Page 3648 of 3754 Results 36471 - 36480 of 37540
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Søchting U. & de Lange P. (2024): Sirenophila macquariensis (Teloschistaceae) – a new name for the lichen Caloplaca maculata, Perspectives in Biodiversity, 2: 42–49

A new combination for Caloplaca macquariensis C.W. Dodge is made in Sirenophila Søchting, Arup & Frödén, S. macquariensis (C.W. Dodge) Søchting & de Lange. In the process we reduce the Aotearoa / New Zealand Caloplaca maculata D.J. Galloway into synonymy within the new combination, noting the lack of morphological distinctions between that species and S. macquariensis. Very little is known about S. macquariensis which is known only from the type collected from Macquarie Island, however, we offer … URL EN Read more... 

Титов А.Н., Давыдов Е.А. & Урбанавичене И.Н. [Titov A.N., Davydov E.A. & Urbanavichene I.N.] (2002): Новые данные о редких микокалициенвых грибах из родов Phaeocalicium и Stenocybe (Mycocaliciaceae, Caliciales s.l.) [New data on rare species from genera Phaeocalicium and Stenocybe (Mycocaliciaceae, Caliciales s.l.)], Ботанический журнал [Botanicheskii Zhurnal], 87(6): 60–67

[In Russian; the Russian abstract translated: ] New data on the distribution of rare species of the family Mycocaliciaceae are presented. Stenocybe flexuosa is reported for the first time for Eurasia, Phaeocalicium betulinum, P. boreale, P. interruptum and P. praecedens for Asia, P. ahtii for Russia and P. pinaceum for the Far East and China. The problem of differentiating the genera Phaeocalicium and Stenocybe is discussed, and a brief ecological and geographical characterisation is given. A key … EN Read more... 

Nag P., Rai H., Upreti D.K. & Gupta R.K. (2022): Lichenological studies in Nepal: A critical review, Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 6(1): 59–69

Lichens are some of the ubiquitously distributed symbionts with a circumpolar distribution. The Himalayan habitats are lichenologically among the most researched region in Asia. European and Japanese researchers initiated the lichenological research in the Nepal Himalayas, which was later carried out predominantly by Indian lichenologists. The cumulative diversity of lichens in Nepal constitutes 882 species belonging to 186 genera and 61 families. Though the lichenological studies in Nepal largely … EN Read more... 

Aadaj J., Tabit A., Algouti A., El Myr A., Elhamdi S.B., Tabet C.B., Lakhlili M., Oudour K., Nidsaid Z. & Laadimi Y. (2023): Mapping of lichen biomarkers of atmospheric pollution in the Agadir urban area, Proceeding Book of 3rd International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research ICSAR 2023, 1(7): 489-493

Air pollution refers to a combination of gases and suspended particles present in the atmosphere, whose concentration levels vary depending on emissions and weather conditions. These substances are harmful to human health and the environment. Analyzing air pollution is a key to assess the level of the pollution in an area. Commonly, the spatial distribution of some plants serves as bio-indictorfor air pollution monitoring. Citing for example, lichens, are autotrophic and symbiotic living organisms … EN Read more... 

Arcadia L. (2023): Lichens of the area around Karpenisi, Evritania, Central Greece, Parnassiana Archives, 11: 3-17

Study of eight sites in the vicinity of the town of Karpenisi in the nomos of Evritanias, in September 2021, yielded records of 195 taxa of lichens and lichenicolous fungi. Nine of them: Biatora globulosa, Candelariella oleaginescens var. glebulosa, Chaenothecopsis hospitans, Micarea globulosella, Taeniolella delicata, Toniniopsis dissimilis, Trapelia elacista, Xanthoparmelia angustiphylla and Xanthoparmelia sublaevis are new to Greece. The list includes 4 species of non-lichenised, lichenicolous … EN Read more... 

Bjelland T. (2023): Practical conservation action on a Critically Endangered lichen species, JOURNAL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION, 75: 126474

To save a species on the verge of extinction, an urgent practical conservation action was performed on the Critically Endangered lichen species Leptogium hibernicum in Norway. A transplantation experiment at two localities was carried out in close cooperation with the responsible authorities. An alarming problem for L. hibernicum is the imminent challenge of a habitat under threat. A parallel experiment with a comparable yet common species, Leptogium saturninum, was performed to exclude variables … EN Read more... 

Blázquez M., Pérez-Vargas I., Garrido-Benavent I., Villar-dePablo M., Turégano Y., Frías-López C., Sánchez-Gracia A., de los Ríos A., Gasulla F. & Pérez-Ortega S. (2024): Endless forms most frustrating: disentangling species boundaries in the Ramalina decipiens group (Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota), with the description of six new species and a key to the group, Persoonia, 52: 44–93

Oceanic islands have been recognized as natural laboratories in which to study a great variety of evolutionary processes. One such process is evolutionary radiations, the diversification of a single ancestor into a number of species that inhabit different environments and differ in the traits that allow them to exploit those environments. The factors that drive evolutionary radiations have been studied for decades in charismatic organisms such as birds or lizards, but are lacking in lichen-forming … URL EN Read more... 

Kondratyuk S.Y., Lőkös L., Persson P.-E., Hansson M., Schiefelbein U., Kärnefelt I. & Thell A. (2024): New and noteworthy lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi 13. A revision of the Xanthoria ectaneoides complex (Xanthorioideae, Teloschistaceae) including the new species Xanthoria pylyporlykii, Acta Botanica Hungarica, 66: 47–77

Xanthoria ectaneoides , usually recognised by its secondary sublobules, is circumscribed in a strict sense using spore size and a molecular phylogeny based on ITS-sequences. The species, earlier considered a synonym of X. aureola , forms a subclade with X. coomae and the new species X. pylyporlykii , described here, whereas X. aureola is positioned in the Xanthoria calcicola subclade. The new species X. pylyporlykii is characterised by a combination of characters typical either for Xanthoria ectaneoides … URL EN Read more... 

van der Kolk H.-J., Boers J., Schrier T., Schrier N. & Diederich P. (2024): New lichenicolous fungi from the Netherlands, including the descriptions of Echinothecium micareae and Lichenochora verrucariae, Lindbergia, 2024: e026005 [21 p.]

Recent finds of lichenicolous fungi from the Netherlands are described and discussed. Echinothecium micareae spec. nov. and Lichenochora verrucariae spec. nov. are described as new for science. An additional 31 species are reported for the first time from the Netherlands: Abrothallus cladoniae, Arthonia diploiciae, A. rinodinicola, Cladophialophora cladoniae, Dacampia cyrtellae, Dactylospora microspora, Didymocyrtis cladoniicola, D. consimilis, D. physciae, Diplotomma parasiticum, Epithamnolia … URL EN Read more... 

McCune B. (2009): Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest, Second Ed., Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 507 p.

We provide the first North American report of the lichenicolous fungus Pronectria fragmospora. Based on multigene phylogenetic analyses we found this species to be nested within the genus Trichonectria and the new combination Trichonectria fragmospora is proposed. We provide a description and photos of the North American material on Evernia prunastri and a phylogenetic tree showing its placement within the genus. We also compare this species to related species of Trichonectria and similar species … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3648 of 3754 Results 36471 - 36480 of 37540