Page 3586 of 3751 Results 35851 - 35860 of 37507
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Yosioka I., Yamauchi H., Morimoto K. & Kitigawa I. (1968): Two new chlorine containing anthraquinones from a lichen, Anaptychia obscurata (Nyl.) Vain, Tetrahedron Lett., 9: 1149-1152

anthraquinones, chemistry, Anaptychia obscurata EN PDF Read more... 

Yosioka I., Yamauchi H., Morimoto K. & Kitigawa I. (1968): The pigment constituents of some Anaptychia species, Jour. Jap. Bot., 43: 343-348

Anaptychia, pigments EN PDF Read more... 

Youn U.J., So J.E., Kim J.H., Han S.J., Park H., Kim C. & Yim J.H. (2018): Chemical constituents from the Antarctic lichen, Stereocaulon caespitosum, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology , 80: 73–75

A phytochemical study of the methanol extract of the Antarctic lichen Stereocaulon caespitosum Redgr. led to the isolation of a tridepside (1), two depsides (2 and 3), a montagnetol derivative (4), and four mono-phenolic compounds (5–8). The structures of these compounds were confirmed by 1D- and 2D-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments, as well as by comparison with published values. This is the first phytochemical study of S. caespitosum. In particular, compounds 1, 3, 4, and 8 have been … EN Read more... 

Young K.E., Bowker M.A., Reed S.C., Duniway M.C. & Belnap J. (2019): Temporal and abiotic fluctuations may be preventing successful rehabilitation of soil-stabilizing biocrust communities, Ecological Applications, 29(5): e01908 [13 p.]

Land degradation is a persistent ecological problem in many arid and semiarid systems globally (drylands hereafter). Most instances of dryland degradation include some form of soil disturbance and/or soil erosion, which can hinder vegetation establishment and reduce ecosystem productivity. To combat soil erosion, researchers have identified a need for rehabilitation of biological soil crusts (biocrusts), a globally relevant community of organisms aggregating the soil surface and building soil … EN Read more... 

Young K.E., Grover H.S. & Bowker M.A. (2016): Altering biocrusts for an altered climate, New Phytologist, 210: 18–22

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Young M.E. (1998): Algal and lichen growth following chemical stone cleaning, Journal of Architectural Conservation, 4(3): 48–58

Chemical cleaning methods have commonly been used to remove soiling from sandstone building facades. There has been anecdotal evidence suggesting that algal regrowth on facades can be increased following cleaning. It is shown here that both algal and lichen growths on sandstones may be substantially increased following chemical cleaning if the cleaning agents leave residues of phosphate (a nutrient normally in limited supply) in the sandstone. The growth of algae and lichens on samples of chemically-cleaned … EN Read more... 

Yu H., Shen X., Liu D., Hong M. & Lu Y. (2019): The protective effects of β-sitosterol and vermicularin from Thamnolia vermicularis (Sw.) Ach. against skin aging in vitro, Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 91(4):e20181088 [11 p.]

Aged skin, featured with dryness and wrinkles, has received mounting attention due to its adverse influences on beauty. β-Sitosterol and vermicularin are two common active ingredients of Thamnolia vermicularis (Sw.) Ach., a traditional Chinese medicine, of which the anti-aging effect has been discovered. Their protective performance against skin aging was assayed by co-culturing with skin cells in this work. Results showed that β-sitosterol promoted the biosynthesis of hyaluronic acid by increasing … URL EN Read more... 

Yu N.H., Kim J.A., Jeong M.-H., Cheng Y.H. & Hur J.-S. (2015): Heterologous expression of lichen-formin fungal PKS genes in Aspergillus nidulans, Lichenology, 13(2): 84

Japan, abstracts of the Akita International Symposium of Lichenology (July 2014) EN Read more... 

Yu N.H., Kim J.A., Jeong M.H., Cheong Y.H., Jung J.S. & Hur J.-S. (2013): Characterization of two novel non-reducing polyketide synthase genes from the lichen-forming fungus Hypogymnia physodes, Mycological Progress, 12: 519–524

Lichens are known to produce a variety of secondary metabolites including polyketides, which have valuable biological activities. Some polyketides are produced solely by lichens. The biosynthesis of these compounds is primarily governed by iterative type I polyketide synthases. Hypogymnia physodes synthesize polyketides such as physodic, physodalic and hydroxyphysodic acid and atranorin, which are non-reducing polyketides. Two novel nonreducing polyketide synthase (PKS) genes were isolated from … EN Read more... 

Yu N.H., Park S.-Y., Kim J.A., Park C.-H., Jeong M.-H., Oh S.-O., Hong S.G., Talavera M., Divakar P.K. & Hur J.-S. (2018): Endophytic and endolichenic fungal diversity in maritime Antarctica based on cultured material and their evolutionary position among Dikarya, Fungal Systematics and Evolution, 2: 263–272

Fungal endophytes comprise one of the most ubiquitous groups of plant symbionts. They live asymptomatically within vascular plants, bryophytes and also in close association with algal photobionts inside lichen thalli. While endophytic diversity in land plants has been well studied, their diversity in lichens and bryophytes are poorly understood. Here, we compare the endolichenic and endophytic fungal communities isolated from lichens and bryophytes in the Barton Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. … EN Read more... 

Page 3586 of 3751 Results 35851 - 35860 of 37507