Page 3527 of 3643 Results 35261 - 35270 of 36429
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Klement O. (1947): Zur Flechtenvegetation des Dümmergebietes - Jahresbericht der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Hannover, 94-98: 289–302

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Klement O. (1956): Zur Flechtenvegetation des Glatzer Schneeberges - Přírod. Sborn. Ostrav. Kraje, Opava, 17: 196-212

Předkládaná práce, podávající přehled lišejníkových společenstev z oblasti Králického Sněžníku, je dalším dílčím vys'edkem rozsáhlých biologických výzkumů ve zmíněné oblasti, prováděných v létech 1935 až 1945 pod vedením prof. Dr F. Paxe. Materiál sbíral prof. Dr Ferdinand Pax za spolupráce asistentky / Dr K. Stumpf-Weischenberg v r. 1944—45. Dr Oscar Klement zpracoval sběry fytosociologicky a sestavil přehled lišejníkových spo'ecenstev se stručnými … EndNote Read more... 

Klement O. (1949): Zur Flechtenvegetation Schleswig-Holsteins - Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schleswig-Holstein, 24(1): 1–15

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Wirth V. (1974): Zur Flechtenvegetation und -flora der westlichen Randgebirge der Oberrheinischen Tiefebene - Nova Hedwigia, 25: 349–406

The most important lichen communities ofthe Vosges (NE-France), the Pfalzer Wald and the Nordpfälzer Bergland (SW-Germany) are mentioned and characterized on a site and phytosociological basis. Many rare and sporadic occurring lichens are listed and their sites outlined. Approximately 20 species were found in France for the first time, many are reported as new to the Vosges and a few to the Pfalz. A parasitic Lecidea, Lecidea vezdai, is described as new. Literature regarding the lichen flora ofthe … EndNote Read more... 

Suessenguth K. (1949): Zur Flora des Gebietes der Berliner Hütte in den Zillertaler Alpen - Berichte der Bayerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft, 29: 72–82

Alps; more than dozen lichens listed (p. 75; identified by F. Mattick) EndNote Read more... 

Hillardt C. (1854): Zur Flora des südlichen Böhmens - Oesterreichisches Botanisches Wochenblatt, 4(39): 313-315

Czech Republic; Southern Bohemia, PLA Blanský les; report on an excursion with dr. Jechl; several lichens noted; not excerpted by Vězda & Liška (1999) EndNote Read more... 

Nees von Esenbeck [C.G.] (1840): Zur Flora Warmbrunn's und seiner Umgebungen - In: Wendt J., Die Thermen zu Warmbrunn im schlesischen Riesengebirge, p. 41-114, Breslau, Warmbrunn

Sudetes; lichens (p. 92-108) listed with locations and substrates (and rarely commented), this part was certaintly written by J. v. Flotow although not explicitely assigned to him in the book by J. Wendt; practically the same text was issued one year earlier under authorship of Flotow under the title "Die merkwürdigsten und seltneren Flechten des Hirschberg-Warmbrunner Thals und des Hochgebirgs" as a separate reprint in 1839. See JPH 3214. EndNote Read more... 

Wirth V. (1969): Zur Floristik mitteleuropaischer Flechten I: Bayerisch-Bohmischer Wald und Rohn - Herzogia, 1: 337-343

For the first time some rare lichens are stated in the Rhön Mountains (Hessia, Bavaria) and in the Bohemian Forest (Bavaria), among other things Acarospora chlorophana, Lecanora silvae-nigrae, Lecidea aenea, L. gothoburgensis, Gyalecta flotowii and Microglaena muscorum for the Bohemian Forest, Alectoria ochroleuca,Lecanora picea, Lecidea praeruptorum and L.cinereorufa for the Rhön. The finding-places of Lecidea gothoburgensis in Central Europe known till now are to be taken from an area-map EndNote Read more... 

Wirth V. (1973): Zur Floristik mitteleuropäischer Flechten. II. Sauerland - Herzogia, 3: 131-139

A list of lichen species found in the Sauerland (West Germany) is presented with brief ecological notes. Seven species (Fuscidea aggregata, F. praeruptorum, Lecidea nigroleprosa, L. furvella, Lecanora picea, Caloplaca obliterans, Rinodina crustulata) have not been previously recorded from Westfalia and the Rheinische Schiefergebirge. Some records of the lichen communities Candelarielletum corallizae, Lecideetum kochianae, Umbilicarietum murinae, Parmeliopsidetum ambiguae, Cetrarietosum sepincolae … EndNote Read more... 

Tschermak-Woess E. (1984): Zur frage der spezifität der Algenpartner der Flechten - in: Ehrendorfer F. (ed.): Mitteilungsband Botaniker Tagung 1984, Wien, Inst. Bot. Univ. Eigenverlag.,

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Page 3527 of 3643 Results 35261 - 35270 of 36429