Page 6 of 3717 Results 51 - 60 of 37163
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Михайлова И.Н. & Шейдеггер К. [Mikhailova I.N. & Scheidegger C.] (2001): Дополнение к лихенофлоре Урала. Additamenta ad lichenofloram montium Uralensium, Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 34[2000]: 166-167

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Гавриленко Л.М. & Ходосовцев O.Є. [Gavrylenko L.M. & Khodosovtsev A.Ye.] (2009): Лишайники та ліхенофільні гриби Бургунської балки (Херсонська область) [Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of theBurguns`ka balka (Khersons`ka oblast)], Чорноморський ботанічний журнал [Chornomors'k. Bot. Z.], 5(1): 28-36

94 species of lichens and lichenicolous fungi (43 genera, 22 families, 11 orders) are found inBurguns’ka balka raivne in southern Ukraine (Khersons`ka oblast / region). Acrocordia subglobosa (Vězda) Vězda & Poelt, Arthonia lecanorina (Almq.) R. Sant., Athelia arachnoidea(With.) J. R. Laundon, Collema fuscoviridis (With.) J. R. Laundon, Polycoccum marmoratum (Krempelh.) D. Hawksw. are revealed to be new to the steppe zone of Ukraine. 56 species (58,4%)are saxicolous occurring on limestone outcrops, … EN Read more... 

Гудовичева А.В. [Gudovicheva A.V.] (2006): Новые для Среднерусской возвышенности виды лишайников [Lichen species new to the Mid-russian uplands], Ботан. журн. [Bot. Zhurn.], 91(7): 1110-1113

The lichen species Arthonia lapidicola, Dimelaena oreina, Fellhanera bouteillei, Lecanora persimilis and Leptogium tenuissimum are first recorded for the Mid-Russian Uplands. EN Read more... 

Messuti M.I. & Archer A.W. (2009): ¿Cuántos taxones pueden incluirse teóricamente en el género Pertusaria? (How many taxa can theoretically be included in Pertusaria?), Glalia, 2(3): 1-9

The number of taxa within the genus Pertusaria DC. is at present uncertain but, using a combination of the chararcters used for the systematic separation of the taxa such as chemistry, morphology and ascospore number and structure, yields a theorethical number of taxa, close to 1 550, as reflected in this work. EN Read more... 

Picquenard C.-A. (1899): ... [Lettre] par M. Malinvaud, énumère les principaux résultats de ses dernières herborisations lichénologiques dans le Finistère, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 46: 214-215

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Marchal [É.] (1884): ... des collections cryptogamiques préparées par M. Sonnet et destinées à l'enseignement, Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique, 23: 27-29

Belgium; herbarium; 9 lichen species listed at p. 29 EN Read more... 

Diels [L.] (1907): ... ein Ausflug in die Lüneburger Heide ..., Bericht über die Zusammenkunft der Freien Vereinigung der Systematischen Botaniker und Pflanzengeographen [Leipzig], 4: 44-46

Report on an (?)excursion near Hamburg; 7 lichens listed EN Read more... 

Braune F.A. von (1800): ... Schreiben des Herzgs von Braune, an mich ..., Botanisches Taschenbuch für die Anfänger dieser Wissenschaft und der Apothekerkunst [Regensburg], 1800: 220-221

a letter to the editor of the journal (D.H. Hoppe); Germany; few lichens listed (Cladonia taurica, Lobaria rigida, Lobaria fahlunensis) EN Read more... 

Hawksworth D.L. (2004): 'Misidentifications' in fungal DNA sequence databanks, New Phytologist, 161: 13-15

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Boonpragob K., Lumbsch H.T. & Sipman H.J.M. (2010): 'Thelotremataceae workshop', Bangkok 10–15 March 2008, Lichenologist, 42(2): 127

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Page 6 of 3717 Results 51 - 60 of 37163