Page 3647 of 3754 Results 36461 - 36470 of 37540
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Poelt J. (1990): Zur Liste der Flechten des Langtang-Gebietes (Bemerkungen von J.Poelt). - In: Miehe G., Langtang Himal. Flora und Vegetation als Klimazeiger und -zeugen im Himalaya, Dissertationes Botanicae, Bd. 158, J. Cramer, Berlin, Stuttgart, 434-438

Die Flechtenflora des Himalaya ist wenig und dabei sowohl geographisch wie taxonomisch sehr uneinheitlich bekannt. Taxonomisch vergleichsweise gut untersucht sind noch die oft aspektbestimmenden Großflechten. A W ASTHI hat im Rahmen seiner Bearbeitungen von Laub- und Strauchflechtengruppen für Indien (und Nepal) im Laufe der Jahre eine ganze Anzahl von ersten Teilrevisionen mit entsprechenden Schlüsseln geliefert; diese Revisionen wurden vom Bearbeiter (Poelt) vielfach genützt. Vor kurzem sind … EN Read more... 

Stizenberger [E.] (1892): Zur Litteratur der Lichenen, Flora (Marburg), 75: 302-303

Reviews on 4 lichenological works: I. Nylander, Sertum Lichenaeae tropicae e Labuan et Singapore, Paris 1891; II. Nylander, Lichenes Pyrenaeorum orientalium observatis novis ...., Paris 1891; III. Frère Gasilien, Lichens rares ou nouveaux de la Flore d'Auvergne (Sonderabdruck aus Journ. bot., Nummern vom 16. Nov. und 1. Dec. 1891); IV. A. Osw. Kihlmann, Neue Beiträge zur Flechtenflora der Halbinsel Kola, Helsingfors (Meddel. af Soc. Flor. Faun. Fenn.) 1891. EN PDF Read more... 

Rettig J. (2018): Zur Löslichkeit von Kristallen im Epihymenium von Lecanora chlarotera Nyl., Haussknechtia, 14: 77–82

The solubility of epihymenial crystals in Lecanora chlarotera Nyl. with nitric acid was studied. In none of the 64 analyzed European specimens solubility of these crystals was detected. Key words: Crystals, epihymenium, Lecanoraceae. EN Read more... 

De Bruyn U. (2006): Zur Moos- und Flechtenflora des Bentheimer Waldes, Osnabrücker Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 30/31 [2005]: 67-78

In the context of an inventory of the FFH site „BentheimerWald“ (Lower Saxony, shire of Bentheim) 16 sites of matured forest stands were studied for the presence of bryophytes and lichens. Overall 78 lichen and 64 bryophyte species could be recorded. A rich lichen flora with large populations of indicators for woodlands with a long environmental continuity („ancient woodland“) was observed. Remarkable is the rediscovery of Porina borreri, a lichen species thought to be extinct in Germany, … EN Read more... 

Geissler P. (1977): Zur Moos- und Flechtenflora Nordgriechenlands, Bauhinia, 6(1): 189–213

A list of the lichens and bryophytes collected during the excursion of the Botanical Institute of the University of Basle to Mt. Olympos, Voras Mts. and Rhodope Mts. is given and compared with reports from Bulgaria and Greece. 44 species are apparently new to Greece. EN Read more... 

Gärtner G. & Ingolić E. (1988): Zur Morphologie und Systematik des Trebouxia-Phycobionten im Thallus von Usnea longissima (Lecanorales), Plant Systematics and Evolution, 158: 225-234

Morphology and systematics of Trebouxia phycobionts in the thallus of Usnea longissima Key words: Lichens, Lecanorales, Usnea longissima, Chlorella[es, Trebouxia. - Morphology, ultrastructure, haustoria, phycobionts, systematics. Abstract: In the lichen genus Usnea different species of Trebouxia-phycobionts as well as different haustorial types are known. The isolated and cultivated phycobiont of Usnea longissima AcH. was studied by light- and electron microscopy and resembles in cytomorphological details … EN Read more... 

Bitter G. (1901): Zur Morphologie und Systematik von Parmelia, Untergattung Hypogymnia, Hedwigia, 40: 171-274

Parmelia farinacea sp. nov., P. pulchrilobata sp. nov., P. turgidula sp. nov., P. antarctica sp. nov., P. solidepedicellata sp. nov., P. subteres sp. nov. EN PDF Read more... 

Wirth V. (2010): Zur nacheiszeitlichen Geschichte der Flechtenbiota von Wäldern in Zentraleuropa, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der montanen Buchenwälder (Fagetalia). In: J. Hafellner, I. Kärnefelt & V. Wirth (eds.) Diversity and Ecology of Lichens in Polar and Mountain Ecosystems, Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 104: 373–389

Aspects of the postglacial history of lichen biota of forests in Central Europe, with special emphasis on montane beech forests (Fagetalia). – Based on recent observations, an attempt is made to reconstruct changes in lichen synusia of forests during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. The reflections are based largely on the premise that most epiphytes are adapted to certain pH-conditions and structural-anatomical bark features. These factors limit the potential spectrum of lichen species capable … EN Read more... 

Follmann G. (1974): Zur Nomenklatur der Lichenen. I. Ergänzungen und Neukombinationen, Philippia, 2/2: 73-74

Heterodermia lutescens (KUR.) FOLLM. comb. nov. (Physciaceae) and Squamarina squamulosa (NYL.) FOLLM. comb. nov. (Lecanoraceae) are proposed as new combinations, whilst Ramalinopsis mannii (TUCK.) FOLLM. et HUN. (Ramalinaceae) and Roccelia subpodicellata (VAIN.) FOLLM. et HUN. are validated. EN Read more... 

Follmann G. (1975): Zur Nomenklatur der Lichenen. II. Buellia rivas-martinezii Barr. et Crespo, Psora saviczii (Tom.) Follm. et Crespo und Sagenidium candidum (Muell.-Arg.) Follm., Philippia, 2/5: 283-285

Buellia rivas-martinezii BARR. et CRESPO nom. nov. (syn. Buellia follmannii BARR. et CRESPO non DODGE, Physciaceae) is proposed as a new name, and Psora saviczii (TOM.) FOLLM. et CRESPO comb. nov. (bas. Lecidea saviczii TOM., Lecideaceae) and Sagenidium candidum (MUELL.-ARG.) FOLLM. comb. nov. (bas. Byssocaulon candidum MUELL.-ARG., Roccellaceae) are presented as new combinations, including some chorological and taxonomical remarks. EN Read more... 

Page 3647 of 3754 Results 36461 - 36470 of 37540