Page 3593 of 3703 Results 35921 - 35930 of 37024
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Ohmura Y. & Clerc P. (2023): Usnea jezoformosana Y. Ohmura & P. Clerc, sp. nov. (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) from East Asia - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 60: 47–55

Usnea jezoformosana is described as a new species from East Asia. The morphology of this taxon is very similar to Usnea fragilescens but differs by the presence of granular soredia (instead of farinose soredia). It differs furthermore chemically by the presence of protocetraric acid (major) and barbatic acid (major to trace). The monophyly and independence of the newly described species from U. fragilescens and related taxa were inferred by a molecular phylogenetic tree based on ITS rDNA sequences. … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Pärtel K. & Suija A. (2023): Estonian Mycological Society: 60 years! - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 60: 137–139

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Sipman H.J.M. (2023): Four new Pyrenula species from primary forests in the Guianas, South America, and their ascospore development - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 60: 65–74

Four new species of the genus Pyrenula (Pyrenulaceae, Pyrenulales, lichenized Ascomycetes) are presented. They originate from primary forests in the Guianas: Pyrenula cubica Sipman, with cubical central lumina in the ascospores; Pyrenula flavida Sipman, with a yellow-pigmented thallus; P. rubromarginata Sipman, with red pigment on the excipulum and not on the thallus; and P. submicromma Sipman, like P. micromma but with submuriform instead of bacillar ascospores. In addition, a description for … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Stepanchikova I.S., Himelbrant D.E., Prokopiev I.A., Pankova V.V., Zhukova A.A., Gainetdinova I.I. & Zueva A.S. (2023): Leprarioid lichens and associated lichenicolous fungi from the Commander Islands (Kamchatka Territory, Russia) including a new species Lepraria tiinae - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 60: 101–128

Here, we present new records of leprarioid lichens from the Commander Islands, including one species of Lithocalla and six species of Lepraria. Notably, we describe as new to science Lepraria tiinae, which is quite common in coastal biotopes of the archipelago. The main distinguishing phenotypic features of this new species include large granules of the thallus, a well-developed hypothallus, dark rhizohyphae, and the production of thiophanic acid, arthothelin, and dichlorolichexanthone. Additionally, … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Svensson M. & Moberg R. (2023): Pyxine tiinae (Caliciaceae, Ascomycota), a new lichen species from high elevation in Peru - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 60: 3–12

Pyxine tiinae, a new foliose lichen species, is described from an alpine locality in Peru. The new species is characterized by convex and radiating, grey lobes, a K– cortex and K– epihymenium, the presence of terpenes, and by comparatively long pycnoconidia. A phylogenetic analysis places P. tiinae as sibling to the genus Culbersonia, although the morphological characters do not fit with either this genus or with Pyxine as currently circumscribed. Keywords: Caliciaceae, Culbersonia, Physciaceae, … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Chesnokov S.V. & Konoreva L.A. (2023): New records of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi from the Franz Josef Land (Russian Arctic) - Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 57(2): L39–L48

The study presents data on 24 species of lichens and seven species of lichenicolous fungi that are newly recorded in the Franz Josef Land Archipelago. Among these, Amandinea pelidna, Didymocyrtis bryonthae, and Sclerococcum parasiticum are new discoveries for European Russia, and another 12 species are newly documented for the Arkhangelsk Region. Thus, 301 species of lichens and 50 species of lichenicolous fungi are currently known for the Franz Josef Land Archipelago. Keywords: distribution, … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Kärnefelt I. (2023): The great lady of lichen chemistry Chicita F. Culberson (1931–2023) has passed away - Graphis Scripta, 35(8): 144–147

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Arup U. & Ligander I. (2023): Phylogeny, ecology and morphology of the two corticolous lichen species Rinodina colobina and R. pityrea in the Nordic countries - Graphis Scripta, 35(8): 126–143

Rinodina pityrea and R. colobina are reported as two distinct species with differing ecology and morphological characters. Molecular analysis of their ITS and mrSSU genes show that R. pityrea and R. colobina are two clearly separated species. Furthermore, the two species are morphologically and geographically distinct in the Nordic countries and can usually be recognized with a hand lens rather than by observing spore type which can be very difficult. The differing characteristics of R. pityrea and … URL EndNote Read more... 

Hischier C.M., Frey D., Römer N., Scheidegger C., Stofer S., Vust M. & Fink S. (2023): Die Verhüllende Korallenflechte. Eine geschützte Auenart im Fokus von Naturschutz und Wasserbau - Merkblatt für die Praxis, 73: 1-8

Was sind Flechten? Flechten sind Lebensgemeinschaften zwischen einem Pilz und einer Grünalge oder einem Cyanobakterium (Blaualge), die eng aufeinander abgestimmt sind: Der Pilz schützt dabei die Algen beziehungsweise Cyanobakterien durch sein umhüllendes Geflecht vor Frass und Sonneneinstrahlung. Die Algen oder Cyanobakterien produzieren Kohlenhydrate (durch Fotosynthese) und versorgen den Pilzpartner mit Nährstoffen sowie mit aus der Luft fixiertem Stickstoff. Diese Symbiose erlaubt den Flechten, … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Kison H.-U. [unter Mitwirkung von: Czarnota P., Schiefelbein U., Sipman H.J.M., Stordeur R. & Westermann A.] (2021): The lichen flora of two Selketal nature reserves - Mitteilungen zur floristischen Kartierung in Sachsen-Anhalt [Halle], 26: 105–142

[in German with English abstract: ] The lichen flora including the lichenicolous fungi of the nature reserves ‚Selketal‘ (NSG 73) and ‚Oberes Selketal‘ (NSG 178) is presented. 178 taxa are known in the NSG 73, 40 % of them are recorded in the Red List of Saxony-Anhalt and 60 % are forest species. 289 taxa are communicated for NSG 178. 47 % of them are mentioned in the Red List and 60 % are forest species. All in all only 4 % of species are connected to old natural forests. Montanelia disjuncta, … EndNote PDF Read more... 

Page 3593 of 3703 Results 35921 - 35930 of 37024