Page 3521 of 3644 Results 35201 - 35210 of 36433
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Bilovitz P.O. (2007): Zur Flechtendiversität des "Mariazellerlandes" und ausgewählter Standorte im Bereich Naßköhn-Hinteralm (Nordalpen, Steiermark) - Mitteilungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark, 136: 61-112

A contribution on lichen diversity in the “Mariazellerland” and selected localities in the area Naßköhr-Hinteralm (Northern Alps, Styria). – The lichen flora in the central part of the region “Mariazellerland” and of selected localities in the area Naßköhr-Hinteralm in northern Styria has been investigated. Both areas belong to a system of minor limestone mountain ranges and massifs named “Steirisch-niederösterreichische Kalkalpen”. The first investigation area, the “Mariazellerland”, … URL EndNote Read more... 

Hafellner J. (2009): Zur Flechtendiversität im Natura 2000-Schutzgebiet Raabklamm (Österreich, Steiermark) - Mitteilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark, 139: 83–126

Lichen diversity in the Natura 2000 conservation area Raabklamm (Austria, Styria). – In the nature conservation area „Raabklamm“ in Styria at a number of temporary plots with special emphasis on sites that could be assigned to habitat types listed in annex I to the European Union “Council directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora” the local diversity of lichenized fungi and their lichenicolous fungi has been investigated. A total of 266 lichenized taxa … URL EndNote Read more... 

Hafellner J., Petutschnig W., Taurer-Zeiner C. & Mayrhofer H. (2005): Zur Flechtendiversität in den Gurktaler Alpen (Österreich: Kärnten, Steiermark und Salzburg) - Herzogia, 18: 79-138

In the Gurktaler Alpen, a mountain area in central Austria, at many localities the diversity of lichenized fungi has been investigated. All together 776 taxa of lichenized fungi, 73 species of lichenicolous fungi and 3 non-lichenized corticolous micromycetes are reported from the study area. Dacampia rufescentis is recorded for the first time in the Alps (Austria, Styria). Opegrapha trifurcata is recognized as independant species beside Opegrapha calcarea. Carbonea atronivea, Miriquidica instrata … EndNote Read more... 

Wirth V. (1993): Zur Flechtenflora (Lichenes) des Naturschutzgebietes "Ahrschleife bei Altenahr" [The lichens of the nature reserve "Ahrschleife bei Altenahr", Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany] - Beiträge Landespflege Rheinland-Pfalz, 16: 181-193 & 549-552

200 lichen species were recorded. Most interesting sites are rain protected rock faces with subneutrophytic and rather thermophytic lichens as Lecanora demissa, Xanthoria fa !lax and Diploicia canescens, and shaded rocks with Enterographa hutchinsiae, Opegrapha zonata, Opegrapha lithyrga, Haematomma ochroleucum. Acidophytic terricolous communities characterized by Cladonia species e.g., Cladonia foliacea, Cladonia strepsilis, Cladonia cervicomis, Cladonia uncialis, Cladonia portentosa, are well developed … EndNote Read more... 

Servít M. (1910): Zur Flechtenflora Böhmens und Mährens - Hedwigia, 50(2): 51-85

Sometimes cited as Servít (1911), but correct issue year is 1910 : (Heft 2) ausgegeben am 8. September 1910 EndNote Read more... 

Türk R. & Uhl A. (2002): Zur Flechtenflora der Großfragant, Kärnten (Hohe Tauern, Österreich) - Carinthia II, 192/112: 455-466

Key words: Lichens, Großfragant, Carinthia, Austria, distribution in Austria. Abstract: Rare lichens in Austria and lichens new to the Großfragant are presented. New to the lichen flora of Carinthia are: Aspicilia recedens, Baeomyces carneus, Lecanora concolor and Lecidea tesselata var. caesia. The distribution of Baeomyces carneus, Bryodina rhypariza, Bryonora castanea, Cladonia cariosa, Lecanora cavicola, Polyblastia tatrana, Rhizocarpon intermediellum, Rhizocarpon superficiale und … EndNote Read more... 

Buschardt A. (1979): Zur Flechtenflora der inneralpinen Trockentäler unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Vinschgaus - Bibl. Lichenol., 10: 1-419

1 . This dissertation attempts to present a first compilation of the lichen flora of the inner dry valleys of the Alps. As a basis for the research the author has spent during the years 1971 - 1977 at least 250 days in outdoor investigations in various inner dry valleys of the Alps collecting about 6,000 specimens from dry, hot habitats in the area 2. In the introduction to the thesis some indications are given of the special ecological conditions in the inner dry areas of the Alps by means of the … EndNote Read more... 

Hertel H. (1981): Zur Flechtenflora der inneralpinen Trokentaler unterbesonderer Berucksichtigung des Vinschgaues - Bryologist, 84: 270-271

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Topham P. B. (1979): Zur Flechtenflora der interalpinen Trockentaler - Lichenologist, 11: 326

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Hillmann J. (1925): Zur Flechtenflora der Mark Brandenburg I - Verhandl. Bot. Ver. Provinz Brandenburg, 67: 1-10

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Page 3521 of 3644 Results 35201 - 35210 of 36433