Page 3656 of 3729 Results 36551 - 36560 of 37282
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Жданов И.С. [Zhdanov I.S] (2022): Ревизия лишайников рода Hypotrachyna s. l. (Parmeliaceae) в России с ключом для определения видов [A revision of the lichen genus Hypotrachyna s. l. (Parmeliaceae) in Russia, with a key to the species], Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 56(1): 125–140

[in Russian with English abstract: ] The survey of eight Russian species of the genus Hypotrachyna is presented, including H. afrorevoluta, H. cirrhata, H. endochlora, H. koyaensis, H. laevigata, H. pseudosinuosa, H. revoluta, and H. sinuosa. Descriptions of the species, data on their ecology, distribution in Russia and in the world, and a key to species are provided. Keywords: biodiversity, lichens, systematics, Russian Far East, Caucasus. URL EN Read more... 

Жданов И.С. & Волоснова Л.Ф. [Zhdanov I.S. & Volosnova L.F.] (2012): Материалы к лихенофлоре Мещёрской низменности (в пределах Владимирской и Рязанской областей) [Contributions to the lichen flora of Meshchyora Lowland (within Vladimir and Ryazan Regions)], Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 46: 145–160

The annotated list of 176 lichen species is presented, including preliminary data of the lichen flora of Meshchyora National Park (Vladimir Region, 154 species) and additions and corrections to the list of lichens of Okskiy Biosphere Reserve (Ryazan Region, 46 species). Ten lichen species are new to Central Nechernozemie. Keywords: lichens, Vladimir Region, Ryazan Region, Meshchyora National Park, Okskiy Biosphere Reserve, Meshchyora Lowland, Russia. EN Read more... 

Жданов И.С. & Волоснова Л.Ф. [Zhdanov I.S. & Volosnova L.F.] (2008): Предварительный список лишайников Окского биосферного заповедника (Рязанская область) [Preliminary list of lichens of Oksky Biosphere Reserve (Ryazan Region)], Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates Systematicae Plantarum non Vascularium, 42: 178–188

The preliminary list of lichens of the Oksky Biosphere Reserve comprises 141 species. The substrate and ecology are described briefly for each species. The frequency is indicated for the species determinable in the field. Keywords: lichens, Oksky Biosphere Reserve, substrate, ecology, frequency. Arthonia apatetica, Hypocenomyce caradocensis, Lecanora subintricata and Thelocarpon laureri are new for Central Russia (within Central Federal District). EN Read more... 

Жданов И.С. & Дудорева Т.А. (Zdanov I.S. & Dudoreva T.A.) (2008): Лихенофлора Кандалакшского государственного заповедника (Мурманская область): история изучения, первые итоги, in : Виноградова К.Л. (eд) (2008): Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы ботаники в начале XXI века. Материалы всероссийской конференции (Петрозаводск, 189-192

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Желудева Е.В. [Zheludeva E.V.] (2017): Новинки лихенофлоры Магаданской области [New records of lichen species from Magadan region], Turczaninowia, 20(2): 64–74

In 2007–2016 the author of the article was studying lichen flora from the Ola (valley of the Taui R. and the Ola R., Talan Island, Atargan, Yamsk, Ola and Kava-Chelomdzha areas of the Magadan nature reserve), Magadan (surroundings of Magadan and Snezhnaya Dolina settlement), Severo-Evensk (valley of the Gizhiga R. and Nayakhan R.), Srednekansky (surroundings of Ezop mountain) and Khasynsky (Yablonevy pass and 86th km of the main highway) regions of Magadan Oblast. Certain samples were collected … EN Read more... 

Журбенко М.П. [Zhurbenko M.P.] (2012): Новые данные о лихенофильных грибах заповедника «Столбы» (Красноярский край) [New records of lichenicolous fungi from State Nature Reserve «Stolby» (Krasnoyarsk Territory)], Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 46: 92–95

Twenty species of lichenicolous fungi are reported from «Stolby» Reserve, 17 of which are new to its territory. Cornutispora ciliata and Hawksworthiana peltigericola are new to Asia and Russia, Polycoccum peltigerae is new to Asia, Tremella everniae is new to Russia. Keywords: lichenicolous fungi, State Nature Reserve «Stolby», Eastern Sayan, Siberia, Russia. EN Read more... 

Журбенко М.П. [Zhurbenko M.P.] (1998): Лихенофильные грибы: их опознание и использование в изучении лишайников. Fungi lichenophili: recognitio ac usus eorum pro lichenum examinatione, Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 32: 28-40

lichenicolous fungi EN Read more... 

Журбенко М.П. [Zhurbenko M.P.] (1995): Лишайники из района нижнего течения реки Правая Убойная, западный Таймыр. LICНENES Е LOCIS FLUМINI UBOINAJA DEXTRA IN FLUXU EIUS INFERIORE (TAIМYR ОСCIDЕNТALIS) ADJACENTIBUS, Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 30: 62-65

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Журбенко М.П. [Zhurbenko M.P.] (1999): Лишайники Полярного Урала в долине р. Собь. LICHENES PARTIS POLARIS MONTIUM URALENSIUM IN VALLE FL. SOB, Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 33: 120-130

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Журбенко М.П. [Zhurbenko M.P.] (1989): Материалы к лихенофлоре плато Путорана. Materies ad lichenofloram planitiei elatae Putorana, Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 26: 110-115

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Page 3656 of 3729 Results 36551 - 36560 of 37282