Пірогов М. [Pirogov N.]
Ліхенофільні гриби Українського Розточчя [Lichenicolous fungi of the Ukrainian Roztochya] -
Вісник Львівського університету, Серія біологічна [Visnyk of the Lviv University, Biology series],
59: 73-81
Twenty species of lichenicolous fungi presently known for the Ukrainian Roztochya are given. Lichen-hosts, distribution on the investigate territory and taxonomical notes for these species are presented. The description and illustrations for Stigmidium squamariae (B. de Lesd.) Cl. Roux & Triebel., new species for Ukraine, are given.
Keywords: Ukraine, lichenicolous fungi, annotated list, Stigmidium squamariae.