Page 10 of 3770 Results 91 - 100 of 37696
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Guan H. & Liu X. (2021): Biocrust effects on soil infiltrability in the Mu Us Desert: Soil hydraulic properties analysis and modeling, Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 69: 378-386

The presence of biocrusts changes water infiltration in the Mu Us Desert. Knowledge of the hydraulic proper-ties of biocrusts and parameterization of soil hydraulic properties are important to improve simulation of infiltration and soil water dynamics in vegetation-soil-water models. In this study, four treatments, including bare land with sporadic cy-anobacterial biocrusts (BL), lichen-dominated biocrusts (LB), early-successional moss biocrusts (EMB), and late-successional moss biocrusts (LMB), … URL EN Read more... 

Larraín J. & Vargas R. (2021): Briófitos y líquenes en las turberas de Sphagnum de la región de Aysén, Funciones y servicios ecosistémicos de las turberas de Sphagnum en la región de Aysén, 41: 161-191

Las turberas de Sphagnum del sur de Sudamérica albergan una rica diversidad de criptógamas, siendo los briófitos (musgos y hepáticas) y líquenes los grupos mejor representados en estos ecosistemas. Esta diversidad aún permanece poco estudiada, especialmente en la región de Aysén. En este estudio se analizaron cinco turberas dominadas por Sphagnum magellanicum, donde se realizaron muestreos cualitativos y cuantitativos de las especies de plantas y líquenes presentes en estos sitios con el … URL EN Read more... 

Medina E.S., Díaz D. & Montaño J. (2021): Biogeography and richness of lichens in Colombia [Biogeografía y riqueza de los líquenes de Colombia], Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 45(174): 122-135

Our objective was to analyze the richness of lichens and the biogeographic relationships between life zones in Colombia, as well as to define indicator species and genera. For this purpose, we compiled information from different national herbaria, databases, and publications. We used the classification of Colombian life zones to define the localities for lichen collection. We found three main groupings: Humid forest regions (Amazonia and Chocó), dry forests and Orinoquía, and Andean forests (from … URL EN Read more... 

Breuss O. (2016): Key to the Byssoloma species (lichenised Ascomycota, Pilocarpaceae) known from Macaronesia, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde, 25: 95–99

This paper presents a key to 11 species of Byssoloma known from Macaronesia, including short notes on their substrata, distribution within the region and globally, and key references. The genus Byssoloma is distinguished by its ± byssoid exciple, amyloid tubular structures in the ascus apex, and mostly pyriform conidia. Among the species, Byssoloma kalbii and B. laurisilvae appear to be endemic to Madeira. Comprehensive descriptions and taxonomic keys are provided, enhancing knowledge of the mycobiota … EN Read more... 

Tavares C. N. (1942): Algunas liquenes interessantes da regiao de Sintra, Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana, ser. 2, 16: 203–214

This study contributes to the lichenological flora of the Sintra region, detailing new discoveries of various lichen species, including Graphina anguina, Koerberia biformis, Cladonia subcervicornis, and Pannaria nebulosa. Several newly identified lichens, such as Arthopyrenia monensis and Physcia lithotodes var. endococcina, are reported as novel for Portugal. Species like Catinaria leucoplaca and Pannaria rubiginosa var. isidiosa, along with additional foliose, crustaceous, and fruticose lichens, … EN PDF Read more... 

Breuer H. (1971): Beitrag zur xerothermen Moos- und Flechtenvegetation und Flora im Urfttal zwischen Sötenich und Nettersheim (Eifel), Decheniana, 123(1971): 121-134

Thermophilous moss- and lichen units in cultivated land within the middle Devonian (Nordeifel) are described. An annotated list gives the epigaeic and epilithic species, including 72 mosses and 42 lichens, found in various areas. The photophilic and xerophilic mosses and lichens are favored by human influences, particularly through deforestation and extensive pasture management. Xerotherm vegetation, mosses, lichens, middle Devonian, Nordeifel, photophilic species, xerophilic species, human influence, … URL EN Read more... 

Gloßner F. & Türk R. (1999): Flechtengesellschaften im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden und dessen Vorfeld: Zusammensetzung, Ökologie und Verbreitung, Sukzession, Forschungsbericht 41, Nationalparkverwaltung Berchtesgaden, 1-125 p

The study provides an extensive analysis of lichen communities within the Nationalpark Berchtesgaden and its surrounding areas. Detailed investigations focus on the composition, ecological characteristics, distribution, and succession patterns of various lichen associations. By surveying multiple transects across different altitudinal zones, the research identifies key environmental factors influencing species diversity and distribution, emphasizing the importance of specific substrates such as deadwood. … URL EN Read more... 

Daniels F. J. A. & Harkema M. (1992): Epilithic lichen vegetation on man-made, calcareous substrates in The Netherlands, Phytocoenologia, 21(3): 209-235

This is the first survey of calcareous, saxicolous lichen vegetation on man-made substrates in The Netherlands. The fieldwork was carried out in the 1970’s using the Braun-Blanquet approach. All communities are classified in the Verrucarietalia nigrescentis Klem. 50, Verrucarietea nigrescentis Wirth 80. The Caloplacetum citrinae, Lecanora albescens-Caloplaca citrina coenon, Caloplacetum saxicolae, Physcio nigricantis-Candelarielletum mediantis, and Caloplacetum teicholytae belong to the Caloplacion … URL EN Read more... 

Lange O. L. & Ziegler H. (1963): Der Schwermetallgehalt von Flechten aus dem Acarosporetum sinopicae auf Erzschlackenhalden des Harzes, Mitteilungen der Floristisch-Soziologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft, 10: 156-183

The study examines the content of heavy metals like iron and copper in lichens from the Acarosporetum sinopicae association, found on medieval mining slag heaps in the Harz region. Due to the toxic nature of these substrates, typical vegetation is sparse, but specialized lichen species thrive in such environments. The research investigates the specific ability of these lichens to accumulate and tolerate heavy metals, with quantitative analyses revealing high concentrations of iron and copper in their … URL EN PDF Read more... 

Gupta N., Gupta V. & Dwivedi S. (2016): New addition to lichen flora of Uttar Pradesh, India, Tropical Plant Research, 3(1): 153–156

A survey for the lichen study was carried out in the Tarai region of Uttar Pradesh in Bahraich and Balrampur districts. A total of 34 species were recorded from study areas, of which ten species, Arthonia subvelata, Arthothelium deplanatum, Arthothelium subruanum, Bacidia rosella, Coniocarpon cinnabarinum, Enterographa pallidella, Graphis librata, Opegrapha discolor, Opegrapha vulgata and Pyxine farinosa are recorded as new to Uttar Pradesh. Further, Endocarpon sylvicolum and Pseudopyrenula americana … URL EN Read more... 

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