Page 3595 of 3773 Results 35941 - 35950 of 37722
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Yenisoy-Karakaş S. & Tuncel S.G. (2004): Geographic patterns of elemental deposition in the Aegean region of Turkey indicated by the lichen, Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr., Science of the Total Environment, 329: 43-60

Lichen samples from different parts of the world have been known to accumulate elements to a greater degree than higher plants, if they are exposed to these elements from the atmosphere or from water and sediments. It has been hypothesized that lichens can be used to monitor air pollution around point and area emission sources. Local variation (variation in substrate, age and morphology of lichen samples) of element concentrations would not be large enough to affect the concentration patterns … EN Read more... 

Yeshitela K., Fischer E., Killmann D. & Sérusiaux E. (2009): Two new foliicolous species of Enterographa ( Roccellaceae) from Kenya, Lichenologist, 41(1): 17-23

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Yeshitela K., Fischer E., Killmann D. & Sérusiaux E. (2009): Aspidothelium hirsutum (Thelenellaceae) and Caprettia goderei (Monoblastiaceae), two new species of foliicolous lichens from Ethiopia and Kenya, Bryologist, 112(4): 850–855

The foliicolous lichens Aspidothelium hirsutum and Caprettia goderei are described as new from the Godere Forest in southwestern Ethiopia, the former also found in the Kakamega Forest in Kenya. EN Read more... 

Yiğit M. & Halici M.G. (2024): DNA barcoding of some lichenized and lichenicolous fungi from Galindez Island (Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica), Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 13(25): 61–72

Galindez Island (65° 15′ S, 64° 15′ W) is one of the Argentine Islands located in the West Antarctic Peninsula, 5-6 km away from the main continent. It has a total surface area of 0.8 km2 and an annual temperature range of 9–13°С. There are not many studies providing information about lichenized fungi on Galindez Island. This study aimed to DNA barcode some lichenized and lichenicolous fungi from Galindez Island (Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica). Lichenized fungi were collected from Galindez … URL EN Read more... 

Yiğit M. & Halıcı M.G. (2025): Contributions to the knowledge of the lichenized fungal genera Amandinea, Buellia and Tetramelas (Ascomycota, Caliciaceae) in Antarctica, Polar Biology, 48: 15 [26 p.]

Lichenized fungi are the dominant elements of the Antarctic terrestrial vegetation. Recently, biodiversity studies of lichenized fungi in Antarctica have increased and the studies have started to become more phylogeny-based. Previous studies on the genera Amandinea, Buellia and Tetramelas in Antarctica and also Southern Hemisphere were mostly based on their anatomical-morphological and chemical properties. The present study is aimed at contributing to these three buellioid genera in Antarctica especially … URL EN Read more... 

Yildiz A. & John V. (2002): Additional lichen records from Kastamonu province (Turkey), Flora Mediterranea, 12: 315-322

New for Turkey; Bacidia circumspecta, B. friesiana, Diplotomma nivale, D. venustum, Schismatomma pericleum EN Read more... 

Yildiz A., John V. & Yurdakulol E. (2002): Lichens from the Cangal Mountains (Sinop, Turkey, Cryptogamie, Mycologie, 23(1): 81-88

New to Turkey: Aspicilia grisea, Caloplaca obscurella, Cliostomum corrugatum, Evernia illyrica, Melanelia subargentifera, Micarea sylvicola, Porpidia glaucophaea EN Read more... 

Yildiz Ü.C., Kiliç C., Gürgen A. & Yildiz S. (2020): Possibility of using lichen and mistletoe extracts as potential natural wood preservative, Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología, 22(2): 179–188

Increasing environmental pressures on toxic chemical wood preservatives lead to the development of natural and environmentally friendly wood preservatives. In this study, using possibilities of lichen (Usnea filipendula) and leaves of mistletoe (Viscum album) as potential natural wood preservative were researched. Impregnation procedure was applied at four different concentration levels and with two different extraction methods (hot water and methanol). The concentration levels were arranged … URL EN Read more... 

Yin A.C., Wang X.Y., Liu D., Zhang Y.Y., Yang M.X., Li L.J. & Wang L.S. (2019): Two new species of Placolecis (lichenized Ascomycota) from China, Mycobiology, 47(4): 401–407

Two new species of the lichen genus Placolecis are discovered in China, namely P. kunmingensis An. C. Yin & Li S. Wang and P. sublaevis An. C. Yin & Li S. Wang. The new combination P. loekoesiana (S.Y. Kondr., Farkas, J.J. Woo & Hur) An. C. Yin is proposed. Placolecis kunmingensis is characterized by having simple, spherical or ellipsoid, hyaline spores, and pear-shaped pycnidia; while P. sublaevis can be distinguished by its thallus forming larger aggregations with slightly flattened lobes at … EN Read more... 

Yin A.C., Zhong Q.Y., Scheidegger C., Jin J.Z., Worthy F.R., Wang L.S. & Wang X.Y. (2023): The phylogeny and taxonomy of Glypholecia (Acarosporaceae lichenized Ascomycota), including a new species from northwestern China, Mycokeys, (98): 153-165

Glypholecia qinghaiensis An C. Yin, Q. Y. Zhong & Li S. Wang is described as new to science. It is characterized by its squamulose thallus, compound apothecia, ellipsoid asco -spores, and the presence of rhizines on the lower surface of the thallus. A phylogenetic tree of Glypholecia species was constructed based on nrITS and mtSSU sequences. Two species G. qinghaiensis and G. scabra are confirmed in China. cosmopolitan, lichenized fungi, morphological diversity, phylogenetic anal-yses, Tibetan Plateau, … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3595 of 3773 Results 35941 - 35950 of 37722