Аверчук А.С. [Averchuk A.S.]
Екоморфи лишайників у місцезростаннях околиць м. Іловайська [Ecomorphs of lichens in the places of growth in the outskirts of Ilovaysk town] -
Проблеми екології та охорони природи техногенного регіону (Донецьк: ДонНУ),
1(9): 37-42
The paper presents the results of systematic and ecological floristic investigations on lichens in ecotopes near the town Ilovaisk,
Donetsk region. Systematical analysis has shown that lichenoflora comprises 22 species which belong to 13 genera, 10
families. Five species of them, namely – Acarospora schorica Vodop., Lecanora erysibantha Nyl., Placolecanora
thulensis (Th. Fr.) Kopacz., Sarcogyne gibberella (Nyl.) H. Magn. – are rare ones both for the south-east as and the
whole territory of …