Page 3600 of 3717 Results 35991 - 36000 of 37163
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Zhurbenko M.P., Kukwa M. & Oset M. (2009): Roselliniella stereocaulorum (Sordariales, Ascomycota), a new lichenicolous fungus from the Holarctic, Mycotaxon, 109: 323-328

Roselliniella stereocaulorum growing on Stereocaulon spp. is described as new from Poland, the Asiatic part of Russia and the USA (Alaska). Key words — taxonomy, new species EN Read more... 

Zhurbenko M.P., Laursen G.A. & Walker D.A. (2005): New and rare lichenicolous fungi and lichens from the North American Arctic, Mycotaxon, 92: 201-212

Flavocetraria minuscula (Elenkin & Savicz) Ahti, Poryadina & Zhurb. comb. nov., Pronectria dillmaniae sp. nov. (Alaska, on Catapyrenium cinereum), P. walkerorum sp. nov. (North West Territories, Alaska, Norway, on Ochrolechia sp.). New to North America: Biatorella contigua. New to Alaska: Agonimia tristicula, Pycnothelia papillaria var. papillaria, Steinia geophana EN Read more... 

Zhurbenko M.P., Matveeva N.V., Vonlanthen C., Walker D.A. & Raynolds M.K. (2006): Lichens from Ellef Ringnes Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Evansia, 23(3): 69-78

119 lichen species in 62 genera are reported from Ellef Ringnes Island within the polar desert zone of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Stereocaulon depressum and Solorina bispora var. subspongiosa are reported from North America for the first time. Cystocoleus ebeneus and Pertusaria atra are new to the American Arctic. Anaptychia bryorum, Caloplaca phaeocarpella, Cladonia scabriuscula, Cladonia squamosa, Cladonia stygia, Endocarpon pusillum, Lecanora leptacinella, Peltigera frippii, Rinodina terrestris, … EN Read more... 

Zhurbenko M.P., Raynolds M.K., Walker D.A. & Matveeva N.V. (2005): Lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the Kolyma delta region, Russian Arctic, Graphis Scripta, 17(1): 27-31

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Zhurbenko M.P., Stepanchikova I.S. & Himelbrant D.E. (2020): New species and new records of lichenicolous fungi from the Kamchatka Territory of Russia, Herzogia, 33: 512–524

Arthonia epiparmelia Zhurb. (on Parmelia sulcata), A. lecideicola Zhurb. & Stepanchikova (on Lecidea erythrophaea), Feltgeniomyces lecanorae Zhurb. (on Lecanora chlarotera s. lat.) and Merismatium lobariae Zhurb. (on Lobaria pulmonaria and L. scrobiculata) are described as new to science from the northern Holarctic. Abrothallus eriodermae, Lichenochora galligena and Xenonectriella streimannii s. lat. are newly reported for Asia and Russia. Keywords: lichen parasites, taxonomy, northern Asia … URL EN Read more... 

Zhurbenko M.P., Tadome K. & Ohmura Y. (2018): Pronectria japonica species nova and a key to the lichenicolous fungi and lichens growing on Ochrolechia, Herzogia, 31: 494–504

Pronectria japonica growing on an unidentified Ochrolechia species is described as new to science. Dactylospora glaucomarioides, D. cf. pertusariicola, Lichenodiplis anomala, L. ochrolechiae, and Sagediopsis campsteriana are newly reported for Japan. Pyrenidium actinellum s. l. is for the first time documented on Ochrolechia. A key to the known species of lichenicolous fungi and lichens growing on Ochrolechia is presented. Key words: Japan, lichen parasites, Bionectriaceae, Hypocreales. EN Read more... 

Zhurbenko, M. P. & Alstrup, V. (2004): Lichenicolous fungi on Cladonia mainly from the Arctic, Acta Univ. Ups. Symb. Bot. Ups., 34:1, 477–499

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Zibzeev E.G. & Sambyla Ch.N. (2011): Phytomass Structure of Plant Communities of Humid High-Altitude Habitats of the Eastern Sayan Ranges: A Case Study of the Kryzhin Range, Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2011, Vol. , 4(3): 296-302

Keywords: high-altitude vegetation, phytomass, alpine meadows, tundra, Eastern Sayan. Cladonia species dominating in the tundra synusia. Data on phytomass given. EN Read more... 

Zięba A., Różański W. & Szwagrzyk J. (2018): Syntaxonomy of relic Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra) forests in the Tatra Mountains, Tuexenia, 38: 155–176

Pinus cembra forests in the Tatra Mountains were studied by MYCZKOWSKI (1970) and WOJTERSKA et al. (2004), and this research led to a description of a separate forest association called Cembro-Piceetum Myczkowski 1970 or, according to WOJTERSKA et al. (2004), Larici-Pinetum cembrae (Pallmann et Haffter 1933) Ellenberg 1963. However, due to insufficient data, the syntaxo-nomical status of Swiss stone pine forests remained arguable. Therefore, the aim of this study was to verify the syntaxonomical … EN Read more... 

Ziegler I. (1977): Sulfite action on ribulosediphosphate carboxylase in the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea, Oecologia, 29: 63-66

Ribulosediphosphate carboxylase can be extracted from Pseudevernia furfuracea, either by Triton X-100 or by pretreatment with liquid nitrogen. With respect to HCO 3- the Km is 33 mM. The enzyme is competitively inhibited by sulfite, as is the case with spinach chloroplasts. The K~ value (t5.5-18.5 mM sulfite) indicates that in lichens the enzyme is not more sensitive than that in spinach. Thus the extreme sensitivity of lichens to SO 2 is not based on low tolerance at the enzymatic level, but … EN Read more... 

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