Page 3527 of 3770 Results 35261 - 35270 of 37696
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Frati L. & Brunialti G. (2023): Recent trends and future challenges for lichen biomonitoring in forests, Forests, 14(3): 647 [18 p.]

Currently, forest ecosystems are often located in remote areas, far from direct sources of air pollution. Nonetheless, they may be affected by different types of atmospheric deposition, which can compromise their health and inner balance. Epiphytic lichens respond to air pollution and climate change, and they have been widely adopted as ecological indicators, mainly in urban and industrial areas, while forest ecosystems are still underrepresented. However, in recent years, their use has become increasingly … URL EN Read more... 

Ruiz L., Carrión-Paladines V., Vega M., López F. & Benítez Á. (2023): Biological crust diversity related to elevation and soil properties at local scale in a montane scrub of Ecuador, Journal of Fungi, 9(3): 386 [13 p.]

The montane shrublands of southern Ecuador represent one of the least studied ecosystems, which in the last decade have been seriously threatened by increasing wildfires, deforestation, overgrazing, and conversion to forest plantations. Our main objective was to determine, at the local scale, the diversity of species composing the biological soil crust (BSC) at three elevations (2100, 2300, and 2500 m.a.s.l.) and their possible relationships with soil physical and chemical properties in montane shrublands. … URL EN Read more... 

Kukwa M., Kosecka M., Jabłońska A., Flakus A., Rodriguez-Flakus P. & Guzow-Krzemińska B. (2023): Pseudolepraria, a new leprose genus revealed in Ramalinaceae (Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes, Lecanorales) to accommodate Lepraria stephaniana. , MycoKeys, 96: 97–112

The new genus Pseudolepraria Kukwa, Jabłońska, Kosecka & Guzow-Krzemińska is introduced to accommodate Lepraria stephaniana Elix, Flakus & Kukwa. Phylogenetic analyses of nucITS, nucLSU, mtSSU and RPB2 markers recovered the new genus in the family Ramalinaceae with strong support. The genus is characterised by its thick, unstratified thallus composed entirely of soredia-like granules, the presence of 4-O-methylleprolomin, salazinic acid, zeorin and unknown terpenoid, and its phylogenetic position. … URL EN Read more... 

Жавхлан С., Энхтуяа О. & Бямбасүрэн П. [Javkhlan S., Enkhtuya O. & Byambasuren P.] (2022): Монгол-Алтайн уулын хээрийн тойрогт тэмдэглэсэн 7 зүйл хагийн шинэ цэгүүд [Seven lichens were registered in the mountain-steppe region of Mongolian Altai], Монголын ботаникийн сэтгүүл [Mongolian Journal of Botany], 4(30): 40–50

[in Mongolian with English abstract:] In 2019 on field time study in Mongolian-Altai heigh mountain steppe region we collected 120 lichen samples from different substratum in heigh mountain area (altitude: 2527-2770 m). We identified some interesting species such as Buellia geophila (Florke ex Sommerf.) Lynge, Caloplaca cerina (Ehrh. Ex Hedw.) Fr., Diploschistes diacapsis (Ach.) Lumbsch., Rinodina mniaraea (Ach.) Korrb., Vulpicida tubulosus (Schaer) J.E.Mattsoon & M.J.Lai, Caloplaca crenulatella … URL EN Read more... 

Энхтуяа О., Жавхлан С., Мөнхзул Т. & Бямбасүрэн П. [Enkhtuya O., Javkhlan S., Munkhzul T. & Byambasuren P.] (2022): Хуурай гандуу уулархаг нутгийн биологийн олон янз байдалд чухал амьдрах орчинг хагийн төрөл зүйлээр тогтоох нь (Ховд аймгийн Мөст сум, Хужирт багийн Бараат уулын жишээн дээр) [Establish of important habitats for dryland mountain biodiversity by their lichen species (in case of Baraat mountain, Khujirt village, Mӧst sum, Khovd aimag)], Монголын ботаникийн сэтгүүл [Mongolian Journal of Botany], 4(30): 24–39

[in Mongolian with English abstract: ] The study of lichens, which are species sensitive to environmental changes, is of great use. As a result of our analysis of lichen biodiversity, it is shown that the habitats of dry grass meadows from the Baraat ridge of the village Hujirt-Bagh from the somon Must, Khuvd Aimak are extremely rare in the Altai-Sayan region and are important habitats for the gene pool and habitat of the rare genetic resources of lichens. As a result of the research, 52 species … URL EN Read more... 

