Телятников М.Ю. & Пристяжнюк С.А. [Telyatnikov M.Yu. & Pristyazhnyuk S.A.]
Негативное воздействие воздушных выбросов предприятий г. Норильска на растительность тундры и лесотундры [Negative effect of Norilsk factories emissions on tundra and forest-tundra vegetation] -
9(4): 93-111
The object of the study is the influence of air pollution caused by Norilsk factories on vegetation. Investigations were curried out on key plots with different level of disturbances – low, medium and strong. The main destructive pollutant, sulfur dioxide, is the cause of different disturbances varying from burns of plants to absolute degradation of plant cover. Comparative analysis has shown that most sensitive even to minor pollution are lichens. Somewhat less vulnerable are mosses. Less sensitive …