Page 3629 of 3772 Results 36281 - 36290 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Zedda L. & Rambold G. (2004): Diversity change of soil-growing lichens along a climate gradient in Southern Africa, Bibl. Lichenol., 88: 701-714

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Zedda L. & Rambold G. (2009): Diversity and ecology of soil lichens in the Knersvlakte (South Africa), Bryologist, 112(1): 19–29

The lichen vegetation forming biological soil crusts is described for the first time for a semi-desert area of the Republic of South Africa (Knersvlakte, Namaqualand). Thirtyfive terricolous lichen taxa were recorded. Fifty-two percent of the lichens are endemic to Namaqualand according to current knowledge. Squamulose and crustose lichens were the most common (over 60% of taxa) and most contained green algal photobionts. Three main communities were distinguished: 1) a widespread community composed … EN Read more... 

Zedda L. & Rambold G. (2015): The diversity of lichenised fungi: ecosystem functions and ecosystem service, In: Upreti D.K., Divakar P.K., Shukla V. & Bajpai R. (eds), Recent Advances in Lichenology: Modern Methods and Approaches in Lichen Systematics and Culture Techniques, Volume 2, p. 121-145, Springer India

Biodiversity supports ecosystem functioning and productivity, and makes ecosystems more resilient and resistant to changes. Ecosystem functions are due to the biological, geochemical and physical processes occurring within an ecosystem. They relate to the structural components (e.g. water, soil, atmosphere, and biota) and their interactions within and across ecosystems. Functions that are useful to human well-being are defined as ‘ecosystem services’. Lichenised fungi are complex and … EN Read more... 

Zedda L. & Sipman H. (2001): Lichens and lichenicolous fungi on Juniperus oxycedrus L. in Campu Su Disterru (Sardinia, Italy), Bocconea, 13: 309-328

The lichen flora on Juniperus oxycedrus L. in the ancient, montane holm-oak forest at Campu Su Disterru (Supramonte di Orgosolo, central-east Sardina, Italy) has been investigated and 68 taxa of lichens plus 3 lichenicolous fungi were identified. The most remarkable findings are: Ophioparma rubricosa (Müll. Arg.) Ekman, new to Europe, and Chaenothecopsis nana Tibell, new to Italy. 8 species are reported for the first time from Sardinia: Agonimia octospora Coppins & P. James, Calicium adspersum … EN Read more... 

Zedda L., Cogoni A., Flore F. & Brundu G. (2010): Impacts of alien plants and man-made disturbance on soil-growing bryophyte and lichen diversity in coastal areas of Sardinia (Italy), Plant Biosystems, 144(3): 547-562

Seventy phytosociological relevés were performed in 1 m × 1 m plots at 14 study sites spread along sandy shores in northern and southern Sardinia (Italy). The plots were selected in different habitat types (open dunes, native Juniperus woodlands, maquis, and plantations with Acacia , Eucalyptus and Pinus ) according to a stratified sampling method in order to investigate impacts deriving from different levels of Carpobrotus spp. cover, dry litter from exotic trees, and other disturbance … EN Read more... 

Zedda L., Flore F. & Cogoni A. (2001): Bryophyte and Iichen communities on oak in a Mediterranean-montane area or Sardinia (Italy), Nova Hedwigia, 73: 393-408

Bryophyte and lichen epiphytic communities were studied in the Mediterranean-montane area of M. Artu in Sardinia (ltaly) by mean of relevés carried out in different oak forest types, with the aim of pointing out differences due to anthropogenic activities. Altogether, 15 bryophyte species and 74 lichen species were found. Relevés were classified using cluster analysis. In well-preserved forests, communities dominated by bryophytes and close to the climax associations Antitrichietum californicae … EN Read more... 

Zedda L., Gröngröft A., Schultz M., Petersen A., Mills A. & Rambold G. (2011): Distribution patterns of soil lichens across the principal biomes of southern Africa, Journal of Arid Environments, 75: 215-220

The present study was undertaken to assess baseline distribution patterns for soil lichens occurring in the principal biomes of southern Africa, and to analyse their relationship to selected environmental parameters. Among the lichen species found across our survey sites, four distinct groups could be delineated, each as distinct consortium of lichen species sharing particular morphological characters (e.g. growth-form, pigmentation and type of photobiont kind). These groups are largely correlated … EN Read more... 

Zedda L., Schultz M. & Rambold G. (2009): Diversity of epiphytic lichens in the savannah biome of Namibia, Herzogia, 22: 153-164

Epiphytic lichens were investigated at different sites in the savannah biome of Namibia (Southern Africa). Altogether, 37 taxa were recorded, 24 of which are new to Namibia. Six of these are even new to Southern Africa and two to Africa. The lichen mycota is dominated by cosmopolitan species, mainly belonging to the Physciaceae. Large foliose lichens are rare and fruticose ones absent. Key words: Lichenized Ascomycetes, Africa, biodiversity. EN Read more... 

Zedrosser T. (1925): Die Flechten des Lavanttales, Carinthia II, 114–115/34–35: 29–38

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Zehetleitner G. (1978): Über einige parasitische Arten der Flechtengattung Verrucaria, Nova Hedwigia, 29: 683-734

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Page 3629 of 3772 Results 36281 - 36290 of 37716