Pichler G., Muggia L., Carniel F., Grube M. & Kranner I. (2023): How to build a lichen: from metabolite release to symbiotic interplay, New Phytologist, 238(4): 1362–1378

Exposing their vegetative bodies to the light, lichens are outstanding amongst other fungal symbioses. Not requiring a pre-established host, 'lichenized fungi' build an entirely new structure together with microbial photosynthetic partners that neither can form alone. The signals involved in the transition of a fungus and a compatible photosynthetic partner from a free-living to a symbiotic state culminating in thallus formation, termed 'lichenization', and in the maintenance of the symbiosis, are … URL EN Read more... 

Wilkoń-Michalska J., Glazik N. & Kalińska A. (1988): Porosty miasta Torunia [The Lichens of Toruń town], Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici – Biologia, 29(63): 209–253

[in Polish with English summary: ] In the years 1973-1982 investigations were carried out of epiphytic, epilitic and overground lichens within the present administrative boundaries of Toruń, i. e. over an area of 116 km2. The investigations also covered epiphytic lichens on the bark of roadside trees along the main outgoing roads to within 10 km from the town boundary. Comparing the present results with those of the 1952 studies of epiphytic lichens in Toruń, it was possible to reveal a number … EN Read more... 

Yuan X., Li Y., Luo T., Bi W., Yu J. & Wang Y. (2023): Genomic Analysis of the Xanthoria elegans and Polyketide Synthase Gene Mining Based on the Whole Genome, Mycobiology, 51(1):36-48

Xanthoria elegans is a lichen symbiosis, that inhabits extreme environments and can absorb UV-B. We reported the de novo sequencing and assembly of X. elegans genome. The whole genome was approximately 44.63 Mb, with a GC content of 40.69%. Genome assembly generated 207 scaffolds with an N50 length of 563,100 bp, N90 length of 122,672 bp. The genome comprised 9,581 genes, some encoded enzymes involved in the secondary metabolism such as terpene, polyketides. To further understand the UV-B absorbing … URL EN Read more... 

Lorenz C., Bianchi E., Poggiali G., Alemanno G., Benesperi R., Brucato J.R., Garland S., Helbert J., Loppi S., Lorek A., Maturilli A., Papini A., de Vera J.-P. & Baqué M. (2023): Survivability of the lichen Xanthoria parietina in simulated Martian environmental conditions, Scientific Reports, 13: 4893 [15 p.]

Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. is a widely spread foliose lichen showing high tolerance against UV-radiation thanks to parietin, a secondary lichen substance. We exposed samples of X. parietina under simulated Martian conditions for 30 days to explore its survivability. The lichen’s vitality was monitored via chlorophyll a fluorescence that gives an indication for active light reaction of photosynthesis, performing in situ and after-treatment analyses. Raman spectroscopy and TEM were used to … URL EN Read more... 

Норкулов М.М. [Norkulov M.M.] (2023): Лишайники каратепинских гор [Lichens of the Karatepa mountains], Озиқ-овқат хавфсизлиги: миллий ва глобал муаммолар [Food security: national and global problems], 2022/3: 36–40

Uzbekistan; Tianshan. [in Russian with English abstract: ] The article presents information about the taxonomy and ecology of lichens in the Karatepa mountains. According to the conducted studies, 10 families of the Lecanoromycetes class (Parmeliaceae, Ramalinaceae, Megasporaceae, Physciaceae, Teloschistaceae, Peltigeraceae, Collemataceae, Candelariaceae, Umbilicariaceae, Physciaceae), 1 family of the Eurotiomycetes class (Verrucariaceae) and 1 family Lichinaceae of the class Lichinomycetes were … EN Read more... 

Page 3527 of 3770 Results 35261 - 35270 of 37696