Page 3627 of 3679 Results 36261 - 36270 of 36790
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Будаева С.Э. [Budaeva S.E.] (2012): Лишайники хвойных лесов и каменистых выходов, скал горно-лесного Пояса Бурятии [THE LICHENS OF CONIFEROUS WOODS, STONY OUTPUTS AND ROCKS OF MONTAIN-WOOD BELT OF BURYATYA] - Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии: Сборник научных статей по материалам XI Mеждународной научно-практической конференции (28–31 августа 2012 г., Барнаул) / Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia: Proceedings of the 11th Internationa, p. 33-35, Барнаул: APТИКА [Barnaul: Aptika]

In Russian with English summary as follows: In the article the lichens of coniferous woods growing on boulders of stony looses of mountain systems in Buryatiya are considered. The lichens of tropical origin have been found in forests of the Barguzini reserve, of Frolikhinski zakaznik, on foothills of Ikatski and Ulan-Burgasi mountains, of Vitimski plateau, on the foothills of Tunkinski bald mountain. EndNote Read more... 

Чесноков С.В. & Лиштва А.В. [Chesnokov S.V. & Lishtva A.V.] (2016): Лишайники хребта Кодар: дополнение к флоре лишайников Витимского заповедника [Lichens of Kodar Range: Addition to the Lichen Flora of the Visimsky Reserve] - Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия: Биология. Экология [Bulletin of Irkutsk State University], 15: 37–46

[In Russian with English abstract: ] A collection of lichen that is stored in the Irkutsk State University and collected by A. V. Lishtva was revised. 20 species of lichens are new for Vitimskiy Reserve. Palicella filamentosa (Stirt.) Rodr.Flakus & Printzen is new to Asian Russia; Bryonora septentrionalis Holt.-Hartw., Caloplaca tornoënsis H. Magn. and Calvitimela talayana (Haugan & Timdal) M.P. Andreev are new to the Sourthen Siberia, Megaspora verrucosa (Ach.) Hafellner & V. Wirth, Pertusaria … EndNote Read more... 

Пыстина Т.Н. [Pystina T.N.] (1996): Лишайники центральной части Большеземельской тундры. De lichenibus partis centralis tundrae Bolschezemelskaja dictae notula - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 31: 138-143

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Наумович Г.О. & Ходосовцев О.Є. [Naumovich H.O. & Khodosovtsev A.Ye.] (2008): Лишайники Чорного лісу (Знам'янський р-н, Кіровоградська область) [The lichens of Black Forest (Znamenivskiy district, Kirovograds`ka oblast)] - Чорноморський ботанічний журнал [Chornomorski Botanical Journal], 4(1): 7-13

Lichens of 75 species from 39 genera, 21 familia, 7 orders are found in the Black forest (Znamenivskiy district, Kirovograds`ka oblast). Among them, Arthonia mediella Nyl., Biatora epixanthoides (Nyl.) Diederich, Bacidina circumspecta (Norrlin & Nyl.) Malme, Cladonia glauca FlOrke PQ Strangospora ochrophora (Nyl.) R. Anderson are new species for plain part of Ukraine. Epiphytic ecological group prevails here (63 species, 82,5%). The lichens predominantly grow on bark of deciduous trees Quercus … EndNote Read more... 

Ходосовцев O.Є. [Khodosovtsev A.Ye.] (1995): Лишайники Чорноморського біосферного заповідника [The lichens of the Black Sea Biosphere reservation] - Український ботанічний журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal], 52(5): 696-702

On the territory of the Black Sea biosphere reservation 80 species of lichens belonged to 39 genera and 18 families have been found. The lichens are arrenged on the areas: Ivano-Rybalchansky (52), Volyzyn forest (43), Tendra Split (42), Solenoozerny (41), Yagorlytzky Kut (18), Potievka (13). New and rare in Ukrainian steppe zone lichens have been discovered in the reservation: Arthonia radiata (Pers.) Ach., Chaenotheca trichialis (Ach.) Th. Fr., Micarea denigrata (Fr.) Hedl., Cladonia cenotea (Ach.) … EndNote Read more... 

Макарова И.И. [Makarova I.I.] (1983): Лишайники юго-востока Чукотского полуострова (бухта Пенкигней). LICHENES IN PARTE AUSTRO-ORIENTALI PAENINSULAE CZUKOTKA (SINUS PENKIGNEJ) INVENTI - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 20: 146-150

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Добрыш А.А. [Dobrysch A.A.] (1988): Лишайники южного побережья острова Врангеля (Бухта Сомнительная). Lichenes orae australis insulae Wrangelii (Sinus Dubitationis - Somniteljnaja) - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 25: 124-126

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Сорокина Н.В. [Sorokina N.V.] (2001): Лишайники южной лесостепи Омской области. LICHENES ZONAE SILVISTEPPOSAE AUSTRALIS IN REGIONE OMSK'A - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 34[2000]: 185-188

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Вехов Н.В. & Кулиев А.Н. [Vekhov N.V. & Kuliev A.N.] (1998): Лишайники, мохообразные и сосудистые растения полярных пустынь архипелаrа Новая Земля [Lichens, bryophytes and vascular plants of polar deserts of Novaya Zemlya Archipelago] - Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы. Oтдел биологический [Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological series], 103(3): 44–50

[in Russian with English summary: ] Species composition and distribution of lichens and vascular plants in three places of Arctic deserts on Severnyi Island of Novaya Zemlya Archipelago are considered in the present paper. The data were obtained in summer, 1995. 55 lichen species and subspecies, 64 species and subspecies of hepatic and leafy mosses and 54 species of flowering plants were found there for the first time. Lichenoflora includes species with arctic-alpine areas, common for the Arctic … EndNote Read more... 

Savic V.P. (1934): Лишайники, собранные Якутской экспедицией Академии наук СССР [Lishainiki, sobrannye Yakutskoi ekspeditsiei Akademii nauk SSSR] - Trudy Botan. inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 2: 317-320

DIE VON DER JAKUTISCHEN EXPEDITION DER AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN DER USSR GESAMMELTEN FLECHTEN Die beigefügte Liste enthält 40 Flechtenarten, die im Jahre 1925 von V. Drobov und A. Tarabukin im Jakutischen Bezirk, in der Ochotsk und Werchojansk Landstrassenregion, und im Jahre 1926 von G. Georgievsky an der Lenamündung und am Strande der Tiksi Bucht im Laptew-Meere gesammelt worden sind. 01. Еvermis thamnodos (Flot.) Arn., 02. Cetraria caperata (L.) Wain., 03. Cetraria cucullata (Bell.) Ach., … EndNote Read more... 

Page 3627 of 3679 Results 36261 - 36270 of 36790