Page 3589 of 3772 Results 35881 - 35890 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Németh C. (2023): Vezdaea cobria (Vezdaeaceae) a minute bryicolous lichenized ascomycete new to Hungary, Studia Botanica Hungarica, 54(1): 85–91

Vezdaea cobria, a lichenized fungus grows on living or moribund gametophyte of various bryophytes, but also on algal fi lms and soil. Because of its extremely minute size V. cobria is an infrequently collected and probably overlooked species, which has hitherto been published only from the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, and Alaska (USA). In this paper its fi rst observation is reported in Hungary from the Bakony and Bükk Mts, where it was collected on steep, N-facing, … URL EN Read more... 

Rigó A., Döme B., Dudáš M., Karikás M., Lőkös L., Pifkó D., Varga N. & Farkas E. (2023): Taxonomical and chorological notes 17 (178–183), Studia Botanica Hungarica, 54(1): 93–104

Floristical records of two lichen-forming fungi and four flowering plants are presented from Hungary. The rare lichen-species Gyalecta fagicola now is known from 7 localities in Hungary with 5 new records. Polyblastia philaea a terricolous lichen species is new to Hungary. The first confirmed record (Szentendre) of the annual weed Adonis annua, a new occurrence (Bodrog bank, Sárospatak) of Cyperus michelianus in the upper Tisza region, and a new locality of the alien weed Rapistrum rugosum from … URL EN Read more... 

Margulis L. & Barreno E. (2003): Looking at Lichens, BioScience, 53(8): 776-778

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Oksanen I. (2006): Ecological and biotechnological aspects of lichens, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 73(4): 723-734

Lichens and the partners from three different kingdoms are both taxonomically and physiologically a very diverse group, which makes them interesting from both ecological and biotechnological points of view. A lichen is a mutual ecophysiological innovation in many extreme environments in which symbiosis seems to protect the partners. Lichen’s ability to grow in harsh environments can be advantageous, resulting in important ecological niches, or disadvantageous when lichens occupy and cause biodeterioration … URL EN Read more... 

Rudolph E.D. (1988): Lichens in US Introductory Botany Textbooks, 1836-1986, BioScience, 38(6): 412-416

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Sanders W.B. (2023): Is lichen symbiont mutualism a myth?, BioScience, 73(9): 623-634

Lichens are classic examples of symbiosis, but some biologists have questioned whether the algal partner benefits from the relationship. Among the diverse lichen symbioses, the carbon transfer systems show remarkable convergences. When a compatible fungus is encountered, the alga proactively releases large amounts of carbohydrate, suggesting active participation rather than victimhood. Some lichen-related fungus–alga symbioses appear obligatory for the algal partner. Within true lichens, algal … URL EN Read more... 

Давыдов Е.А. [Davydov E.A.] (2011): Лишайники Тигирекского заповедника (аннотированный список видов) [Lichens of the Tigirek Strict Nature Reserve (an annotated check-list)], Труды Тигирекского заповедника [Proceedings of the Tigirek State Natural Reserve], 4: 72–89

[in Russian with English abstract: ] The annotated list including 350 lichen taxa from 347 species of 112 genera and 38 family, as well as 6 species of lichenicolous fungy from 6 genera and one species of saprophytic micromycet are presented. The data on substrate and ecotope as well as on distriburion within the preserved area are included. Nine species reported previously were re-identified and excluded from the lichen biota list. Key words: lichen, lichenized Ascomycota, lichen flora, Asia, … EN Read more... 

Hardman A., Russell M., Stone D., Heinlen E., Villella J. & Beck K. (2023): Calicioid presence in relation to substrate and tree age in forests of northeast Washington, U.S.A., Bryologist, 126(3): 367–378

To further understand calicioid communities and their habitat and substrate requirements, we conducted a study on the Colville National Forest of northeastern Washington State, U.S.A. We hypothesized that calicioid composition would vary depending on age and type of substrate, and that species diversity would be higher on older trees and in older stands, as found by previous research. To test these hypotheses, we searched for calicioids on plots established by the USDA Forest Service's Forest Inventory … URL EN Read more... 

Vega-Bello M.J., Moreno M.L., Estellés-Leal R., Hernández-Andreu J.M. & Prieto-Ruiz J.A. (2023): Usnea aurantiaco-atra (Jacq) Bory: metabolites and biological activities, Molecules, 28(21): 7317 [17 p.]

Background: Lichens are complex symbiotic associations between a fungus and an alga or cyanobacterium. Due to their great adaptability to the environment, they have managed to colonize many terrestrial habitats, presenting a worldwide distribution from the poles to the tropical regions and from the plains to the highest mountains. In the flora of the Antarctic region, lichens stand out due to their variety and development and are a potential source of new bioactive compounds. Methods: A phytochemical … URL EN Read more... 

Moya P., Chiva S., Catalá M., Garmendia A., Casale M., Gomez J., Pazos T., Giordani P., Calatayud V. & Barreno E. (2023): Lichen biodiversity and near-infrared metabolomic fingerprint as diagnostic and prognostic complementary tools for biomonitoring: A case study in the eastern Iberian Peninsula, Journal of Fungi, 9(11): 1064 [21 p.]

In the 1990s, a sampling network for the biomonitoring of forests using epiphytic lichen diversity was established in the eastern Iberian Peninsula. This area registered air pollution impacts by winds from the Andorra thermal power plant, as well as from photo-oxidants and nitrogen depositions from local and long-distance transport. In 1997, an assessment of the state of lichen communities was carried out by calculating the Index of Atmospheric Purity. In addition, visible symptoms of morphological … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3589 of 3772 Results 35881 - 35890 of 37716