Farkas E., Lőkös L. & Molnár K.
Zuzmók biodiverzitás-vizsgálata a szentbékkállai Fekete-hegy mintaterületen -
Folia Musei historico-naturalis Bakonyiensis,
29[2012]: 29-46
[Biodiversity of lichen-forming fungi on Fekete Hill (Szentbékkálla, Hungary)].
Biodiversity of lichen-forming fungi was studied in July 2009 in the framework of the 5th
Hungarian Biodiversity Days. Lichens from bark of deciduous and coniferous trees, acidic rocks and soil
were sampled in the investigation area of 2 km2. Altogether 105 species (with 260 occurrence records)
were found. Comparing this number to the total number of species of all investigated organisms (2,200),
lichens represent …