Yamamoto Y., Takeda M., Sato Y., Hara K., Komine M. & Inamoto T.
Inhibitory effects of the extracts of natural thalli and cultured mycobionts of lichens against 15 bacteria,
9( 1): 11-17
Screening test on growth inhibition against 15 bacteria was performed with use of the acetone extracts of 70 species of natural thalli and 34 species of cultured mycobionts of lichens. The extract of natural thallus of Anaptychia palmulata (Michx.) Vain, that does not contain usnic acid, depside and depsidones previously reported as antibiotics showed moderate antibacterial activity against three bacterial strains. On the other hand, the extracts of three cultured mycobionts of Cladonia boryi Tuck., …