Аристархова Е.А. & Суслова Е.Г. [Aristarkhova E.A. & Suslova E.G.]
Редкие эпифитные лишайники в растительных сообществах нарушенных территорий и их применение в биоиндикации на примере Московской области [Rare epiphytic lichens in phytocenoses of anthropogenic disturbed territories and their application in bioindication (Moscow region)] -
Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии [Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia],
19(2): 177–183
[in Russian with English summary: ]
The article analyzes the ecology and distribution of species of genera: Bryoria Brodo et D. Hawksw., Ramalina
Ach., Usnea Dill. ex Adans., found in Moscow region and listed in the red book of the region (2018). It is based on
literature materials and monitoring data that we conducted as part of the «Verkhovye» Nature protection Fund in 2010–
In the period from 1906 to 1995, a greater number of Ramalina species were cited for Moscow region than at …