Page 3625 of 3751 Results 36241 - 36250 of 37507
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Frahm J.-P. & Brown G. (1996): Die Moos- und Flechtenflora des Tombergs 1975 und 1995, Decheniana, 149: 70–77

In 1975, the local botanist H. Breuer published a list containing 67 species of bryophytes and 31 lichens from the Tomberg, a small hill near Rheinbach, district of Euskirchen, North-Rhine Westphalia. 20 years later, the area was re-investigated. 16 bryophyte species were discovered new, and 20 species listed by Breuer could not be confirmed. This points to strong dynamic processes operating in the bryophyte flora which can be attributed to changes in certain habitat conditions. Such marked changes … EN Read more... 

Eger W. (2004): Flechtenkartierung im Kreis Waldeck-Frankenberg, Vogelkundliche Hefte Edertal, 30: 235–243

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Thüs H. (1993): Flechten der Kreuzwertheimer Umgebung, Naturkundliche Beiträge des DJN, 27: 41–49

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Dolnik C., Neumann P. & Wagner-Ahlfs C. (2019): Die Flechten des Satrupholmer Moores, Kieler Notizen zur Pflanzenkunde, 44: 93–105

[in German with English abstrcat: ] The lichens of Satrupholm raised bog. The raised bog Satrupholmer Moor and fens of the former area of the lake Rüde belong to the landscape Anglia in northeastern Schleswig-Holstein. In the years 1934/35 the lichenologist C.F.E. Erichsen discovered 72 lichens and related fungi, which are restricted to 65 species today. During field excursions in 2018/19 about 108 species were found. This reflects a tremendous change in landscape and biotops of the area. … EN Read more... 

Ernst G. & Hanstein U. (2001): Epiphytische Flechten im Forstamt Sellhorn – Naturschutzgebiet Lüneburger Heide, NNA-Berichte, 14: 28–85

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John V. & Güvenç Ş. (2023): Additions to the checklist and bibliography of the lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Turkey II, Archive for Lichenology, 34: 1–47

Increase and gaps in the knowledge about the biota of lichens and lichenicolous fungi in Turkey in the last 4 years are documented, including some supplements. Since the compilations by JOHN & TÜRK (2017) and JOHN et al. (2020) 32 species of lichens and 17 lichenicolous fungi were newly published for Turkey. A total of 689 additional species (59 lichenicolous and 636 lichenized) are new for one or more provinces. Lecanora albula, Placynthium flabellosum, Ramalina bourgaeana, R. elegans … URL EN Read more... 

Brackel W. v. (2023): Weitere Funde von flechtenbewohnenden Pilzen in Bayern – Beitrag zu einer Checkliste VIII, Archive for Lichenology, 35: 1–22

A list of 68 lichenicolous fungi recently found in Bavaria is presented. The new species Endococcus montanus Brackel, Muellerella rhizocarpicola Brackel and Sphaerellothecium umbilicariae Brackel & E. Zimm. are described. New to Germany are Biatoropsis minuta, B. usnearum s. str., Epibryon conductrix, Muellerella polyspora, Tremella parietinae and Zyzygomyces aipoliae, new to Bavaria are Endococcus macrosporus, E. stigma s. str., Llimoniella groenlandiae, Nectriopsis cariosae and Trimmatostroma … URL EN Read more... 

Lõhmus A., Runnel K., Palo A., Leis M., Nellis R., Rannap R., Remm L., Rosenvald R. & Lõhmus P. (2021): Value of a broken umbrella: abandoned nest sites of the black stork (Ciconia nigra) host rich biodiversity, Biodiversity and Conservation, 30: 3647–3664

Protecting habitats for charismatic vertebrates can provide an ‘umbrella’ for less conspicuous organisms, especially when these are threatened by the same processes. However, such a conservation scheme is vulnerable to the extirpation of the focal species. We studied wider biodiversity values in long protected black stork (Ciconia nigra) nest sites, which were abandoned by the bird and thus legally subject to de-listing. In 20 abandoned nest sites in Estonia, we (i) mapped breeding birds within … URL EN Read more... 

Müller (Argoviensis) J. (1891): Lichenes. – In: T. Durand & H. Pittier, Primitiae florae costaricensis, Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique, 30(1): 49–97

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Müller (Argoviensis) J. (1890): Lichenes epiphylli novi, Genevae: H. Georg., 22 pp.

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Page 3625 of 3751 Results 36241 - 36250 of 37507