Нотов А.А., Гимельбрант Д.Е., Степанчикова И.С. & Волков В.П. [Notov A.A., Himelbrant D.E., Stepanchikova I.S. & Volkov V.P.]
Дополнение к лихенофлоре Центрально-Лесного государственного природного биосферного заповедника [Additions to the lichen flora of the Central Forest State Natural Biosphere Reserve] -
Вестник Тверского государственного университета. Серия: Биология и экология [Herald of Tver State University. Series: Biology and Ecology],
2022/2(66): 122–132
[in Russian with English summary:]
Four species of lichens, four species of fungi and one species of parasitic
myxomycete are reported for the first time for the Central Forest State
Natural Biosphere Reserve (CFR). Data on localities and habitats are
provided for all species; nearest known localities in Tver Region are
discussed. Nowadays the list of lichens and allied fungi of the CFR counts
413 species from 157 genera.
Keywords: lichens, ichenicolous fungi, lichen flora, Central Forest …