Будаева С.Э. [Budaeva S.E.]
Экологические особенности распространения редких видов лишайников в лесных ценозах государственного природного биосферного заповедника "баргузинский" [ECOLOGICAL FEATURES OF RARE LICHEN SPECIES SPREADING IN WOOD CENOSACH
Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии: Сборник научных статей по материалам VIII Mеждународной научно-практической конференции (2009 г., Барнаул) / Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia: Proceedings of the 8th Internationation Scientif,
p. 381-383, Барнаул: АRТИКА [Barnaul: Artika]
In Russian with English summary as follows: By the results of lichen researches in 2007–2009 years on capes Nemnyanda, Tonenkij, Ezovochnij of the Baikal coast and selections by I.I. Aleksandrova in the upper richer of the rivers Levaya Sosnovka, Levaya Bolshaya, the valley of Seven lakes, the variety of lichens of State natural biospheric reserve “Barguzinskij” makes 271species, relating to 36 families, 87 genera. New sites of rare lichen species in the reserve are found. For the first time …