Page 3654 of 3772 Results 36531 - 36540 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Ruprecht U., Avci F.N., Candan M. & Halıcı M.G. (2024): Two new species of the genus Lecidella (Lecanoraceae, Ascomycota) from maritime Antarctica, southern South America and North America, The Lichenologist, 56(2-3): 83-92

Two new species of the genus Lecidella, one with a North American-maritime Antarctic distribution and one with a so far exclusively southern South American-maritime Antarctic distribution, are described using molecular and morphological tools. Lecidella ayazii is a species growing on soil and also on mosses and has so far been found on the Antarctic Peninsula, as well as in the alpine areas of the La Sal Mountains, Utah, USA and in the Kivalliq Region (Nunavut) in the north of Canada, whereas L. … URL EN Read more... 

Sanders W.B., de los Ríos A. & Pérez-Ortega S. (2024): Chloroidium phycobionts (Watanabeales, Trebouxiophyceae) partner with lecanoralean mycobionts in foliicolous lichen communities of Tenerife (Canary Islands) and Navarra (Iberian Peninsula), Spain, The Lichenologist, 56(2-3): 107-119

While the diversity of foliicolous lichen-forming fungi has been explored in substantial depth, relatively little attention has been paid to their algal symbionts. We studied the unicellular green phycobionts of the lecanoralean lichens Bacidina (Ramalinaceae), Byssoloma, Fellhanera and Tapellaria (Pilocarpaceae) and graphidalean Gyalectidium (Gomphillaceae) from two extratropical foliicolous communities in continental Spain and the Canary Islands. We examined the pyrenoids of algal symbionts within … URL EN Read more... 

Sohrabi M., Paukov A., Pérez-Ortega S., Nourozi H., Fadaie H., Favero-Longo S.E., Talebian M.H. & de los Ríos A. (2024): Circinaria persepolitana (Megasporaceae), a new lichen species from historic stone surfaces in Persepolis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Iran, The Lichenologist, 56(2-3): 93-106

Persepolis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in south-western Iran, dates back to more than 2500 years ago, and is colonized by a great diversity of lichen-forming fungi. A survey of the lichen-forming fungi revealed a species abundant in different areas of the cultural site, which turned out to be a new species of the genus Circinaria. The new species, Circinaria persepolitana, is introduced and described on the basis of morphological and molecular data. Circinaria persepolitana is characterized by … URL EN Read more... 

Scheirer C.N., Miller W.R. & Miller J.D. (2024): Tardigrades of North America: Additions to Montana’s biodiversity including a new species, Platicrista loloensis nov. sp. (Parachela, Hypsibioidea, Itaquasconinae), Diversity, 16(6): 334 [13 p.]

A total of 205 tardigrades representing two orders, five families, nine genera and ten species were extracted from a moss sample (104 tardigrades) and a lichen sample (101 tardigrades) collected near Missoula, Montana, in 2016. Three of the species are new to Montana and one is new to science, Platicrista loloensis nov. sp., which is distinguished by its smooth cuticle, the presence of internal cuticular bars at the base of the claws of legs II and III and a median cuticular bar between the claws of … URL EN Read more... 

Ravera S., Vizzini A., Puglisi M., Totti C., Angiolini C., Azzella M.M., Bacilliere G., Boccardo F., Bonini I., von Brackel W., Brusa G., Cavallaro V., Cancellieri L., Cannucci S., Cantonati M., De Giuseppe A.B., Di Nuzzo L., Dovana F., Fanfarillo E., Fiaschi T., Filibeck G., Francesconi L., Gheza G., Giordani P., Guttová A., Hafellner J., Isocrono D., Malíček J., Mayrhofer H., Miraglia G., Nascimbene J., Nimis P.L., Ongaro S., Pandeli G., Paoli L., Passalacqua N.G., Pinault P., Pistocchi C., Potenza G., Prosser F., Puntillo D., Puntillo M., Rosati L., Sicoli G., Tiburtini M., Tretiach M. & Zedda L. (2024): Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 17, Italian Botanist, 17: 23–41

In this contribution, new data concerning algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the algal genera Chara and Nitella, the bryophyte genera Brachythecium, Didymodon, Fissidens, Physcomitrium, and Riccia, the fungal genera Biatoropsis, Cantharellus, Coprinellus, Dacrymyces, Inosperma, Nigropuncta, Urocystis, and Xanthoriicola, and the lichen genera Arthonia, Bellemerea, Circinaria, Lecania, Lecanora, Lecidella, Mycobilimbia, … URL EN Read more... 

