Громакова А.Б. & Дармостук В.В. [Gromakova A.B. & Darmostuk V.V.]
Лишайники та ліхенофільні гриби міста Берегове (Закарпатська область) [Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Beregove town (Zakarpattia region)] -
Чорноморський ботанічний журнал [Chornomorski Botanical Journal],
17(4) [2021]: 385–394
[in Ukrainian with English abstract: ] The article presents data on the study of lichen biota in the city of Beregovo (Zakarpattia
region). Totaly, 84 species of lichens and 13 species of lichenicolous fungi were
identified. Among them Bryostigma phaeophysciae, Epiphloea byssina,
Heterocephalacria physciacearum, Laetisaria lichenicola, Lichenochora obscuroides,
Stigmidium fuscatae, Xanthomendoza huculica are reported for the first time to the
Zakarpattia region. Calogaya decipiens, Candelariella …