Bacciu N.G. & McGill J.
Gathering twig lichen data for Powys SSSIs to investigate ammonia levels: Second phase -
Natural Resources Wales Evidence Report,
676: 1-90
Nine SSSI in Powys were surveyed for twig lichens in January 2023, following a modified version of the Air Pollution Information System protocol (Wolseley et al., 2017, Bosanquet, 2018). Five trees at each SSSI were sampled, comprising a total of 37 oaks, 2 birches, and 6 hawthorns. Based on these data, the ammonia pollution levels at locations surveyed within the SSSIs were assessed as follows: • Clean – Berwyn, and Coed yr Allt Goch. • At risk – Cwmsaise, and Greygnog. • N polluted – …