Page 11 of 3770 Results 101 - 110 of 37696
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Hill D.J. (1981): The growth of lichens with special reference to the modelling of circular thalli., Lichenologist, 13(3): 265-287

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Hill D.J. & Woolhouse H.W. (1966): Aspects of the autecology of Xanthoria parietina agg., Lichenologist, 3: 207-214

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Hinteregger E., Mayrhofer H. & Poelt J. (1989): Die Flechten der Alpenrosen in der Ostalpen (Rhododendron ferrugineum und Rh. hirsutum). I. Einige Arten der Gattungen Lecanora und Lecidea, Mitt. naturwiss. Ver. Steiermark, 119: 83-102

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Huneck S. (2006): Die Flechten der Kupferschieferhalden um Eisleben, Mansfeld und Sangerhausen, Mitt. florist. Kart. Sachsen-Anhalt. Sonderheft, 4: 62 p

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Howard G.E. (1970): The Lichen Genus Ochrolechia in North America North of Mexico., Bryologist, 73: 93-130

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Howe R. H. Jr. (1910): Species plantarum (1753) as a starting point for lichenological nomenclature., Proceedings of the Thoreau Museum of Nat, 1: 1-6

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Llano G. A. (1965): Review of Umbilicaria Hoffm., and of the Lasallias, Hvalradets Skrifter, Oslo, 48: 112-124

ČNH Lasallia pustulata var. papulosa (Ach.) comb. nov. with f. labradorensis (Hult.) comb. nov., f. laceratula (Vain.) comb. nov., f. fenestrata (Hav.) comb. nov., and var. pertusa (Rass.) comb. nov., L. pennsylvanica var. caucasica (Lojka) comb. nov., var. hispanica (Frey) comb. nov.; L. glauca var. ruwenzoriensis (Frey) comb. nov EN PDF Read more... 

Huss H., Mayrhofer H. et Ingolič E. (1992): Ramularia collo-cygni Sutton et Waller (Fungi imperfecti), ein wirtschaftlich bedeutender Parasit der Gerste in der Steiermark., Mitt. naturwiss. Ver. Steiermark, 122: 87-95

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Hyvärinen M., Halonen P. et Kauppi M. (1992): Influence of stand age and structure on the epiphytic lichen vegetation in the middle-boreal forests of Finland., Lichenologist, 24(2): 165-180

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Innes J.L. (1983): Size frequency distributions as a lichenometric technique: An assessment., Arctic and Alpine research, 15(3): 285-294

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Page 11 of 3770 Results 101 - 110 of 37696