Цуриков А.Г. & Цурикова Н.В. [Tsurykau A.G. & Tsurikova N.V.]
Эпифитные лишайники Беларуси. I. Особенности распределения по древесным породам [Corticolous lichens of Belarus. I. Distribution peculiarities by tree species] -
Вестник Оренбургского государственного педагогического университета : электронный научный журнал [Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal],
2(34): 59–71
[in Russian with English summary: ]
Based on the data accumulated over the nearly 240-year history of lichenological studies in Belarus (1781—
2017), the results of comparing the species composition of epiphytic lichens are presented. In Belarus, two
thirds of lichen species (406, or 68,0%) grow on the bark of 49 species of trees and shrubs. The main types of
phorophytes are pedunculate oak, aspen, Scots pine, alder, birch and spruce. A positive correlation between the
total number of epiphytic …