Zimmermann E. & Berger F.
Lichenicole Pilze der Schweiz XI: Lichenicole Pilze an terri- und saxicolen Flechten in alpinen Habitaten im Gebiet Furtschellas-Murtel bei Sils-Maria (Graubünden, Schweiz),
74: 29–44
Forty-eight lichenicolous fungi were recorded in an alpine habitat in Furtschellas-Murtel, Sils-Maria (Oberengadin, Grisons, Switzerland). Arthonia protoparmeliae is reported from the Alps for the first time, and Arthonia clemens, A. protoparmeliae, A. subclemens, Carbonea latypizodes, Intralichen lichenicola, Muellerella rhizocarpicola, Phacographa protoparmeliae, Polycoccum arnoldii, P. sporastatiae, Sclerococcum deminutum, Sphaerellothecium atryneae are published for the first time for Switzerland. …