Page 10 of 3679 Results 91 - 100 of 36788
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Шустов М.В. [Shustov M.V.] (2003): Основные закономерности распределения лишайников по Приволжской возвышенности [Main specific features of lichens distribution in the Privolzhskaya upland] - Известия Самарского научного центра Российской академии наук [“Izvestia” Samara's science center of Russian Academy of Sciences], 5(2): 312-327

[In Russian with English summary:] Main specific features of lichens distribution in the Privolzhskaya upland are considered and analysed. The most significant features among them are: phytokhorionomical and those associated with the contemporary distribution of plant cover as well as specific features caused by the geomorphological structure and floragenesis. EndNote Read more... 

Шустов М.В. [Shustov M.V.] (2007): Аннотированный список лишайников Самарской Луки [Annotated list of the Samarskaya Luka lichens] - Известия Самарского научного центра Российской академии наук [“Izvestia” Samara's science center of Russian Academy of Sciences], 9(1): 138-144

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Ширяев А.Г. [Shiryaev A.G.] (2008): Клавариодные грибы полуострова Ямал [The clavariod fungi of the Yamal Peninsula] - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 42: 130–141

Two Multiclavula species listed from the area. EndNote Read more... 

Ширяев А.Г. [Shiryaev A.G.] (2009): Клавариоидные грибы тундровой и лесотундровой зон Кольского полуострова (Мурманская область) [Clavarioid fungi of the tundra and forest-tundra zones of Kola Peninsula (Murmansk Region)] - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 43: 133–149

Two Multiclavula species listed from the area. EndNote Read more... 

Ширяев А.Г. [Shiryaev A.G.] (2011): Пространственная структура биоты клавариоидных грибов тундровой зоны полуострова Таймыр [Spatial structure of clavarioid fungi biota in tundra zone of Taimyr Peninsula] - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 45: 133–145

25 species of 8 genera of clavarioid fungi were found in the Taimyr tundras. The taxonomical structure of the studied biota is close to adjacent Yamal-Gydan and Arctic Jakutian biotas of clavarioid fungi. A group of active species was defined (Multiclavula corynoides, Typhula crassipes, T. culmigena, T. lutescens, T. variabilis). Spatial structure analysis has shown a significant difference between western and eastern Taimyr as well as between “high Arctic” (Arctic deserts and northern Arctic … EndNote Read more... 

Шершова Н.В. [Shershova N.V.] (2018): Ліхеноіндикація стану атмосферного повітря в місті Васильків Київської області [Lichen indication of air quality in Vasylkiv town (Kyiv Region)] - Український Ботанічний Журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal], 75(2): 143–148

[in Ukrainian with English abstract: ] As a result of the conducted survey, 39 species of epiphytic lichens were identified in the town of Vasylkiv (Kyiv Region) including 18 indicator species. Five of these lichen species are indicators of particulate (dust) and acid pollution, three species have high sensitivity and 10 species – medium sensitivity to air pollution. Indicators of dust and acid pollution were found on trees along highways, near industrial enterprises, in private housing. Distribution … EndNote Read more... 

Шершова Н.В. [Shershova N.V.] (2017): Ліхеноіндикація стану атмосферного повітря в смт Фастів Київської області [Lichen indication of air quality in Fastiv urban settlement, Kiev Region] - Український Ботанічний Журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal], 74(5): 435–441

[in Ukrainian with English abstract:] The results of lichen indication studies of the atmospheric air in Fastiv (Kiev Region) are presented. In total, 68 species of lichens have been identified, of which 19 species are indicative. Distribution maps of the indicative species of lichens were produced. Based on the data obtained as a result of calculation of atmospheric purity index (IAP) by Le Blanc & De Sloover, a distribution map of lichen indication zones within the town was prepared. The location … EndNote Read more... 

Шершова Н.В. [Shershova N.V.] (2016): Поширення чутливих до стану атмосферного повітря лишайників у малих містах Київської області [Distribution of sensitive to air pollution lichens in small towns of Kiev Region] - Український Ботанічний Журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal], 73(1): 56-60

Occurrence of epiphytic lichen species sensitive to air pollution was studied in model small towns Irpin, Bucha and Boyarka of Kiev Region. For each town, distribution maps of the species with medium and high sensitivity to air pollution are provided. Description of the occurrence patterns of these lichens is presented. Occurrence of sensitive species is found to be higher in Irpin and Bucha. Besides, these towns have parklands which are remnants of the forests of natural origin and serve as refugia. … EndNote Read more... 

Шаяхметова З.М., Селиванов А.Е. & Урбанавичене И.Н. [Shajachmetova Z.M., Selivanov A.E. & Urbanavichene I.N.] (2009): Лишайникипредгорных средне- и южно-таежных лесов Пермского края - Вестник Тверского государственного университета. Серия: Биология и экология [Herald of Tver State University. Series: Biology and Ecology], 12: 139-153

LICHENS OF HILLY MIDDLE AND SOUTHERN FOREMOUNTAIN TAIGA FORESTS (PERM REGION). Research was carried out in 1992 - 1994 and 1999 - 2007, as a result an annotated list of 306 lichen species was made. Two new for the Urals lichen species were found. Russia; Ural Mts. EndNote Read more... 

Шаяхметова З.М. [Shajachmetova Z.M.] (2009): Эпифитные лишайники хвойно-широколиственных лесов Пермского края - Вестник Тверского государственного университета. Серия: Биология и экология [Herald of Tver State University. Series: Biology and Ecology], 11(2): 132-143

THE EPIPHITIC LICHENS OF PERM REGION CONIFEROUS-BROADLEAVED WOODLANDS. Research was carried out in 2001-2008. As a results, the annotated listing including 168 species of Perm region coniferous-broadleaved woodland epiphitic lichens was made. Russia; Ural Mts. EndNote Read more... 

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