Будаева С.Э. [Budaeva S.E.]
Лишайники хвойных лесов и каменистых выходов, скал горно-лесного Пояса Бурятии [THE LICHENS OF CONIFEROUS WOODS, STONY OUTPUTS AND ROCKS OF MONTAIN-WOOD BELT OF BURYATYA] -
Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии: Сборник научных статей по материалам XI Mеждународной научно-практической конференции (28–31 августа 2012 г., Барнаул) / Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia: Proceedings of the 11th Internationa,
p. 33-35, Барнаул: APТИКА [Barnaul: Aptika]
In Russian with English summary as follows: In the article the lichens of coniferous woods growing on boulders of stony looses of mountain systems
in Buryatiya are considered. The lichens of tropical origin have been found in forests of the Barguzini
reserve, of Frolikhinski zakaznik, on foothills of Ikatski and Ulan-Burgasi mountains, of Vitimski plateau,
on the foothills of Tunkinski bald mountain.