Гимельбрант Д.Е., Нотов А.А. & Степанчикова И.С. [Himelbrant D.E., Notov A.A. & Stepanchikova I.S.]
Лихенофлористические находки в Тверской области -
Вестник Тверского государственного университета. Серия: Биология и экология [Herald of Tver State University. Series: Biology and Ecology],
22(12): 125–141
[in Russian with English abstract: ] Records of new for the Tver Region and rare lichen species are presented. Among them 33 species are new to the Tver Region. Bacidia rosella, Biatora flavopunctata, Cliostomum leprosum, Japewia tornoёnsis, Lecanora hypoptoides, Nephroma laevigatum, Ochrolechia szatalaensis, Pertusaria flavida, Stictis brunnescens and Tremella lichenicola reported for the first time for the Central Russia.
Keywords: lichens, lichen flora, Tver Region, new records.