Page 3632 of 3679 Results 36311 - 36320 of 36790
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Макрый Т.В. [Makryi T.V.] (2002): Мезофильные реликты в лихенофлоре Прибайкалья [The mesophilous relics in the lichenflora of Pribaikalie] - Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии: материали I Mеждународной научно-практической конференции (2002, Барнаул) / Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia: proceedings of the 1st International scientific-practical conference (2003, Barna, p. 45-55, Барнаул: Изд-во “Азбука” [Barnaul: Azbuka]

In Russian with English summary as follows: The complex of mesophilous meso- and macrothermous folious lichens (55 species) the most of which are relics in Pribaikalie (Coccocarpia erythroxyli, C. palmicola, Flavopunctelia flaventior, Fuscopannaria ahlneri, Hypogymnia pulverata, H. submundata, Hypotrachyna sinuosa, H. pseudosinuosa, H. metarevoluta, Koerberia biformis, Leptogium asiaticum, L. brebissonii, Lobaria epovae, L. scrobiculata, Menegazzia terebrata, Myelochroa aurulenta, Nephromopsis … EndNote Read more... 

Пристяжнюк С.А. [Pristyazhnyuk S.A.] (2008): Методические подходы к оценке состояния природной среды на основе лихенологических данных (на примере севера средней Сибири) - in : Виноградова К.Л. (eд) (2008): Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы ботаники в начале XXI века. Материалы всероссийской конференции (Петрозаводск, 218-221

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Барашкова Э.А. [Baraschkova E.A.] (1968): МЕТОДЫ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ПРИРOСТА КОРМОВОГО ЛИШАЙНИКА CLADONIA RANGIFERINA (L.) WEB.. De modis incrementi Cladoniae rangiferinae (L.) Web. determinandi notula - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 5: 216-223

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Аньшакова В.В., Кершенгольц Б.М., Хлебный Е.С. & Шеин А.А. [Anshakova V.V., Kershengolc B.M., Khlebnyy E.S. & Shein A.A.] (2011): Механохимические технологии получения биологически активных веществ из лишайников [Mechanochemical technologies of production of biologically active substances from lichens] - Известия Самарского научного центра Российской академии наук [“Izvestia” Samara's science center of Russian Academy of Sciences], 13(1): 236-240

[In Russian with English summary:] There was developed mechanochemical technology of production of high active complexes of biologically active substances with antibacterial activity from lichens thalluses. In the technology take place hardphase chemical reactions of transformation farmakon (lichen's acids) and splitting of part of lichen's bpolysaccharides with formation b-oligosaccharides without solvent in the only technological phase. Then farmakon with b-oligosaccharides generate nanodimensional … URL EndNote Read more... 

Пірогов М. [Pirogov M.] (2014): Мікроморфологія аском Pyrenidium actinellum s.l. (Dacampiaceae, Ascomycota [Ascomata micromorphology of Pyrenidium actinellum s.l. (Dacampiaceae, Ascomycota)] - Modern Phytomorphology, 5: 275–278

Unidentified squamulose epilithic lichen infected by lichenicolous fungi was collected on the territory of Uzhanski National Nature Park in 2013. Due to detailed studies of the lichenicolous fungus it appeared to be Pyrenidium actinellum s.l. – species known for Ukraine only from Ternopil oblast. P. actinellum is new for the Eastern Carpathians. The description of ascoma, asci, and ascospores of studied specimen are given. Key words: Pyrenidium actinellum, lichenicolous fungi, new species, Eastern … EndNote Read more... 

Жавхлан С., Энхтуяа О. & Бямбасүрэн П. [Javkhlan S., Enkhtuya O. & Byambasuren P.] (2022): Монгол-Алтайн уулын хээрийн тойрогт тэмдэглэсэн 7 зүйл хагийн шинэ цэгүүд [Seven lichens were registered in the mountain-steppe region of Mongolian Altai] - Монголын ботаникийн сэтгүүл [Mongolian Journal of Botany], 4(30): 40–50

[in Mongolian with English abstract:] In 2019 on field time study in Mongolian-Altai heigh mountain steppe region we collected 120 lichen samples from different substratum in heigh mountain area (altitude: 2527-2770 m). We identified some interesting species such as Buellia geophila (Florke ex Sommerf.) Lynge, Caloplaca cerina (Ehrh. Ex Hedw.) Fr., Diploschistes diacapsis (Ach.) Lumbsch., Rinodina mniaraea (Ach.) Korrb., Vulpicida tubulosus (Schaer) J.E.Mattsoon & M.J.Lai, Caloplaca crenulatella … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Ежкин А.К. [Ezhkin A.K.] (2012): Морфологические изменения лишайников в антропогенно нарушенных местообитаниях окрестностей г. Южно-Сахалинск [Morphological changes of the lichens in anthropogenic modified habitats in Yuzhno‑Sakhalinsk City suburbs] - Modern Phytomorphology, 1: 115-117

Main morphological changes and damage of epiphytic lichens (Phaeophyscia hirtuosa, Flavopunctelia soredica, Parmelia fertilis, Evernia mesomorpha, Lobaria quercizans and L. pulmonaria) of different sensitivity groups are discussed. Key words: morphology, biomonitoring, bioindication, lichens, apothecia EndNote Read more... 

Малышева Н.В. [Malyscheva N.V.] (1996): Морфолого-анатомическое строение накипных лишайников в условиях загрязнения окружающей среды. Structura morphologo-anatomica lichenum in medio inquinato - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 31: 130-134

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Яковченко Л.С., Галанина И.А., Малашкина Е.В. & Бакалин В.А. [Yakovchenko L.S., Galanina I.A., Malashkina E.V. & Bakalin V.A.] (2013): Мохообразные и лишайники малонарушенных лесных сообществ в Нижнем Приамурье (российский Дальний Восток) [Mosses and lichens in the minimally disturbed forest communities of the Lower Amur River area (Russian Far East)] - Комаровские чтения [Komarovskie chteniya / V.L. Komarov Memorial Lectures], 60: 9–68

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Бельдиман Л.Н., Урбанавичене И.Н., Федосов В.Э. & Кузьмина Е.Ю. [Beldiman L.N., Urbanavichene I.N., Fedosov V.E. & Kuzmina E.Yu.] (2020): Мхи и лишайники острова Шокальского (Карское море, Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ) [Mosses and lichens of Shokalsky Island (Kara Sea, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area)] - Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 54(2): 497–513

[in Russian with English abstract: ] We studied in detail a moss-lichen component of Shokalsky Island vegetation for the first time and identified 79 species of mosses and 54 species and 2 subspecies of lichens and lichenicolous fungi. All species of mosses and 23 species and 2 subspecies of lichens and lichenicolous fungi are recorded for the first time for the island. The study is based on collections made in South West part of the island, in arctic tundra. We also explored the participation … URL EndNote Read more... 

Page 3632 of 3679 Results 36311 - 36320 of 36790