Исмаилов А.Б. & Урбанавичюс Г.П. [Ismailov A.B. & Urbanavichus G.P.]
Материалы к лихенофлоре Самурского хребта (высокогорный Дагестан) [Materials to the lichen flora of Samurskiy Ridge (High mountainous Dagestan)] -
Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium,
52(2): 397–406
[In Russian with English abstract:] The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of high mountainous landscapes of Samurskiy Ridge
were studied in altitudinal range 2400–3770 m a. s. l. for the first time and 112 species are recorded.
Among them 33 species, 10 genera (Arthrorhaphis, Baeomyces, Calvitimela, Epilichen, Lambiella, Psorinia,
Rufoplaca, Sagedia, Sporastatia, Tremolecia) and 4 families (Anamylopsoraceae, Arthrorhaphidaceae,
Baeomycetaceae, Hymeneliaceae) are new for Dagestan, six species …