Gianguzzi L., Caldarella O., Campisi P., Ravera S., Scalenghe R. & Venturella G. (2024): Plant diversity in old-growth woods: the case of the forest edges of the Favorita Park in Palermo (north-western Sicily, Italy), Plant Sociology, 61(1): 1–29

This article presents the results of a study on plant diversity at different levels in residual forest stands, located in the historical Favorita Park in Palermo, Italy (established and named in 1799 by King Ferdinand IV of the House of Bourbon). These forest aspects have naturally evolved for over two centuries, under minimal conditions of anthropogenic disturbance (e.g. deforestation, fires, grazing activities, etc.). This is especially true in the area known as “Bosco Niscemi”, spread over … URL EN Read more... 

Zulfiqar R., Habib K., Ashgar H.S., Wahab H., Sohrabi M., Paukov A.G., Ren Q. & Khalid A.N. (2024): A new species in the genus Circinaria (Lichenized Ascomycetes: Megasporaceae) from Pakistan, Phytotaxa, 652(2): 124–132

A crustose species Circinaria semicontorta is described here as new to science. It is characterized by a whitish areolate to subverrucose thallus with a thinning, cracked margin, not forming true lobes, areoles with raised whitish pseudocyphellae containing black ostioles of conidiomata, and long pycnoconidia, 12–25 μm. The phylogenetic analysis based on ITS sequences confirms placing the new species within Circinaria. Key words: Dassu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Kohistan, Swat, phylogeny, taxonomy. URL EN Read more... 

Galanina I.A., Kharpukhaeva T.M. & Poryadina L.N. (2024): Rinodina riparia (Physciaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) new to Eurasia from China and Russia, Phytotaxa, 652(2): 165–170

Rinodina riparia was described from North America. It is here recorded for the first time in Eurasia from China and Russia. The species was collected on rough bark, plant debris and wood partly buried in sand. The paper provides data on morphology and anatomy, ecology, and comparisons with closely related species of Rinodina riparia based on the studied sample. The worldwide distribution of the species is discussed. A key for identification of Rinodina riparia and other species with Dirinaria-type … URL EN Read more... 

Christy A., Sequeira S., Anilkumar A. & Joseph S. (2024): Solenopsora rhizomorpha (Catillariaceae): A new lichen species from India, Phytotaxa, 652(3): 241–245

A new species of Solenopsora (Lichenized fungi), S. rhizomorpha from the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, India, is described and illustrated, along with its distribution map. The species is characterized by small foliose-type thallus covered with white pruina, presence of rhizines, and lacking secondary metabolites. In addition, the genus Solenopsora is recorded in India for the first time. Key words: Lichenized Ascomycota, Western Ghats, Kerala, Eravikulam National Park, Mathikettan Shola … URL EN Read more... 

Damasceno Junior G.A., Oliveira M.R., Alves F.M., da Silva R.H., Pott V.J., Spielmann A.A., Aptroot A., Pereira S.R.R.S., Batista S.G., da Silva L.E., Nakamura V.A. & Pott A. (2024): Legal boundaries and conservation: The case of Seasonally Dry Forests of the Serra da Bodoquena National Park, Brazil, Acta Botanica Brasilica, 38: e20230010 [11 p.]

The Serra da Bodoquena National Park is an important protected area that promotes the conservation of a threatened ecosystem, the Dry Forest. It comprises two major fragments of predominantly Seasonally Dry Forest vegetation. The two fragments are under different protection schemes because they are considered different biomes. The southern fragment is considered part of the Atlantic Forest biome, and is thus protected by the Atlantic Forest Law, while the northern one is considered part of the Cerrado … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3654 of 3772 Results 36531 - 36540 of 37716