Page 3570 of 3770 Results 35691 - 35700 of 37696
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Xiao B., Bowker M.A. , Zhao Y., Chamizo S. & Issa O.M. (2022): Biocrusts: Engineers and architects of surface soil properties, functions, and processes in dryland ecosystems, Geoderma, 424: 116015 [5 p.]

Biocrusts are photosynthetic biotic communities of cryptogams and microbes that aggregate minerals at the soil surface in many ecosystems. Due to their high tolerance to harsh environments, biocrusts are present in a wide range of habitats, but are especially representative ground covers in regions with restricted vegetation growth, such as drylands (hyperarid, arid, semiarid, and dry subhumid regions) where water is a limiting factor, or high latitude or altitude regions where cold is a … URL EN Read more... 

Xiao J., Vogl J., Rosner M., Deng L. & Jin Z. (2019): A validated analytical procedure for boron isotope analysis in plants by MC-ICP-MS, Talanta, 196: 389–394

Boron (B) is an essential micronutrient for plant growth. Lack of valid methods for pretreatment and measurement of δ11B in plant restrict applications of it in the biosphere. Dry ashing, one step cation exchange and micro-sublimation were combined to separate and purify boron (B) in plant tissues. The low procedure blank, high B recovery and the accurate δ11B values of the plant reference materials demonstrate that this method is suitable and valid for B pretreatment and δ11B measurement … EN Read more... 

Xiao Y.-Q., Wang L.-S., Liu P.-G. & Hur J.-S. (2006): Notes on the lichen genus Polychidium from China, Lichenology, 5(1): 53-57

The genus Polychidium is reported for the first tim e from m ainland China, with P. dendriscum as new for China. A detailed description and illustration of this species is presented, based on the materials collected from Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces. A taxonomic discussion, mainly related to morphological and anatomical differences ofP.dendriscumwith the other Polychidiumspecies, and Dendriscocaulon intricatulum is also provided. Polychidium, P. dendriscum, Dendriscocaulon intricatulum EN Read more... 

Xiao Y.-Q., Yu F.-Q., Wang L.-S., Liu P.-G. & Hur J.-S. (2005): Lichenomphalia hudsoniana (Lichenized Basidiomycota) from China, Lichenology, 4(1): 29–32

The fertile fruitbodies of Lichenomphalia hudsoniana are reported for the first time in China. External morphology, anatomy and habitat data are also provided, as well as the distribution in China. Key words: basidiolichen, Omphalina, China. EN Read more... 

Xiao Y.Q., Oh S.-O., Wang L.-S., Liu P.-G., Han K.S., Koh YJ. & Hur J.-S. (2007): Lichen genus Anzia (lichenized Ascomycota, Parmeliaceae) in Korea, Lichenology, 6(1): 1-10

To clarify the taxonomy of Anzia on the Korean Peninsula, field surveys were made on the main mountains of South Korea, and careful examination of the specimens was carried out. Among the five species of Anzia previously reported, A, opuntiella and A. colpota were confirmed to occur. A description with illustration In detail is provided for each species. The other three species, A. hypoleucoides, A. Japonica, and A. ornata were not found in the present study, and the voucher specimens of the previous … EN Read more... 

Xie C.-M., Ren Z.-J., Wang C.-X. & Zhang L.-L. (2020): Four species of Fuscidea new to China, Herzogia, 33: 447–454

Fuscidea asbolodes, F. elixii and F. scrupulosa are reported for the first time in Asia and F. recensa var. arcuatula is new to China. Detailed taxonomic descriptions with illustrations as well as a key to all known Chinese Fuscidea species are provided. Key words: Taxonomy, lichen-forming fungi, Fuscideaceae. URL EN Read more... 

Xie C.-M., Wang L.-S., Zhao Z.-T., Zhang Y.-Y., Wang X.-Y. & Zhang L.-L. (2022): Revision of Immersaria and a new lecanorine genus in Lecideaceae (lichenised Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes), MycoKeys, 87: 99–132

The species Immersaria cupreoatra has been included in Bellemerea. This caused us to reconsider the relationships between Bellemerea and the lecanorine species of Immersaria and to question the monophyly of Immersaria. Amongst 25 genera of the family Lecideaceae, most have lecideine apothecia, the exceptions being Bellemerea and Koerberiella, which have lecanorine apothecia. According to previous classifications, Immersaria included species with both lecanorine and lecideine apothecia. A five-loci … URL EN Read more... 

Xie C.-M., Zhao Z.-T., Cheng P.-F. & Zhang L.-L. (2021): Additional species of Pyrenula (Pyrenulaceae) from China, Herzogia, 34: 93–100

Pyrenula acutispora, P. adacta, P. aggregata, P. cayennensis and P. confoederata are new to China. Pyrenula dermatodes and P. fetivica are new to Heilongjiang Province and P. fetivica and P. mamillana are new to Guangxi Province. Except for the two species reported from Taoshan National Forest Park in the cool-temperate province of Heilongjiang, all records originate from a virgin forest at Mt. Shengtang in the subtropical province of Guangxi. Detailed taxonomic descriptions with illustrations … URL EN Read more... 

Xigurigan, Tunuomula, Haliga, Shu Z.B., Ganchimeg, Qirigeer, Li G.Y. & Laxinamujila B. (2021): Two new depsidones from Parmelia saxatilis, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 57(1): 63–65

Two new depsidones, diffractione B (1) and salazinin A (2), and two known compounds, the dibenzofuran derivative usnic acid (3) and depsidone salazinic acid (4), were isolated from Parmelia saxatilis. The structures of the isolated compounds were identified by spectral analysis and comparison with literature data. Keywords: Traditional Mongolian medicine, Parmelia saxatilis, chemical compound. EN Read more... 

Xiong Y.-J., Qin Q.-L. & Ren Q. (2020): Three species of crustose lichens new to China, 热带亚热带植物学报 [Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany], 28: 91–95

Porina byssophila, Sarcogyne privigna and Trimmatothelopsis versipellis collected from Mt. Kunyu in Shandong Province, are reported as new record species to China. The detailed description of morphology, anatomy, chemistry and the distribution are also given. Key words: Lichenized fungi; Porinaceae; Acarosporaceae. EN Read more... 

Page 3570 of 3770 Results 35691 - 35700 of 37696