von Brackel W.
Zwackhiomyces echinulatus sp. nov. and other lichenicolous fungi from Sicily, Italy -
21: 181-198
During an excursion through Sicily in summer 2007, several sites of lichenological interest in the north of the island
were investigated, such as the forests of Ficuzza, the Madonie, Nebrodi, and Peloritani mountains. The new species
Zwackhiomyces echinulatus, lichenicolous on Physconia distorta, is described, and a list of 76 taxa is provided.
New for Sicily are: Abrothallus bertianus, A. caerulescens, A. parmeliarum, Acremonium rhabdosporum, Arthonia
destruens, A. subfuscicola, Cercidospora …