Page 3521 of 3644 Results 35201 - 35210 of 36438
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Zhurbenko M. (2022): Two new species of Lichenotubeufia (Dothideomycetes, Tubeufiales) from Chile and New Zealand, with a revised key to the genus - Lichenologist, 54(2): 117-122

Two species of lichenicolous fungi are described as new to science: Lichenotubeufia etayoi Zhurb. (on Trachyderma), with light orange peri- thecia up to 360 μm diam., non-fasciculate excipular hairs, and 10–13-septate ascospores, 110–162 × 3–5 μm; and L. tibellii Zhurb. (on Coccocarpia), with light orange perithecia up to 275 μm diam., non-fasciculate excipular hairs, and 5–12-septate ascospores, 50–100 × 3– 4.5 μm. An updated key to the species of Lichenotubeufia is provided. Australasian … URL EndNote Read more... 

Zhurbenko M. (2002): Arthonia triebeliae (Arthoniales), a new lichenicolous fungus from the Arctic - Mycological Progress, 1(2): 137-141

Arthonia triebeliae sp. nov., living on the thalli of Dactylina arctica and Flavocetraria cucullata in the Siberian and Alaskan Arctic, is described and compared with similar species of its genus. Taxonomical novelty: Arthonia triebeliae Zhurb. EndNote Read more... 

Zhurbenko M. (2009): Sagediopsis pertusariicola (Verrucariales), a new lichenicolous ascomycete from the Arctic - Nova Hedwigia, 88(3-4): 549-555

Sagediopsis pertusariicola dwelling on Pertusaria is described from the Russian Arctic. A revised description of Sagediopsis campsteriana is also provided; the species is confined to Ochrolechia. O. inaequatula is reported as a new host for the latter species. EndNote Read more... 

Zhurbenko M. (1996): Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the northern Krasnoyarsk Territory, central Siberia - Mycotaxon, 58: 185-232

Acarospora cf. rhizobola, Agonimica tristicula, Lecanora cavicola, Pertusaria christae EndNote Read more... 

Zhurbenko M. (1998): Lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the north of Pyasino lake, Taimyr peninsula, Siberia [Pohaa pool Paasino aärve (Taimori ps., - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 32: 153-159

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Zhurbenko M. (2007): Corticifraga santessonii and C. chugachiana (Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota), new species of lichenicolous fungi from the Holarctic - Lichenologist, 39(3): 221-226

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Zhurbenko M. (2008): Lichenochora thorii (Phyllachorales), a new lichenicolous ascomycete from Europe - Nova Hedwigia, 87(3-4): 509-512

Lichenochora thorii growing on Aspicilia moenium is described as new to science from Italy and Germany. It differs from most members of the genus by its simple and pigmented ascospores. Key words: lichenicolous fungi, Lichenochora, new species, parasymbionts. EndNote Read more... 

Zhurbenko M. & Ahti T. (2005): Contribution to the study of the lichen genera Cladina and Cladonia in the Russian Arctic, mainly from Taimyr Peninsula and Severnaya Zemlya - Nova Hedwigia, 81(1-2): 79-95

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Zhurbenko M. & Daniëls F.J.A. (2003): New or rarely reported lichenicolous fungi and lichens from the Canadian Arctic - Mycotaxon, 88: 97-106

New to North America: Dacampia rufescentis, Lasiosphaeriopsis stereocaulicola, Pronectria solorinae, Stigmidium croceae, Taeniolella christiansenii. New to Canada: Dactylospora deminuta, Psora luridella, Stigmidium frigidum, Thamnogalla crombiei EndNote Read more... 

Zhurbenko M. & Dillman K. (2010): Polycoccum hymeniicola comb. nov. (Dacampiaceae) and other interesting lichenicolous fungi from southeastern Alaska - Bryologist, 113(2): 260–266

The new combination Polycoccum hymeniicola is introduced and a description of this insufficiently known fungus provided. This species and Chalara lobariae, Merismatium nigritellum, and Niesslia lobariae are new to North America. Arthrorhaphis aeruginosa, Lichenopuccinia poeltii, Opegrapha sphaerophoricola, and Roselliniella cladoniae are new to Alaska. Specimens of Abrothallus sp. with associated conidiomata on Erioderma sorediatum and of Paranectria cf. alstrupii on Fuscopannaria laceratula are … EndNote Read more... 

Page 3521 of 3644 Results 35201 - 35210 of 36438