Page 3565 of 3679 Results 35641 - 35650 of 36790
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Zeller L., Forster A., Keye C., Meyer P., Roschak C. & Ammer C. (2023): What does literature tell us about the relationship between forest structural attributes and species richness in temperate forests?-A review - Ecological Indicators, 153(2023): 110383

The effects of forest management on species richness and diversity have become important research interests. The need to maintain biodiversity for forest ecosystem functioning has led to the question of how strongly and in what ways forest management modifies the diversity and abundance of different species groups. It is well known that many forest species rely on specific structures that may be modified by forest management. Assessing the impact of forest management on species richness may therefore … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Szczepańska K., Kubiak D., Ossowska E.A., Kukwa M., Jaskólska J., Kowalewska A., Schiefelbein U., Bohdan A., Kepel A., Sęktas M., Szymczyk R., Hachułka M., Rutkowski K., Smoczyk M., Zalewska A., Piegdoń A. & Romanow-Pękal E. (2023): Materiały do rozmieszczenia porostów i grzybów naporostowych Polski, 3 [Materials for the distribution of lichens and lichenicolous fungi in Poland, 3] - Wiadomości Botaniczne, 67: 168486 [33 p.]

[in Polish with English abstract: ] The paper presents new localities of 49 species of lichens and 11 species of lichenicolous fungi (marked by an asterisk), which are endangered in Poland or are regionally rare. The name of each taxon is followed by data on its diagnostic features and distribution in Poland. Provided lists of localities contain geographic coordinates and ATPOL grid squares, modified by S. Cieśliński and W. Fałtynowicz for the purposes of the Atlas of the Geographical Distribution … URL EndNote Read more... 

Lee B.-G. & Hur J.-S. (2023): A new lichenized fungus, Lendemeriella luteoaurantia, with a key to the species of Lendemeriella - Diversity, 15(7): 845 [12 p.]

Lendemeriella luteoaurantia B.G. Lee is described as a new lichen species from South Korea. The new species is identified by smaller, yellow-orange apothecia, larger ascospores with wider septum width, and the absence of Cinereorufa-green pigment and teloschistin, different from the closest species, L. aureopruinosa I.V. Frolov, Vondrák, Arup, Konoreva, S. Chesnokov, Yakovczenko and Davydov in morphology and chemistry. Molecular phylogeny employing internal transcribed spacer (nuITS), nuclear large … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Kulinowska M., Dresler S., Skalska-Kamińska A., Hanaka A. & Strzemski M. (2023): Methodological aspects of green extraction of usnic acid using natural deep eutectic solvents - Molecules, 28(14): 5321 [12 p.]

Usnic acid (UA) is a compound with multiple biological activities that make it useful in various industries, e.g., pharmaceutical, cosmetic, dentistry, and agricultural sectors. Lichens are the primary source of UA, which is primarily extracted using acetone. This study aimed to investigate the solubility of UA in numerous natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs) and use a mixture of thymol and camphor as a NADES in the optimization of the UA extraction process with the design of experiments method. … URL EndNote Read more... 

Alors D., Divakar P.K., Calchera A., Schmitt I., Crespo A. & Molina M.C. (2023): The temporal variation of secondary metabolites in the mycobiont culture and thallus of Parmelina carporrhizans and Parmelina quercina analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography - Separations, 10(7): 399 [11 p.]

Lichens are composite organisms that produce a wide variety of secondary metabolites; many of the compounds have a high potential as bioactive compounds. The major limitations of using bioactive compounds from lichens is their slow growth rate and the damage to environmental populations caused by massive collection. The alternative to the massive collection of lichens in the field is their culture under laboratory conditions. We chose two related lichen species of Parmeliaceae that produce similar … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Kerr M. & Leavitt S.D. (2023): A custom regional DNA barcode reference library for lichen-forming fungi of the Intermountain West, USA, increases successful specimen identification - Journal of Fungi, 9(7): 741 [14 p.]

DNA barcoding approaches provide powerful tools for characterizing fungal diversity. However, DNA barcoding is limited by poor representation of species-level diversity in fungal sequence databases. Can the development of custom, regionally focused DNA reference libraries improve species-level identification rates for lichen-forming fungi? To explore this question, we created a regional ITS database for lichen-forming fungi (LFF) in the Intermountain West of the United States. The custom database … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Daminova A.G., Rassabina A.E., Khabibrakhmanova V.R., Beckett R.P. & Minibayeva F.V. (2023): Topography of UV-melanized thalli of Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. - Plants, 12(14): 2627 [12 p.]

Lichens are unique extremophilic organisms due to their phenomenal resistance to adverse environmental factors, including ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. Melanization plays a special role in the protection of lichens from UV-B stress. In the present study, we analyzed the binding of melanins with the components of cell walls of the mycobiont of the upper cortex in the melanized lichen thalli Lobaria pulmonaria. Using scanning electron and atomic force microscopy, the morphological and nanomechanical … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Halıcı M. G., Kahraman M., Scur M. C. & Kitaura M. J. (2022): Leptogium Pirireisii, a new species of lichenized Ascomycota (Collemataceae) from James Ross Island in Antarctica - New Zealand Journal of Botany, 60: 68-76

The first author collected lichens in the austral summer of 2017 from James Ross Island, located in the North-East region of the Antarctic Peninsula, which is one of the lichen-rich islands in Antarctica, with around 60 species reported previously. In this project, the lichen biodiversity of the island is studied by using molecular techniques in addition to morphological characters. Our results show that the lichen biodiversity of Antarctica is not well known, as many undescribed or unreported species … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Naksuwankul K. & Lumbsch H. T. (2023): Saxicolous species of the lichenized fungal genus Porina (Ascomycota; Porinaceae) new records and a key to species in Thailand - Taiwania, 68: 261-264

Species of the genus Porina can growth on various substrates, including siliceous rocks. This study focus on saxicolous species, including two new records for Thailand; P. leptalea and P. nucula. Ten species of Porina were found in Thailand and a key to the identification of the species is provided. URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Varlı M., Lee E.-Y., Yang Y., Zhou R., Taş İ., Pulat S., Gamage C. D. B., Park S.-Y., Hur J.-S., Nam S.-J. & Kim H (2023): 1′-O-methyl-averantin isolated from the endolichenic fungus Jackrogersella sp. EL001672 suppresses colorectal cancer stemness via sonic Hedgehog and Notch signaling - Scientific Reports, 13: 2811

Endolichenic fungi are host organisms that live on lichens and produce a wide variety of secondary metabolites. Colorectal cancer stem cells are capable of self-renewal and differentiation into cancer cells, which makes cancers difficult to eradicate. New alternative therapeutics are needed to inhibit the growth of tumor stem cells. This study examined the ability of an extract of Jackrogersella sp. EL001672 (derived from the lichen Cetraria sp.) and the isolated compound 1′-O-methyl-averantin … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Page 3565 of 3679 Results 35641 - 35650 of 36790