Page 3520 of 3770 Results 35191 - 35200 of 37696
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Xhulaj S. (2019): Preliminary data on lichens from Albanian Alps (Razëm locality, Northern Albania), Biologica Nyssana, 10(2): 155–158

A list of 82 taxa of lichens collected in the Albanian Alps in two nearby localities is presented here. More than half of them (58 taxa) represent new record for the investigation area. Key words: Albanian Alps, biodiversity, lichens, new records. URL EN Read more... 

Conti M., Nimis P.L., Tretiach M., Muggia L., Moro A. & Martellos S. (2023): The Italian lichens dataset from the TSB herbarium (University of Trieste), Biodiversity Data Journal, 11: e96466 [10 p.]

The "Herbarium Universitatis Tergestinae" (TSB), with a total of ca. 50,000 specimens, includes the largest modern collection of lichens in Italy, with 25,796 samples collected from all over the country since 1984, representing 74% of all taxa known to occur in Italy. Almost all specimens have been georeferenced “a posteriori”. Amongst them, 98% are georeferenced and 87% have the date of collection. The dataset includes several type specimens (isotypes and holotypes) and exsiccata. The dataset … URL EN Read more... 

Stordeur R., Eckstein J., Hentschel J., John V., Kison H.-U., Knudsen K., Schiefelbein U., Seelemann A. & Thiemann R. (2023): Bemerkenswerte Neu- und Wiederfunde von Flechten, lichenicolen und saprophytischen Pilzen in Sachsen-Anhalt und angrenzenden Regionen, Schlechtendalia, 40: 251–268

A total of 29 taxa are treated. Of these, 20 are lichenised, six are lichenicolous and two are saprobic fungi. Acarospora similis and the lichenicolous fungus Trimmatostroma lichenicola were detected in Germany for the first time. The lichens Acarospora intermedia, Agonimia voauxii, Athallia vitellinula, Bacidina saxenii, Candelariella viae-lacteae, C. xanthostigmoides, Cladonia diversa, Kuettlingeria soralifera, Lecanora thysanophora, Normandina pulchella, Protoparmeliopsis garovaglii, Rinodina … EN Read more... 

热衣木•马木提,方津津,图尔荪阿依•排祖拉 [Mamut R., Fang J.J. & Payzulla T.] (2022): 中国双缘衣属(双缘衣科)地衣一新种 [A new species of the lichen genus Diploschistes from China], 菌物学报 [Mycosystema], 41(12): 1932–1940

[in Chinese with English abstract and description of a new taxon] The lichen-forming genus Diploschistes belongs to Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes, Ostropomycetidae, Graphidales, Diploschistaceae. This genus includes 48 crustose species worldwide, and is confirmed as monophyletic group. Based on morphological, anatomical and chemical observation combined with phylogenetic analysis of ITS, a new species of Diploschistes, D. viridis (referring to subg. Diploschistes), is found and described … URL EN Read more... 

Raudabaugh D.B. & Aime M.C. (2023): Culturable diversity of lichen-associated yeasts through enrichment strategies. , Ecologies, 4(1): 152–170

Lichens are symbiotic partnerships between a filamentous fungus and a photosymbiotic “alga”. Studies show that lichens harbor endothallic fungi, but that some taxa have been difficult to isolate from the main filamentous thallus-forming fungus and other faster growing lichenicolous/endothallic fungi. Therefore, we aimed to develop and evaluate liquid yeast-enrichment strategies to (1) isolate lichen-associated yeasts in pure culture, and (2) determine the taxonomic placement and breadth of the … URL EN Read more... 

Winchester V. (2023): Lichenometric dating and its limitations and problems: a guide for practitioners, Land, 12(3): 611 [18 p.]

Lichenometry, a method for dating rock surface exposure mainly in high latitudes and mountain environments, is based on estimates of lichen growth rates, but over the last 70 years it has been severely criticised. Its chief limitation is its questionable reliability due to three main problems: the species belonging to the Rhizocarpon subgenus, most often used by lichenometrists, are hard to identify; growth studies have highlighted the intrinsic variability of growth both seasonally and annually, … URL EN Read more... 

Lendemer J.C. (2023): Recent literature on lichens—268, Bryologist, 126(1): 154–163

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Etayo J. (2023): Volume one of a new worldwide flora of lichenicolous fungi – Basidiomycota, Bryologist, 126(1): 164–165

Book review on: Diederich, P., A. M. Millanes, M. Wedin & J. D. Lawrey. 2022. Flora of Lichenicolous Fungi. Volume 1. Basidiomycota. National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg, 351 pp. Available in the museum shop at the price of 35 E. A pdf is also available from: https://¼en URL EN Read more... 

Esmaeillou M., Sohrabi M. & Ofoghi H. (2022): The study of the destructive roles of the endolithic lichen Verrucaria buschirensis , family Verrucariaceae on the world heritage site Persepolis, Journal of Research on Archaeometry, 8(1): 171–183

The establishment of lichens on stone surfaces can cause serious damages to the surface. While the harms by the epilithic settlement is restricted to visual damages, the endolithic settlement will also bring about serious damage to the depths of the rock and will form small holes and fractures within the rock, which in turn will allow other organisms to penetrate and prompt further impairments. Considering the historical importance of the surfaces of carved stones at the world heritage site of Persepolis … URL EN Read more... 

Hofmann B., Dreyling L., Dal Grande F., Otte J. & Schmitt I. (2023): Habitat and tree species identity shape aboveground and belowground fungal communities in central European forests, Frontiers in Microbiology, 14: 1067906 [14 p.]

Introduction: Trees interact with fungi in mutualistic, saprotrophic, and pathogenic relationships. With their extensive aboveground and belowground structures, trees provide diverse habitats for fungi. Thus, tree species identity is an important driver of fungal community composition in forests. Methods: Here we investigate how forest habitat (bark surface vs. soil) and tree species identity (deciduous vs. coniferous) affect fungal communities in two Central European forests. We assess differences … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3520 of 3770 Results 35191 - 35200 of 37696