Ширяев А.Г. [Shiryaev A.G.]
Пространственная структура биоты клавариоидных грибов тундровой зоны полуострова Таймыр [Spatial structure of clavarioid fungi biota in tundra zone of Taimyr Peninsula] -
Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium,
45: 133–145
25 species of 8 genera of clavarioid fungi were found in the Taimyr tundras. The taxonomical structure of the studied biota is close to adjacent Yamal-Gydan and Arctic Jakutian biotas of clavarioid fungi. A group of active species was defined (Multiclavula corynoides, Typhula crassipes, T. culmigena, T. lutescens, T. variabilis). Spatial structure analysis has shown a significant difference between western and eastern Taimyr as well as between “high Arctic” (Arctic deserts and northern Arctic …