Ходосовцевa Ю.А. [Khodosovtseva Yu.A.]
Ліхеноіндикаційне картувaння урбанізовaних ландшафтів Ялтинського амфітеатру (Kрим) [The lichen indicate mapping in urbanized localities in Yalta amphitheatre (the Crimea)] -
Чорноморський ботанічний журнал [Chornomors'k. Bot. Z.],
5(2): 207-218
Calculating the modified index of air pollution (I.A.P.) (Kondratyuk, 1996,) for 301 points in the Yalta amphitheatre, a range of meaningsfrom 0 to 87 was obtained. The data was used as the basis for map zoning. Six isotoxical lichen zones were distincted: polluted zone (I.A.P. from 0 to 5), moderately polluted zone (I.A.P. from 6 to 10), slightly polluted zone (I.A.P. from 11 to 20), moderately clean zone (I.A.P. from 21 to 30), background clean zone (I.A.P. from 31 to 40), zone of high cleanness …