Page 1 of 3754 Results 1 - 10 of 37540
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
魏鑫丽 蒋淑华 魏江春 [Wei X.-L., Jiang S.-H. & Wei J.-C.] (2015): 石质文物地衣生物腐蚀及防治的研究进展 [Research progress of lichen biodeterioration and its treatment on stone cultural relics], Mycosystema, 34(5): 863‐870

[in Chinese with English abstract:] Deterioration of stone cultural relics mainly caused by biotic factors is analyzed, and the present domestic and international situation of preservation, treatment and restoration methods of the cultural relics are reviewed. Lichens are the key organisms causing biodeterioration of stone cultural relics. As compared with the foreign countries, lichens causing deterioration of stone cultural relics and their treatment are still imperfectly known in China. Scientific … EN Read more... 

魏江春 [Wei J.-C.] (2018): 中国地衣学现状综述 [A review on the present situation of lichenology in China], Mycosystema, 37(7): 812–818

[in Chinese with English abstract: ] A short review of the lichenology in China is given by the present paper. A concept about the lichen systematic biology with three systems of storage and retrieval as a bridge between biodiversity in the nature and exploration of lichen resources is emphasized. The significance of lichen species and genes in desert biological carpet engineering is discussed. The secret that lichen doesn′t produce secondary metabolites is uncovered, and a new way to solve … EN Read more... 

高斌 李静 魏江春 [Gao B., Li J. & Wei J.-C.] (2009): 叶生地衣新种——海南肠盘衣 [A new foliicolous lichen——Enterographa hainanensis], Mycosystema, 28(2): 175-177

[in Chinese with English abstract: ] During the study on foliicolous lichens collected from Hainan Province, a new species, Enterographa hainanensis B. Gao & J.C. Wei, is described in the present paper. A Latin diagnosis, Chinese description and discussion with 3 photographs are given. Key words: Roccellaceae, Arthoniales, Ascomycota. EN Read more... 

韩乐琳 魏江春 [Han L.-L. & Wei J.-C.] (2009): 南极地衣提取物抗氧化能力的初步研究 [A preliminary study on antioxidant ability of Antarctic lichen extract], Mycosystema, 28(6): 846-849

[in Chinese with English abstract: ] This paper deals with antioxidant ability of methanol extract from 4 Antarctic lichens, i.e. Usnea aurantiacoatra, Usnea antarctica, Sphaerophorus globosus and Cladonia sp. The antioxidant ability was detected by the linoleic acid, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical and reducing power systems, and compared with that of commercial antioxidant Vitamin C and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). The results showed that the lichens collected from Antarctica … EN Read more... 

陈凯 魏江春 [Chen K. & Wei J.-C.] (2015): 三种荒漠地衣共生菌藻的耐热性研究 [Heat tolerance of the mycobionts and phycobionts from three desert lichens], Mycosystema, 34(5): 1007-1014

[in Chinese with English abstract:] This paper deals with the heat tolerance of mycobionts and phycobionts isolated from desert lichens Endocarpon pusillum, Acarospora nodulosa, and A. schleicheri. This study is a part of the research program of the desert biological carpet engineering. The results showed that the mycobionts and phycobionts of the three desert lichens can only tolerate the temperature of 50°C under the moist conditions. However, under the arid conditions both the mycobiont and … EN Read more... 

陈健斌 邓红 [Chen J.-B. & Deng H.] (2011): 魏江春院士及其学术生涯概略 [Academic career of Professor J.C. Wei, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences], Mycosystema, 30(6): [i-v; not paginated]

[In Chinese] anniversary; Wei. EN Read more... 

陈健斌 [Chen J.-B.] (1994): 地衣二元性及其概念的双重理解与思考 [Understanding and thinking of concept and definition of “Lichen”], 生物多样性 [Chinese Biodiversity], 2(4): 228-230

[in Chinese with English abstract:] A new definition of lichen is proposed in the present paper. That is "a lichen is a symbiotic association of a fungus and an alga or a cyanobacterium resulting in a stable complex-thallus of specific structure, its essence and scientific name are represented by the mycobiont." Key words: Lichen; dual nature; specialized fungus; definition of lichen. EN Read more... 

陈健斌 [Chen J.-B.] (2011): 中国大陆的梅衣科Ⅵ.梅衣类地衣中的八个中国新记录种 [Parmeliaceae (Ascomycota) lichens from China’s mainland VI. Eight species new to China in parmelioid lichens], Mycosystema, 30(6): 881-888

[in Chinese with English abstract: ] Parmelioid genera comprise about 40 genera. Some of these genera recently have been combined based on morphological and/or molecular evidence. The 33 genera are currently used with more than 1,500 species. Of which 20 genera with ca. 200 species were recorded in mainland China. Eight species new to China in parmelioid lichens, Arctoparmelia separata, Everniastrum lipidiferum, Everniastrum mexicanum, Flavoparmelia baltimorensis, Myelochroa hayachinensis, Parmelia … EN Read more... 

陈健斌 [Chen J.-B.] (2013): 中国大陆的梅衣科地衣Ⅶ. 缘点梅属 [Parmeliaceae (Ascomycota) lichens in China’s mainland VII. The genus Nipponoparmelia], Mycosystema, 32(1): 51-55

[n Chinese with English abstract:] Twenty seven genera in parmelioid lichens are recently accepted by 42 famous lichenologists and molecular biologists based on molecular, morphological and chemical evidence. Of which the genus Nipponoparmelia with 4 species is included. Four species of this genus from China are reported in the present paper. Diagnostic characters (morphology, chemistry and distributions) for each species are given. The name Parmotrema pustulatum used by the author in the previous paper … EN Read more... 

阿不都拉·阿巴斯 & 拉扎提·努尔太 [Abbas A. & Nurtai L.] (2018): 中国微孢衣属地衣(微孢衣科)三个新记录种 [Three new records of lichen genus Acarospora (Acarosporaceae) from China], Mycosystema, 37(7): 954–961

[in Chinese with English abstract: ] Three new records of lichen genus Acarospora (Acarosporaceae) are reported from China, viz. Acarospora obpallens (Nyl. ex Hasse) Zahlbr., A. rosulata (Th. Fr.) H. Magn. and A. aeginaica H. Magn. The specimens were collected from Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang. Morphological description, figures, ITS and mtSSU sequences are provided for each species. The materials are deposited in the Herbarium of Lichen Research Center in Arid Zones of Northwestern … EN Read more... 

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