Page 3576 of 3674 Results 35751 - 35760 of 36739
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Аверчук А.С. [Averchuk A.S.] (2009): Екоморфи лишайників у місцезростаннях околиць м. Іловайська [Ecomorphs of lichens in the places of growth in the outskirts of Ilovaysk town] - Проблеми екології та охорони природи техногенного регіону (Донецьк: ДонНУ), 1(9): 37-42

The paper presents the results of systematic and ecological floristic investigations on lichens in ecotopes near the town Ilovaisk, Donetsk region. Systematical analysis has shown that lichenoflora comprises 22 species which belong to 13 genera, 10 families. Five species of them, namely – Acarospora schorica Vodop., Lecanora erysibantha Nyl., Placolecanora thulensis (Th. Fr.) Kopacz., Sarcogyne gibberella (Nyl.) H. Magn. – are rare ones both for the south-east as and the whole territory of … EndNote Read more... 

Аверчук А.С. [Averchuk A.S.] (2010): Поширення Cetraria steppae (Savicz) Kärnef. на південному сході України [Distribution of Cetraria steppae (Savicz) Kärnef. in the south-east of Ukraine] - Український ботанічний журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal], 67(3): 454-456

One of the reasons for decline in abundance of rare and threatened species, including lichens, is uncontrolled pressure on the natural environment. Cetraria steppae (Savicz) Kärnef. listed in the «Red Data Book of Ukraine» (2009) is endangered and could become extinct without future management and control of the steppe plots where the species occurs. Distribution of the species and reasons of its abundance decline in the South-East of Ukraine are considered; recommendations for conservation … EndNote Read more... 

Аверчук А.С. [Averchuk A.S.] (2010): Раритетні види ліхенофлори Донецької області [Rare species of lichen flora of Donetsk region] - Проблеми екології та охорони природи техногенного регіону (Донецьк: ДонНУ), 1(10): 40-46

The article presents a list of rare lichens of Donetsk region which includes 12 species. Information regarding the causes of decline of abundance, distribution and biomorphological symptoms is given for each species. We give general recommendations for saving and protection of rare species of lichen. Key words: lichens, Donetsk region, the Red Book of Ukraine. EndNote Read more... 

Аверчук А.С. [Averchuk A.S.] (2009): Порівняння видового складу лишайників територій з різним ступенем техногенного забруднення повітря на південному сході України [Сomparison of specific composition of the lichens found in the territories with different level of technogenic air pollution in the south-east of Ukraine] - Промышленная ботаника, Донецк [Industrial Botany, Donetsk], 9: 84-89

The study of the lichenoflora of three urban territories (Donetsk, Shakhtarsk, Torez) with high anthropopression chosen by the index of average annual concentration of air pollutants yielded 28 species of lichens related to 16 genera, 9 families. The observed data on the spread of lichens adequately reflect the level of air pollution which is corroborated by instrumental investigation. Thus, it is advantageous to use lichens as biomarkers of pollution for anthropogenically transformed environments. EndNote Read more... 

Алвердиева С.М. [Alverdieva S.M.] (2012): Виды семейства Parmeliaceae в Азербайджане [Species of the family Parmeliaceae in Azerbaijan] - AMEA Botanika İnstitutunun elmi əsərləri, 32: 82-90

Synopsis of Parmeliaceae in Azerbaijan. [In Russian]. EndNote Read more... 

Алвердиева С.М. [Alverdiyeva S.M.] (2020): Первые сведения о лишайниках Хызинского района Азербайджана [The first records of lichens of the Khizi Region (Republic of Azerbaijan)] - Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 54(1): 87–92

[in Russian with English abstract: ] The article provides a list of lichens, based on the identification of samples collected by the author in Khizi Region of Azerbaijan. Altogether 37 species were identified for the first time for the region, including 2 species ― Lepraria finkii and Physcia phaea ― new for the lichen flora of Azerbaijan. Information about substrates, habitats and localities is given for each species. Keywords: new records, distribution, Altyaghach National Park. URL EndNote Read more... 

Алексеева Н.А. & Хозяинова Н.В. [Alexeyeva N.A. & Khozyainova N.V.] (2008): К вопросу о лихенофлоре Пуровского района Тюменской области [ON LICHEN FLORA OF THE PUR DISTRICT, TYUMEN OBLAST] - Вестник экологии, лесоведения и ландшафтоведения (Тюмень) [Vestnik ekologii, lesovedenija i landshaftovedenija], 8: 43-50

The article cites data on lichen flora of forest and swamp phytocenoses in the Pur District. Identified, 79 lichen species from 14 families. [In Russian] EndNote Read more... 

Альструп В., Заварзин А.А., Коцоуркова Я., Кравченко А.В., Фадеева М.А. & Шифельбайн У. [Alstrup V., Zavarzin A.A., Kocourkova J., Kravchenko A.V., Fadeeva M.A. & Shiefelbein U.] (2005): Лишайники и лихенофильные грибы, обнаруженные в Северном Приладожье (Республика Карелия) в ходе международной полевой экскурсии в августе 2004 г., предшествующей Пятому конгрессу Международной Лихонологической Ассоциации: Предварительный отчет [Lichens and lichenicolous fungi found in Northern Ladoga Area (Republic of Karelia) during The International fieldtrip in August 2004, prior to The fifth C - Биогеография Карелии. Труды Карельского научного центра РАН, Серия "Биология", Петрозаводск [Biogeography of Karelia. Proceedings of the Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, ser. Biology, Petrozavodsk], 7: 3-16

The article contains preliminary results from the inventory of lichen flora of the Northern Ladoga region (Sortavala and Pitkaranta districts of Republic of Karelia) made in the course of the International field trip arranged in August 2004. A list of 413 species and infraspecific taxa of lichens and lichenicolous fungi is provided. 30 lichen species and 33 species of lichenicolous fungi are reported for the first time for the flora of Republic of Karelia. [In Russian] EndNote Read more... 

Андерссон Л., Алексеева Н.М. & Кузнецова Е.С. [Andersson L., Alexeeva N.M. & Kuznetsova E.S.] (2009): Лесные сообщества [Forest communities]. - In: Андерссон Л., Алексеева Н.М. & Кузнецова Е.С. [Andersson L., Alexeeva N.M. & Kuznetsova E.S.], Выявление и обследование биологически ценных лесов на Северо-Западе Европейской части России. Том 2. Пособие по определению видов, используемых при обследовании на уровне выделов - [Survey of biologically valuable forests in North-Western European Russia. Vol. 2. Identification manual of species to be used during survey at stand level], p. 239-253, СПб: типография «Победа» [St. Petersburg]

Russia/Rossia, Karelia, taiga forest, phytocoenology; characteristic lichens for certain forest-types and habitats listed EndNote Read more... 

Андреев М.П. [Andreev M.P.] (2005): Лишайники региона залива Прюдс (Восточная Антарктика). Lichens of the Prydz Bay area (Eastern Antarctica) - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 39: 169–178

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Page 3576 of 3674 Results 35751 - 35760 of 36739