Page 3658 of 3677 Results 36571 - 36580 of 36768
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Фадеева М.А. & Кравченко А.В. [Fadeeva M.A. & Kravchenko A.V.] (2012): Новые виды лишайников для Вологодской области и Республики Карелия [Lichen species new for the Vologda Region and Republic of Karelia] - Труды Карельского научного центра РАН, Серия Биогеография, Петрозаводск [Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. ser. Biogeography. Petrozavodsk], 13: 138-140

Information is provided on four lichen species, of which three are new for the Vologda Region, and one – for Republic of Karelia. K e y w o r d s : lichens, Vologda Region, Republic of Karelia, Collema curtisporum, Collema nigrescens, Lobaria scrobiculata, Ramalina sinensis. EndNote Read more... 

Фадеева М.А., Голубкова Н.С., Витикайнен О. & Ахти Т. [Fadeeva M.A., Golubkova N.S., Vitikainen O. & Ahti T.] (2007): Конспект лишайников и лихeнофильных грибов Республики Карелия [Conspectus of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the Republic of Karelia] - Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН [Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Science], 194 p

The monograph summarizes data on 1256 species and infraspecific taxa of lichens and taxonomically adjacent fungi, reported for the Republic of Karelia, including 1097 taxa of true lichens (lichenized fungi), 137 taxa of lichenicolous fungi, 22 species of non-lichenized fungi taxonomically close to lichens. 16 species are reported for Karelia for the first time. A number of species and infraspecific taxa in each biogeographic province (floristic district) of Karelia is given. The publication is meant … URL EndNote Read more... 

Фадеева М.А., Урбанавичюс Г.П. & Ахти Т. [Fadeeva M.A., Urbanavichus G.P. & Ahti T.] (2013): Дополнения к флоре лишайников заповедника “Пасвик” [Additions to the lichen flora of the Pasvik strict nature Reserve] - Труды Карельского научного центра РАН, Серия Биогеография, Петрозаводск [Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. ser. Biogeography. Petrozavodsk], 14: 101-104

Information about 17 species and 1 subspecies of lichens and 1 lichenicolous fungus new for the Pasvik Reserve is provided. Agonimia globulifera is reported for the first time for Russia, Arthonia didyma – for the Murmansk Region. K e y w o r d s : flora findings, lichens, Pasvik strict nature reserve, Murmansk Region, Russia, Agonimia globulifera, Arthonia didyma. EndNote Read more... 

Федоренко Н.М. [Fedorenko N.M.] (2005): Стан вивченості лишайників Українського Полісся [To study of lichen in the Ukrainian Polyssya] - Український Ботанічний Журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal], 62(2): 183–189

[In Ukrainian with English abstract: ] History of the study of lichens in the Ukrainian Polissya is analysed. First information about lichens in the given region is dated from 1830, but only after 1925 studies of this region have become regular. A.M. Oxner, V.R. Maslova, S.D. Zelenko have made the most valuable contribution to the study of lichens in the Ukrainian Polissya. Some data on lichens from single localities of Ukrainian Polissya are in the papers of M.F. Makarevich, O.G. Roms, L.I. Frantsevich, … EndNote Read more... 

Федоренко Н.М. [Fedorenko N.M.] (2006): Нові та рідкісні для України види ліхенофільних грибів [New and rare lichenicolous fungi from Ukraine] - Укр. ботaн. журн. [Ukr. Botan. Journ.], 63(2): 190-195

Four new for Ukraine species of lichenicolous fungi (Endococcus rugulosus Nyl., Lichenothelia scopularia (Nyl.) D. Hawksw., Polycoccum microsticticum (Leight. ex Mudd) Arnold, Stigmidium pumilum (Lettau) Matzer et Hafellner) are recorded. Cercidospora macrospora (Uloth) Hafellner et Nav.-Ros., Lichenoconium lecanorae (Jaap) D. Hawksw., Lichenostigma cosmopolites Hafellner & Calatayud, Lichenothelia convexa Henssen are recorded for the first time for Ukraine Plains and Endococcus propinquus (Körber) … EndNote Read more... 

Федоренко Н.М., Надєина О.В. & Кондратюк С.Я. [Fedorenko N.M., Nadeina O.V. & Kondratyuk S.Ya.] (2007): Нові та рідкісні види ліхенофільних грибів з України [New and rare lichenicolous fungi from Ukraine] - Український ботанічний журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journa­l], 64(1): 47-56

Four new for Ukraine species of lichenicolous fungi (Endococcus rugulosus Nyl., Lichenothelia scopularia (Nyl.) D. Hawksw., Polycoccum microsticticum (Leight. ex Mudd) Arnold, Stigmidium pumilum (Lettau) Matzer et Hafellner) are recorded. Cercidospora macrospora (Uloth) Hafellner et Nav.-Ros., Lichenoconium lecanorae (Jaap) D. Hawksw., Lichenostigma cosmopolites Hafellner & Calatayud, Lichenothelia convexa Henssen are recorded for the first time for Ukraine Plains and Endococcus propinquus (Körber) … EndNote Read more... 

Фролов И.В. (Frolov I.V.) (2008): Экологическая гетерогенность группировок эпиксильных лишайников (на примере Башкирского заповедника) - in : Виноградова К.Л. (eд) (2008): Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы ботаники в начале XXI века. Материалы всероссийской конференции (Петрозаводск, 258-259

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Фролов И.В. [Frolov I.V.] (2009): Экологические группы эпифитных лишайников Южного Урала - Вестник Оренбургского государственного университета, 1/2009: 115-119

Russia, Ural Mts [In Russian] EndNote Read more... 

Фролов И.В. [Frolov I.V.] (2008): Эпилитные лишайники Башкирского государственного природного заповедника [Epilithic lichens of Bashkirsky Nature Reserve] - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 42: 219–224

The saxicolous lichens of Bashkirsky Nature Reserve (Russia) are listed. The Reserve is located in the mountain forest zone of the South Urals between 53°30’ and 53°15’ N. The list comprises 100 species and 3 subspecies. Data on substrate preferences, occurrence and distribution within landscapes of the Reserve are given. Keywords: lichens, epilithic, list of species, Bashkirsky Nature Reserve. EndNote Read more... 

Фролов И.В. [Frolov I.V.] (2007): Эпифитные лишайники Башкирского государственного заповедника [Epiphytic lichens of the Bashkirsky state nature reserve] - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 41: 272–280

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Page 3658 of 3677 Results 36571 - 36580 of 36768