Page 3572 of 3674 Results 35711 - 35720 of 36739
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Bäumler J.A. (1893): Zur Pilzflora Niederösterreichs - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 43: 277–294

Upper Austria; Xylographa and several lichen-allied fungi included URL EndNote Read more... 

Gusuleac M. (1938): Zur Präzisierung der Nomenklatur der Früchte und der Prinzipien eines Nätürlichen Fruchtsystems - Bull. Fac. Stin. Cernauti, 12: 337-355

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Gusuleac M. (1938): Zur Präzisierung der Nomenklatur Der genetische Standpunkt in der Taxonomie der Fruchte - Bull. Fac. Stin. Cernauti, 12: 206-219

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Stapper N. & Kricke R. (2003): Zur Problematik der Bestimmung von braunen Parmelien - Aktuelle Lichenologische Mitteilungen, NF, 10: 13-19

Isidia, Melanelia EndNote Read more... 

Černohorský Z. (1971): Zur Problematik der Flechte Rhizocarpon sublucidum Räs. - Preslia, 43: 366-369 [+ Tabs. XXIII-XXIV]

Rhizocarpon sublucidum distinguished from R. macrosporum; Tatra Mts. EndNote Read more... 

Heinrich G. (2003): Zur radioaktiven Belastung von Pilzen - Fritschiana (Graz), 42: 14–24

Lichens, mosses, higher plants: Following the reactor accident in Chernobyl, the radiocesium ( 137Cs ) activity in the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea rose to over 50 000 Bq kg-1 d. w. from an initial value of approximately 400 Bq. The biological half-life of 137Cs in lichens and mosses was two to three years. The biological half-life of 90Sr was shorter than that of 137Cs, between 1.2 and 1.6 years. The biological half-life is not a constant value, it is increasing with time. The 137Cs concentrations … EndNote Read more... 

Schade A. (1955): Zur sächsischen Flechtenflora insbesondere aus der Familie der Umbilicariaceen - Nova Acta Leopoldina, N.F. [Leipzig], 17(119): 191-286

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Wirth V. & Türk R. (1975): Zur SO2-Resistenz von Flechten verschiedener Wuchsform [SO2 resistance of lichens with different growth forms] - Flora, 164: 133–143

To determine the SO2 resistance of lichens pertaining to different groups of growth form their thalli were exposed to SO2 in air (4 mg/m3) (determination of total resistance) or were submerged in Na2S2O5 solution (determination of plasmatic resistance). As a viability criterion the CO2 exchange of the thalli was measured with an infrared gas analyzer before and after SO2 exposure or sulphite treatment. 4 crustose lichens, 5 foliose lichens, 3 fruticose lichens and 1 foliose gelatinous lichen were … EndNote Read more... 

Bitter G. (1904): Zur Soredienbildung - Hedwigia, 43(4): 274-280

Formation of soredia EndNote Read more... 

Klement O. (1959): Zur Soziologie subarktitscher Flechtengesellschaften - Nova Hedwigia, 1(2): 131-156

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Page 3572 of 3674 Results 35711 - 35720 of 36739