Yin A.C., Zhong Q.Y., Scheidegger C., Jin J.Z., Worthy F.R., Wang L.S. & Wang X.Y.
The phylogeny and taxonomy of Glypholecia (Acarosporaceae lichenized Ascomycota), including a new species from northwestern China,
(98): 153-165
Glypholecia qinghaiensis An C. Yin, Q. Y. Zhong & Li S. Wang is described as new to science. It is characterized by its squamulose thallus, compound apothecia, ellipsoid asco -spores, and the presence of rhizines on the lower surface of the thallus. A phylogenetic tree of Glypholecia species was constructed based on nrITS and mtSSU sequences. Two species G. qinghaiensis and G. scabra are confirmed in China. cosmopolitan, lichenized fungi, morphological diversity, phylogenetic anal-yses, Tibetan Plateau, …