Page 3598 of 3772 Results 35971 - 35980 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Chakarwarti J., Nayaka S. & Srivastava S. (2023): Diversity of endolichenic fungi within lichen genus Parmotrema from India, Turkish Journal of Botany, 47(4): 291

The lichens serve as an ecological niche for a group of unexplored fungal species residing inside their thallus without causing any noticeable symptoms and such fungi are termed as endolichenic fungi. The objective of the current study is to check the endolichenic fungal diversity within lichen genus Parmotrema. The study resulted in a total of 450 endolichenic fungi (ELF) isolates from 15 species of Parmotrema. Out of these, 73 sporulating isolates were identified using ITS sequences which resulted … URL EN Read more... 

Chrismas N., Tindall-Jones B., Jenkins H., Harley J., Bird K. & Cunliffe M. (2024): Metatranscriptomics reveals diversity of symbiotic interaction and mechanisms of carbon exchange in the marine cyanolichen Lichina pygmaea, New Phytologist, 241: 2243–2257

Lichens are exemplar symbioses based upon carbon exchange between photobionts and their mycobiont hosts. Historically considered a two-way relationship, some lichen symbioses have been shown to contain multiple photobiont partners; however, the way in which these photobiont communities react to environmental change is poorly understood. Lichina pygmaea is a marine cyanolichen that inhabits rocky seashores where it is submerged in seawater during every tidal cycle. Recent work has indicated that L. … URL EN Read more... 

Güllü M., Halıcı M. & Öztürk Küp F. (2023): Molecular and taxonomic studies on some Acarospora (Acarosporales, Ascomycota) species in Türkiye, Biological Diversity and Conservation, 16(2): 84–97

Acarospora is a crustose lichen genus in the family Acarosporaceae and has a wide distribution. While the lichen genus Acarospora has more than 200 species in the world, the number of species so far determined in Turkey is 41. Here we report three Acarospora species: A. irregularis H. Magn., A. rosulata (Th. Fr.) H. Magn., A. thamnina (Tuck.) Herre and two lichenicolous fungal species: Lichenostigma svandae Vondrák & Šoun, Stigmidium fuscatae (Arnold) R. Sant. new to Turkey. Detailed information … URL EN Read more... 

Expósito J.R., Barreno E. & Catalá M. (2023): Symbiotic interactions in the lichen Ramalina farinacea dramatically modify NO biosynthetic source in Trebouxia microalgae, Algal Research, 75: 103247

NO is a multifaceted molecule, key in functions such as abiotic stress tolerance and symbioses establishment and permanence. Lichens are complex symbiotic associations of microalgae, fungi and prokaryotes that release NO under stress conditions such as dessication-rehydration cycles and the presence of xenobiotics. NO synthase (NOS) oxidises l-arginine to produce NO in animals and some aquatic microalgae, while nitrate reductase (NR) reduces nitrate to NO in plants and fungi. Inhibition studies suggest … URL EN Read more... 

Fernandes R.F., Atvars T.D.Z. & Temperini M.L.A. (2023): Exploring the non-traditional fluorescence emission of non-conjugated polymers dots for sensing pesticides, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 182: 105483

The chemical sensing of pesticides is a high priority for a broad range of areas, including public health and environmental sustainability, since the pesticides have expanded dramatically in various agrarian operations. In this sense, the optical properties of non-conjugated polymer dots (NCPDs) can be a decisive advantage for sensing since the high sensitivity, fast response, and excellent photostability are very convenient properties. Here, we present the unique emission of NCPDs based on- β-glucan … URL EN Read more... 

Ertz D. (2023): The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the Semois valley between Bouillon and Bohan, with nineteen species new to Belgium, Dumortiera, 121: 18-44

335 species of lichens and 24 species of lichenicolous fungi were recorded during inventories carried out between 2020 and 2023 in the section of the Semois valley between Bouillon and Bohan. Nineteen species are new to Belgium: Abrothallus caerulescens, Arthonia digitatae, A. graphidicola, Bacidina piceae, Chaenothecopsis ochroleuca, Cresponea premnea, Dirina fallax, Lecanora cenisia, Lichenostigma alpinum, Mycoblastus caesius, Porina collina, Placopyrenium breussii, Polycoccum microsticticum, Ramonia … URL EN Read more... 

Demková L., Bobuľská L., Harangozo Ľ. & Árvay J. (2023): Using bio-monitors to determine the mercury air pollution in a former mining area, Engineering Proceedings, 57(1): 28 [7 p.]

Total mercury air pollution was evaluated in the former mining area of Gelnica (Slovakia) using tree bark, mosses (Climacium sp., Pleurosium sp.), and lichen (Pseudevernia sp.). Samples were collected (tree bark) and exposed (moss and lichen bags) on the heaps and near the mines. Additionally, the internal parts of the mines were evaluated. The mercury content in the bio-monitors was evaluated using an AMA-254 analyzer. The results showed significant differences in tree bark mercury content between … URL EN Read more... 

Sandino J., Bollard B., Doshi A., Randall K., Barthelemy J., Robinson S.A. & Gonzalez F. (2023): A green fingerprint of Antarctica: drones, hyperspectral imaging, and machine learning for moss and lichen classification, Remote Sensing, 15(24): 5658 [26 p.]

Mapping Antarctic Specially Protected Areas (ASPAs) remains a critical yet challenging task, especially in extreme environments like Antarctica. Traditional methods are often cumbersome, expensive, and risky, with limited satellite data further hindering accuracy. This study addresses these challenges by developing a workflow that enables precise mapping and monitoring of vegetation in ASPAs. The processing pipeline of this workflow integrates small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)—or drones—to … URL EN Read more... 

Douglass J.R. (2023): Survey of upland rock lichens in Mynydd Preseli SSSI, Pembrokeshire, Natural Resources Wales Evidence Report, 665: 1-73

An evaluation was made using the recently developed JNCC (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) indices for the selection of biological SSSI’s Sanderson et al. 2018). The non-montane acid rock (Threatened Near Threatened and Notable Species) score is 16, above the threshold score of 10 for potential SSSI designation. Mynydd Presili SSSI ranks 7th out of 15 for known acid rock lichen sites in Wales. This score is impressive considering most of the other sites are higher in elevation and much greater … URL EN Read more... 

Boisvert R. (2023): L'influence du climat sur les lichens forestiers, Le Couvert Boréal , 19(1): 28

À la fin du printemps 2021, notre équipe,constituée de trois étudiants, part pour l’Ontario, plus précisément vers la côte nord du lac Supérieur. Nous quittons Rouyn-Noranda, traversons la frontière provinciale à Rapide-Danseur et suivons l’autoroute 101, pour finalement arriver à Wawa après six heures de route. Là, nous commençons à apercevoir le plus grand lac d’eau douce de la planète avec ses 82 000 km2. Nous faisons tout ce trajet parce que le lac Supérieur génère des … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3598 of 3772 Results 35971 - 35980 of 37716