Page 3592 of 3679 Results 35911 - 35920 of 36788
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Бязров Л.Г. & Пельгунова Л.А. [Biazrov L.G. & Pelgunova L.A.] (2015): Оценка состояния воздушного бассейна территорий двух муниципальных районов Москвы по данным измерений концентраций элементов в слоевищах лишайника Xanthoria parietina - Cовременная микология в Pоссии, 4: 332–336

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Бязров Л.Г. & Пельгунова Л.А. [Biazrov L.G. & Pelgunova L.A.] (2015): Концентрации свинца (Pb) в слоевищах лишайника Xanthoria parietina с различных участков присоединенной в 2012 г. к Москве территории [Concentrations of lead (Pb) in thalli of lichen Xanthoria parietina from different plots of area integrated to Moscow city territory in 2012] - Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы. Oтдел биологический [Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological series], 120(2): 49–57

[in Russian with English summary: ] Data about concentrations of lead in thalli of epiphytic lichen Xanthoria parietina, sampled in 2012 in joined part of the Moscow region to Moscow city in the same year are presented. This territory was divided into 17sections, on each of which outside of settlements and far from motor roads have sampled on 10 lichen specimens from trunks of deciduous trees. The range of mean concentration Pb vary between sections from 0,28 up to 8,30, at mean value of 2,42 mg/kg … EndNote Read more... 

Вайнштейн Е.А. [Vainschtein E.A.] (1996): Применение флуорисцентного метода для оценки состояния лишайников. De methodo fluorescente ad statum lichenum aestimandum adhibita notula - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 31: 94-97

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Вараксина В.Н. [Varaksina V.N.] (2009): К вопросу о маркерных анатомо-морфологических параметрах возрастных состояний лишайника кладонии бахромчатой (Сladonia fimbriata (L.) Fr.) [To the issue of marker anatomico/morphological parameters of ontogenetic conditions of lichen Сladonia fimbriata (L.) Fr.] - Известия Самарского научного центра Российской академии наук [“Izvestia” Samara's science center of Russian Academy of Sciences], 11(1): 728-732

[In Russian with English summary:] We have studied marker anatomico-morfological parameters of ontogenetic conditions of radially-fructicosi lichen Сladonia fimbriata (L.) Fr. We also developed schema of ontogenesis this lichen. Key word: lichen, cenopopulations. EndNote Read more... 

Веденеев А.М. [Vedeneev A.M.] (1996): Первые сведения о лихенофлоре Малой излучины Дона (Волгоградская область). Notitiae primae de lichenoflora meandri Tanaidis Minoris (prov. Volgogradensis) - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 31: 98-100

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Вехов Н.В. & Кулиев А.Н. [Vekhov N.V. & Kuliev A.N.] (1998): Лишайники, мохообразные и сосудистые растения полярных пустынь архипелаrа Новая Земля [Lichens, bryophytes and vascular plants of polar deserts of Novaya Zemlya Archipelago] - Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы. Oтдел биологический [Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological series], 103(3): 44–50

[in Russian with English summary: ] Species composition and distribution of lichens and vascular plants in three places of Arctic deserts on Severnyi Island of Novaya Zemlya Archipelago are considered in the present paper. The data were obtained in summer, 1995. 55 lichen species and subspecies, 64 species and subspecies of hepatic and leafy mosses and 54 species of flowering plants were found there for the first time. Lichenoflora includes species with arctic-alpine areas, common for the Arctic … EndNote Read more... 

Войцехович A.О. & Димитрова Л.В. [Voytsekhovich A.O. & Dymytrova L.V.] (2011): Нові та цікаві знахідки представників родів Printzina R.H. Thomps. et Wujek та Trentepohlia C.F.P. Martius (Trentepohliaceae, Chlorophyta) [New and interesting findings of Printzina R.H. Thomps. et Wujek and Trentepohlia C.F.P. Martius taxa (Trentepohliaceae, Chlorophyta)] - Український Ботанічний Журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal], 68(5): 739–752

[In Ukrainian with English abstract: ] The paper contains information about new and rare taxa of Printzina R.H. Thomps. et Wujek and Trentepohlia C.F.P. Martius indicated as lichen photobionts or aerophytic algae on different substrata. T. aurea var. lanosa Kutz. is a new record for Ukraine, T. aurea var. acutata Schmidle — for Europe, T. aurea var. tomentosa Kutz. — for the USA. Printzina lagenifera (E.M. Hildebr.) R.H. Thomps. et Wujek is found as photobiont in lichens Arthonia radiata (Pers.) … EndNote Read more... 

Войцехович А.А., Михайлюк Т.И. & Дариенко Т.М. [Voytsekhovich A.A., Mikhailyuk T.I. & Darienko T.M.] (2011): Фотобионты лишайников. 2: Происхождение и корреляция с микобионтом [Lichen photobionts. 2: Origin and correlation with mycobiont] - Альгология [Algologia], 21(2): 151–177

Composition of lichen photobionts closely correlates with some taxonomic groups of lichen-forming fungi. More than 55 % of these fungi are associated with Trebouxia Puym. and Asterochloris Tscherm.-Woess, around 40 % with Cyanoprokaryota, about 8 % with Trentepohliales, and 20 % with other green algae. However, not all lichen associations are stable in long terms and therefore several photobiont species can be present in the same lichen thallus. Some lichens constantly include several photobiont … EndNote Read more... 

Войцехович А.А., Михайлюк Т.И. & Дариенко Т.М. [Voytsekhovich A.A., Mikhailyuk T.I. & Darienko T.M.] (2011): Фотобионты лишайников. 1: разнообразие, экологические особенности, взаимоотношения и пути совместной эволюции с микобионтом [Lichen photobionts. 1: biodiversity, ecophysiology and co-evolution with the mycobiont] - Альгология [Algologia], 21(1): 3–26

According to published data, 147 algal species can be lichenized with asco- and basidiomycetes. Most of these algal species belonged to the Chlorophyta (108 species) and Cyanoprokaryota (36). Two different lichenization types can be distinguished (facultative and obligate). Most photobionts are facultative and can therefore also occur free-living in terrestrial habitats. In contrast, some species of the genera Trebouxia Puym., Asterochloris Tscherm.- Woess, Coccomyxa Schmidle, and Pseudococcomyxa … EndNote Read more... 

Войцехович А.О. [Voytsekhovich A.O.] (2013): Нові для України види наземних водоростей з території Карадазького природного заповідника [New for Ukraine records of terrestrial algae from Karadag Nature Reserve] - Український Ботанічний Журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal], 70(2): 256-263

[In Ukraininian with English summary:] The paper contains data on 12 new for the Ukrainian flora species of terrestrial algae (aerophytes and lichen photobionts) from the territory of Karadag Nature Reserve (Crimea, Ukraine): Gloeocapsopsis chroococcoides (Nováček) Komárek, Asterochloris excentrica (P.A. Archibald) Škaloud et Peksa, Coccomyxa mucigena Jaag, C. rayssiae Chodat et Jaag, Leptosira thrombii Tscherm.-Woess, Prasiococcus calcarius (J.B. Petersen) Vischer, Trebouxia asymmetrica … EndNote Read more... 

Page 3592 of 3679 Results 35911 - 35920 of 36788