Page 3587 of 3773 Results 35861 - 35870 of 37722
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Mendili M., Jrad T.B. & Khadhri A. (2023): Lichen diversity and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in northern Tunisia: a study to evaluate environmental pollution, Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, 8: 847–862

This study focused on the diversity of lichens present in selected regions of northern Tunisia and assessed their resistance to atmospheric pollution. Twenty-five species of lichen were identified, divided into 13 families and 17 different genera. The results show that the Cladoniaceae and Parmeliaceae families predominate. Foliose and complex lichens are the most abundant. The main objective of this study was to examine, via atomic absorption spectrometry, the bioaccumulation of heavy metals (lead, … URL EN Read more... 

Tyutyunnik Y., Shabatura О. & Blum О. (2023): Biogeochemical lichen-indication study of the state and dynamics of the atmospheric pollution of the arboretum of the Falz-Fein biosphere reserve "Askania nova", Visnyk of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Geology, 2(101): 94-102

By the method of biogeochemical lichen indication on the territory of the arboretum of the Falz-Fein Biosphere Reserve "Askania-Nova" (Kherson Region, UKRAINE) the temporal trends (2011-2021) in the concentrations of heavy metals and other micro- and macro-elements in the epiphytic lichens was estimated. The lichens samples of Parmelia sulcata, Xanthoria parietina and Evernia prunastri collected in 2011 (39 sites) and 2021 (44 sites) for the concetrations of 22 chemical elements (Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, … URL EN Read more... 

Mlambo G., Padayachee T., Nelson D.R. & Syed K. (2023): Genome-wide analysis of the cytochrome P450 monooxygenases in the lichenized fungi of the class Lecanoromycetes , Microorganisms, 11: 2590 [16 p.]

Lichens are unique organisms that exhibit a permanent symbiosis between fungi and algae or fungi and photosynthetic bacteria. Lichens have been found to produce biotechnologically valuable secondary metabolites. A handful of studies showed that tailoring enzymes such as cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYPs/P450s) play a key role in synthesizing these metabolites. Despite the critical role of P450s in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, the systematic analysis of P450s in lichens has yet … URL EN Read more... 

Pišút I. (1962): Doplňky k poznaniu lišajníkov Slovenska 2. Nachträge zur Kenntnis der Flechten der Slowakei 2, Zborník Slovenského Národného Múzea / Acta Rerum Naturalium Musei Nationalis Slovaci, Bratislava, 8: 95–100

In den nachfolgenden Zeilen sind weitere Funde einiger interessanter oder seltener Flechten aus der Slowakei, besonders von Gebieten der Strazovská hornatina, Liptovské und Nizke Tatry (Liptauer und Niedrige Tatra) angeführt. Dr. A. Jurko, Dr. V. Peciar und prom. Biol. B. Urbánek ermöglichten mir einige ihrer Funde zu veröffentlichen; (bei Arten welche ich selbst sammelte ist der Name des Sammlers nicht ange-führt). Einige Arten haben Doz. Dr. J. Poelt (München, DBR) und Dr. J. Nadvornik … EN PDF Read more... 

Müller (Argoviensis) J. (1893): Revision der Steinschen Übersicht über die von Dr. Hans Meyer in Ostafrika gesammelten Flechten, Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie, 15: 511–521

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Müller (Argoviensis) J. (1893): Lichenes africani in variis territoriis germanicis recenter lecti, quos exponit. – In: Engler A. (ed.), Beiträge zur Flora von Afrika. IV , Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie, 15: 505–510

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Hollinger J., Carlberg T. & Dart J. (2020): Showcasing Palicella schizochromatica in California: a widespread and underappreciated species, Bulletin of the California Lichen Society, 27(1): 1‒5

Although limited to a review of only a handful of collections, we found Palicella schizochromatica in California to be consistent in morphology, anatomy and ecology with published literature and specimens from the Pacific Northwest outside of California, with the exception of one aberrant specimen with unusually small spores. In California, P. schizochromatica is broadly associated with mesic forests in mountainous areas, but its range is still imperfectly known owing to the relatively few specimens … EN Read more... 

Dart J., Peterson E.B. & Hollinger J. (2020): New and interesting records of lichens from California, Bulletin of the California Lichen Society, 27(1): 14‒21

One lichen species is reported as new to the state of California (Calicium montanum). Two species are presented as unknown, and eight additional species are unusual or interesting for other reasons. EN Read more... 

Lendemer J.C. (2023): Recent literature on lichens—270, Bryologist, 126(3): 417–423

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Ravera S., Benesperi R., Bianchi E., Brunialti G., Di Nuzzo L., Frati L., Giordani P., Isocrono D., Nascimbene J., Vallese C. & Paoli L. (2023): Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm.: The multifaceted suitability of the lung lichen to monitor forest ecosystems, Forests, 14(10): 2113 [23 p.]

Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. is a tripartite, broad-lobed foliose lichen usually found on bark and on epiphytic and epilithic mosses in humid forests. Currently, the species is threatened in most European countries because of its sensitivity to environmental alterations. In this paper, a total of 107 previous studies across more than 50 years were analysed to gain insight into the multiple roles that L. pulmonaria plays in forest habitats, specifically relating to ecosystem services and as environmental … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3587 of 3773 Results 35861 - 35870 of 37722