul: Artika]

In Russian with English summary as follows: By the results of lichen researches in 2007–2009 years on capes Nemnyanda, Tonenkij, Ezovochnij of the Baikal coast and selections by I.I. Aleksandrova in the upper richer of the rivers Levaya Sosnovka, Levaya Bolshaya, the valley of Seven lakes, the variety of lichens of State natural biospheric reserve “Barguzinskij” makes 271species, relating to 36 families, 87 genera. New sites of rare lichen species in the reserve are found. For the first time … EndNote Read more... 

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