Page 3627 of 3751 Results 36261 - 36270 of 37510
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Kammann S., Leinweber P., Glaser K., Schiefelbein U., Dolnik C., Mikhailyuk T., Demchenko E., Heilmann E. & Karsten U. (2024): Successional development of the phototrophic community in biological soil crusts, along with soil formation on Holocene deposits at the Baltic Sea coast , Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11: 1266209 [23 p.]

Harsh environmental conditions form habitats colonized by specialized primary microbial colonizers, e.g., biological soil crusts (biocrusts). These cryptogamic communities are well studied in drylands but much less in temperate coastal dunes, where they play a crucial role in ecological functions. Following two dune chronosequences, this study highlights the successional development of the biocrust’s community composition on the Baltic Sea coast. A vegetation survey, followed by morphological species … URL EN Read more... 

Dolnik C. & Neumann P. (2020): Die Flechten der Sorgwohlder Binnendünen (Kreis Rendsburg-Eckernförde), Kieler Notizen zur Pflanzenkunde, 45: 176–187

[in German with English abstract: ] Lichens oft the inland dunes of Sorgwohld (District Rendsburg-Eckernförde). The inland dunes of Sorgwohld are covered by heathland and small woodlands as part of a postglacial sand area in the north oft the city of Rendsburg. Inhabiting about 122 lichen species, the sandy dry grasslands and heathland with rare and endangered species such as Cladonia borealis, C. monomorpha, C. pulvinata, C. crispata var. cetrariiformis and C. zopfii make the area a … URL EN Read more... 

Zimmermann D.G. & Guderley E. (2017): Flechten auf Zollverein, Abhandlungen aus dem Westfälischen Provinzial-Museum für Naturkunde, 87: 159–178

[in German with English summary: ] In Zollverein Park in the last 20 years (1997 to 2017) in total 99 species were found, 98 lichens and one lichenicolous fungus. Especially regarding the occurence of ephemere ground lichens the big industrial waste land Zollverein with its open sparsely vegetated pioneer habitats is remarkable. URL EN Read more... 

Keil P., Buch C., Fuchs R., Schmidt C., Kricke R. & Aptroot A. (2012): Schwermetalltolerante Pflanzenarten auf dem Gelände des ehemaligen Erzbergwerkes Neudiepenbrock III in Mühlheim an der Ruhr-Selbeck [Records of heavy metal tolerant plant species from the area of the former ore mine Neudiepenbrock III in Mülheim an der Ruhr-Selbeck], Decheniana, 165: 95–114

A remarkable number of plant species, tolerant against heavy metals, could be found in partly large populations on the area of Neudiepenbock III, a former ore mine in Mülheim an der Ruhr-Selbeck, that closed down about a hundred years ago. Amoung these plants, the bryophytes Scopelophila cataractae and Pohlia flexuosa as well as the lichens Acarospora rufescens, Stereocaulon vesuvianum var. nodulosum and Vezdaea rheocarpa were not known to be present in the westem part of the Ruhr area up to now. … URL EN Read more... 

Cezanne R. & Eichler M. (1996): Neue und bemerkenswerte Flechtenfunde in Darmstadt, Hessische Floristische Briefe, 45: 33–51

Germany; urban lichens; antropogenic substrates URL EN Read more... 

Döbbeler P. (1985): Ascomyceten auf Polytrichaceen, Sydowia, 38: 41–64

[in German wit English summary: ] Colonization of Polytrichum, Dawsonia and allied genera (Polytrichales, Musci acrocarpi) by fungi is a very common, or in some host species, even universal phenomenon. Presently there are more than 40 ascomycetes known to be (obligately) associated with the gametophytic stage of polytrichaceous mosses. They represent a heterogenous assemblage regarding their biological nature (saprophytic, parasitic, and gall-inducing species) and systematic position (members of … URL EN Read more... 

Heiselmayer P. & Türk R. (1979): Die Tagung der bryologisch-lichenologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mitteleuropa vom 24. - 27. August 1978 in Salzburg, Floristische Mitteilungen aus Salzburg, 6: 3–23

Report on BLAM meeting in Austria URL EN Read more... 

Mager E., Brockhage R., Piepenbring M., Segers F., Yorou N.S., Ebersberger I. & Mangelsdorff R.D. (2024): Soil horizons harbor differing fungal communities, Diversity, 16(2): 97 [18 p.]

In the present study, the mycobiomes of two soils with different ecological conditions located in Benin (West Africa) were investigated by environmental sequencing (Illumina MiSeq) of the ITS2-region of ribosomal DNA to gain information about the influence of pedological stratification on fungal diversity. For each soil depth and horizon, fungal diversity and community composition were analyzed as well as the potential impact of site characteristics, like vegetation, on these traits. The retrieved … URL EN Read more... 

Hafellner J., Kockinger H. & Schriebl A. (1995): Erste Ergebnisse der Exkursion der Bryologisch-lichenologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mitteleuropa in Oberkärnten, Carinthia II - Sonderhefte , 53: 43–45

Ausgewählte Funde von Flechten und Moosen, die während der Exkursion der Bryologisch-lichenologischen Arbeitsgem einschaft für Mitteleuropa in Oberkärnten gelangen, werden vorgestellt. Erstmals in Kärnten werden nachgewiesen: Absconditella annexa (Arnold) Vězda, Caloplaca nivalis (Koerber) Th. Fr. und Lecanora lecidella Poelt sowie 5 Laubmoose und 18 Lebermoose. URL EN Read more... 

Fries T. (1853): Lichenes Sueciæ exsiccati, Fascicul. XII. redegit Theodor Fries. Upsaliæ, C. A. Leffler, 1852. 4:0, Botaniska Notiser, 1853: 56–59

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Page 3627 of 3751 Results 36261 - 36270 of 37510